REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Enrollment Management Committee (EMC)

Meeting of the Enrollment Management Committee (EMC)
Monday, March 19, 2012
Present: Rachel Anderson, Anna Duffy, Kathy Goodlive, Sheila Hall, Angelina Hill, Anita
Janis (phone), Allen Keppner, Pam Kessler, Mark Renner (phone), Dave Gonsalves (phone),
Michael Regan, Keith Snow-Flamer, and Bruce Wagner.
1. Call to Order: Keith Snow-Flamer called the meeting to order at 1:10.
2. Approve March 5 Meeting Notes: Correction to 4.3 Draft Enrollment Management Plan
(2nd to the last sentence). The sentence should read: “Keith is going to review the College
Council notes.” Also, there was a correction to 4.4 Discussion on Classroom Space (2nd
sentence). The sentence should read: “She recommends that 4.0 unit classes be scheduled three
days a week (this allows for scheduling 7 sections in one classroom versus 4).” The notes were
approved with the changes to these statements.
3. Action Items: None.
4. Discussion Items
4.1 Budget Update: Lee Lindsey gave an update on the budget. There was a discussion about
the budget. Keith and Lee will continue to discuss FTS and TLU’s outside of this meeting.
Keith gave an update on the educational sites. He will send everyone an email to keep them
informed about the sites.
4.2 Draft Enrollment Management Plan Goals 3 & 4: The following changes were made:
Goal 3, Objectives, 2nd bullet—remove everything in parenthesis.
Goal 3, Activity 1.1, Outcomes—insert “course scheduling” before the word “projections.”
Goals 3, Activity 1.1—remove the words “educational planning programs” and the Anticipated
Completion Date should be changed to: “2013-14.”
Goal 3, Activity 1.2—change the words “program of study” to “Student Education Plan.”
Goal 3, Activity 1.3—change “Develop academic pathways” to “Define Student Education Plans
and process.” 2012-13 will be spent defining Student Education Plans and processes. The
Anticipated Completion Date should be changed to: “2012-13.”
Goal 3, Activity 2, Outcomes—add a 5th “Outcome” that reads: “Evaluate the indicators from
the Student Equity Plan.”
Goal 3, Activity 3, Outcomes—delete the current statement and replace it with: “Access
achievement data including persistence, retention, and success.”
Goal 4—change Goal 4 itself to read: “Align Resources to Support Student Success.”
Goal 4, Activity 1—replace the word “against” with the words: “with regards to.”
Goal 4, Activity 2.3—delete this activity because it is similar to Goal 3, 1.3.
Goal 4, Activity 2.4—should be changed to: Activity number 2.3 (because of deletion of
Activity 2.3); otherwise, it is fine as it is.
Goal 4, Activity 3—remove the words “ innovation of student success” and replace it with
“innovative curricula.”
Additional information:
Goal 3--Keith will follow-up with Angelina about Activity 1.1 and 1.2. The state is going to
mandate that all students have a Student Education Plan. There are different forms of Student
Education Plans. Angelina said we need to define what “Student Education Plan” means to us.
Activity 1.3--this activity will include a budget and personnel.
There was a discussion about the idea of limiting the number of units students can enroll in each
semester because of limited course offerings. It was suggested that we collect data on this before
we make any decisions. Keith asked Kathy to add some language to Goal 3 (possibly add a 1.4
Activity). They plan to research this idea in 2012 and implement it in 2013 if they choose to do
Goal 4, Activity 3—there was a discussion about innovative curricula and funding. If we don’t
have funding for full-time faculty, we won’t have funding for innovative curricula. Special
funding might not address the real needs of the college.
4.3 EMC Self-Assessment: This will be discussed at a later date.
5. Reports
5.1 Status on Fall Schedule Development Timeline: The proposed sections are due from the
Deans to Tiffany and site schedulers by March 26. Once the schedule is implemented the EMC
will review it from the perspective of the TLU allocation and FTES projections. Correction:
The Cabinet will review FTES projections and review/revise/approve fall schedule on April 13,
not April 3.
6. Future Agenda Items for April 2 meeting:
The results of Saturday’s retreat. (They will look at gaps in the EMC planning process. What do
we need to do to make our job easier?)
EMC Developmental Rubric and form about the committee. EMC Self-Assessment.
Sheila will talk about the EOPS survey results.
Keith said we might have an update on the spring census data.
At the April 16 EMC meeting, the committee will review the fall schedule. They also need to
look at course cancellations and late start classes.
7. Announcements: Due to a lack of time this agenda item was not addressed.
8. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 2:35 p.m.