REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Enrollment Management Committee (EMC) AD 201 Boardroom Monday, November 21, 2011 1:10 – 2:40 p.m. AGENDA EMC Mission To interpret enrollment trends, patterns and projections, student achievement/success data, basic skills student achievement data, and to inform all institutional divisions and units in meeting CR’s enrollment goals within a framework of collaboration continued growth and community alignment. The Enrollment Management Committee (EMC) also formulates enrollment goals consistent with the College’s mission and program review data, develops FTES budget projections, implements, monitors, and periodically revises the process of student enrollment and retention. 1. Call to Order 2. Approve November 7, 2011 Meeting Minutes* 3. Action Items 3.1 Approve FTES/TLU from EMC to BPC (Bruce and Keith) 4. Discussion Items 4.1 Co-Chair meeting with the President 4.2 Draft 2011-14 EM plan (Keith and Bruce) 5. Reports 6. Future Agenda items 6.1 How does the college improve student success, retention, persistence, and access? 6.2 How should the college Incentive basic skills improvement? 6.3 How do we improve completion? 6.4 Academic Program Demand 6.5 What alternative ways are there for the college to view and offer basic skills? 6.6 What does it mean to be college ready? 6.7 Are there PRC data that falls within the EMC’s purview for discussion? 7. Announcements 8. Adjournment REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Enrollment Management Committee (EMC) Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, Boardroom Monday, November 7, 2011 1:10 p.m. Draft NOTES PRESENT Rachel Anderson, Jennifer Bailey, Jeff Cummings, Anna Duffy, Kathy Goodlive, Sheila Hall, Angelina Hill, Anita Janis (phone), Allen Keppner, Pam Kessler, Mark Renner (phone), Keith SnowFlamer, Ken Strangfeld, Juana Tabares, Bruce Wagner and Danny Walker. ALSO PRESENT Roxanne Metz DISCUSSION SUMMARY NOTES EMC summary notes of October 17, 2011, were approved with corrections. EVALUATION RUBRIC Sheila explained the revisions to the evaluation rubric. It was moved/seconded (Cummings/Walker) and carried unanimously to approve the revised Evaluation Rubric. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SUMMER TLU ALLOCATIONS Rachel reported for the subcommittee working on the recommendation that based on what was moved from this spring and what summer is going to look like there will be a system in place to determine what needs to be done for summer to best serve students. Jeff stated that it was his understanding that we have allocated all the TLUs that we had for spring and the ones that were moved (50) would be what we had to work with for summer. Keith asked how the committee can best address the summer schedule and the best way to schedule it. Discussion followed regarding last summer’s schedule being too lean and enrollment being down. It was also noted that last summer’s schedule was not advertised until very late and that may have impacted enrollment. Discussion continued about when summer classes should start and end how many TLUs we are willing to have taken out of next year’s budget. There was discussion regarding the 50 sections that were cut from the spring schedule and what the process was for determining the courses that were cut. It was noted that this sort of thing seems to happen every semester and that as a committee we should be reviewing the schedule before it is released so that feedback can be provided. Committee members asked that if the cuts to schedule were not being discussed today that a special meeting be called to discuss this issue. Rachel noted that the subcommittee needs guidance so that the FTES target can be met. She will make a list of areas/items that the committee would like guidance on and Keith will present it to cabinet There was discussion regarding the 50 sections that were cut from the spring schedule and what the process was for determining the courses that were cut. It was noted that this sort of thing seems to happen every semester and that as a committee we should be reviewing the schedule before it is released so that feedback can be provided. Committee members asked that if the cuts to schedule were not being discussed today that a special meeting be called to discuss this issue. Rachel noted that the subcommittee needs guidance so that the FTES target can be met. She will make a list of areas/items that the committee would like guidance on and Keith will present it to cabinet RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FALL 2012 SCHEDULE BLOCK IMPROVEMENTS Jeff reported that the subcommittee met and concluded that with moving into the new building there will be changes and classroom allocations will need to be more clearly defined. At this time no changes to the schedule are being recommended. There was discussion about what impact will be on scheduling by having two less classrooms in the new building than we currently have. There was also discussion regarding the mid-day labs being a scheduling problem. REVIEW OF FTES/TLU Bruce reviewed the handout that he developed and sent out before the meeting. There was a discussion regarding midyear budget cuts and Bruce and Keith have been working with Barb Franklin regarding cutting overload and stipends out of the Associate Faculty budget. There was also discussion regarding the assumption of 2% growth in the next couple of years and it was noted that term “growth” should not be used and it may be better to use terminology such as “reestablish the base” or “establish a new base”. 2011-12 EM PLAN Keith stated that he would like to have the committee break into subcommittees to determine how we can move forward on the EM Plan. The committee provided feedback on several of the goals. Keith and Bruce will work to incorporate the changes and clean up the language. The goal is to have a draft by December 5. GE COURSE ANALYSIS Bruce reported that he and Rachel have been working with Angelina to beef up the website and it is now much more detailed. There have been a few things identified that are missing or need to be corrected. The main idea is to be able to compare GE areas and make sure as a committee that we are offering enough of the right courses and if we are putting our resources in the right places. He also noted that some adjustments have been made; cutting back in Social Sciences and Humanities, Speech may also be too heavy. Committee comments included: Look at what classes students needed historically. All departments are told to prepare, some faculty pad, people are going to defend their turf no matter what. What are we going to do if we cut back on the basic skills courses? These courses feed the rest of the college. How can we justify the large numbers in Social Science? Jeff stated that he would like to propose that a group or subcommittee do a zero based budget approach to determine what the students need. Bruce volunteered to join the subcommittee and Judi Hinman will also be asked to volunteer. Jeff will lead the subcommittee and report back to the EMC with any updates. 2010-2011 RECALCULATION Kathy reported that she worked with the Business Office and IR on the 320 Report recalculations. She reported that there has have been discrepancies with the numbers that IR uses and the numbers in Datatel. She noted that with the help of IR and the Business Office we were able to dig in and identify the discrepancies and complete an accurate report. PROJECTED 2011-12 FTES Angelina reported that projections were done once the schedule came out, and we looked at a course by course level and what the average fill rate for course is. ADJOURNED The meeting adjourned at 2:40 p.m. SUBMITTED lw Table 1 Assuming 187 increase in 2012-13 and 2% annual increase in 2013-15 for residents Resident Non-resident Non credit Total Current 2011-12 4,834 132 2.30 4,966 3 Year FTES Targets 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 5,021 5,121 5,224 139 146 153 2.30 2.30 2.30 5,160 5,267 5,377 Current 2011-12 4750 132 2.3 4,884 3 Year FTES Targets 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 4,937 5,036 5,136 139 146 153 2.30 2.30 2.30 5,076 5,182 5,290 Table 2 Assuming 187 increase in 2012-13 and 2% annual increase in 2013-15 for residents Resident Non-resident Non credit Total Table 3 Fulltime Faculty Total Calculated Sections 3 Year TLU Targets 2012-13 2013-14 77 77 1,763 1,798 2014-15 77 1,834 Total TLUs needed 7,934 8,093 8,255 Total Fulltime Faculty TLUs 3,465 3,465 3,465 300 300 300 Fulltime Faculty Instructional TLUs 3,165 3,165 3,165 Overload Instructional TLUs Associate Faculty Instructional TLUs Total Instructional TLUs Fulltime Faculty Calculated Sections Associate Faculty and Overload Calculated Sections 176 4,593 7,934 703 1,060 181 4,747 8,093 703 1,095 185 4,905 8,255 703 1,131 Total Fulltime Faculty Reassigned Assumptions/Notes/Calculations Assuming no Growth in the number of fulltime faculty Assuming 2.8 FTES per section Calculated Sections= 4.5 TLUs per section Table 4 (Informational Only) Projected % of increase in salary Type Current 2010-11 2011-12 Contractual Release/Stipend Cost Overload Cost Coaching stipends Other stipends $ $ 31,680 61,310 $ $ 31,680 61,310 Contractual Release General fund Grant Funded $ 611,300 $ 163,513 $ 11,446 $ $ $ 611,300 163,513 11,446 2.50% 3.00% 2.00% 3 Yr Projection Release/Overload Cost 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 $ $ 32,472 62,843 $ $ 33,446 64,728 $ 626,583 $ 167,601 $ 11,446 $ $ $ 645,380 172,629 - $ $ 34,115 66,023 $ 645,380 $ 176,081 $ -