REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Enrollment Management Committee (EMC) Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, Boardroom Monday, January 30, 2011 2:15 p.m. NOTES PRESENT Rachel Anderson, Jeff Cummings, Anna Duffy, (phone), Kathy Goodlive, Sheila Hall, Angelina Hill, Allen Keppner, Pam Kessler, Mark Renner (phone), Keith Snow-Flamer, Bruce Wagner. ALSO PRESENT Stacey Abbott, Jenn Bailey, Lee Lindsey, Michael Regan and Tiffany Schmitcke ACTION SUMMARY NOTES EMC summary notes of December 5, 2011, were approved as presented. DISCUSSION THREE YEAR FTES/TLU PROJECTIOS FROM EMC TO BPC Keith requested that the committee approve the revised FTES/TLU projections due to recent budget developments. It was noted that the committee would approve the revised projections but with concern regarding future growth and how the district will handle it. BUDGET OUTLOOK Lee Lindsey, Vice President Administrative Services presented an overview of the district’s projected revenue forecast for next year. He referred to the handout included in today’s agenda packet that outlined the best and worst case budget scenarios. Lee reported that the governor’s office under-estimated the number of BOG fee waivers awarded throughout the state which will result in a $540,000 deficit for the district. This unexpected expenditure will use any excess fund balance the district has acquired. Lee stated that he will ask cabinet to create a policy regarding building up the district’s fund balance above the required 5 percent. Discussion continued and Lee noted that the district needs to develop a rational plan to find solutions to address the budget challenges. There will be opportunities for all constituencies to make recommendations and give input on the budget issues. He also noted that close monitoring of the Fifty percent requirements are being done. There was also discussion regarding the possibility of closing the 101 Corridor sites and SERP as potential cost savings measures for the district. 2011-12 FTES PROJECTIONS Keith reviewed the projected Resident FTES for this year noting that the drop in numbers is less than expected. There was discussion regarding the “drop process” and when data is updated and if the FTES projections will hold for this semester. DRAFT SUMMER SCHEDULE TIMELINES The Summer Schedule subcommittee came up with some draft guidelines. Several scheduling scenarios were given and there was discussion regarding each. TLU allocations to the sites and centers, online courses and how best to serve graduating high school students was discussed. Discussion included the possibility of closing the sites on the 101 Corridor, Mendocino and Del Norte over the summer and offering online courses in place of classes at these locations. It was also suggested that the efficiency of courses be reviewed and only those with high fill rates be offered over the summer. Bruce stated that last summer there were almost no CTE courses offered and there was not much going on in the Physical Science building especially on Fridays. It was suggested that it may be possible for staff members from areas that are not busy during the summer to be reassigned to other parts of the campus that continue to be impacted. The committee requested that Tiffany rework the summer session dates with the first session beginning on May 29. The draft summer guidelines were approved by the committee. STRATEGY FOR TLU SEMESTER DISTRIBUTION Jeff thanked the subcommittee members for their work and he noted that what was done was to simplify this process. The subcommittee reviewed, gave definitions and took a general look at the student population. The subcommittee also discussed the breadth of course offerings, if seats are filled based on calculated sections because of need or because of availability and if too many TLUs are allocated in one area. There was discussion among the committee and it was decided to carry this forward to the next meeting. SCHEDULE DEVELOPMENT TIMELINE There was discussion on how to build the schedule for Summer 2012/Fall 2012/Spring 2013 planning for both the best and worst case budget scenarios. It was noted that there is concern with building a small fall and a then trying to make up FTES in the spring. Keith stated that to begin the development of the summer schedule sections should be turned into Tiffany by February 14 or sooner. ADJOURNED The meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m. SUBMITTED lw