REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Enrollment Management Committee (EMC) Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, AD 201 (Board Room) Monday, March 7, 2011 1:10 p.m. NOTES PRESENT Mara Chaykin, ASCR, Anna Duffy, David Gonsalves (phone), Melissa Green, Anita Janis (phone), Allen Keppner, Pam Kessler, Geisce Ly (phone), Mike Peterson, Tiffany Schmitcke, Keith Snow-Flamer, Juana Tabares, Danny Walker, Bruce Wagner and Maggie Lynch. ALSO PRESENT Jesse Wiedel, Joe Hash MINUTES The minutes from the February 23, 2011 meeting were approved with corrections. ACTION ITEMS COURSE SCHEDULE PRINTED COMMENTS & PROOFING PROCESS Tiffany noted that the department of Admissions and Records has been trying for several years to get away from having a printed schedule. Scheduling changes are constantly being made in Datatel and the paper schedule is outdated the moment it is printed. She also noted that it takes approximately one full week to input all of the comments that are associated with courses. It was also brought to the committee’s attention that Printing Services no longer has the staff person/position that created both the printed schedule and the course catalogue and there also may not be a budget for it. Suggestions were also made to simplify the format of the paper schedule if printing continues. There was discussion regarding the need to get input from the counselors and advisors regarding how they use the printed schedule. Melissa asked that a data driven and Interested Based decision making process be used to problem solve and work collectively to work together to determine the issues surrounding a printed schedule. Bruce noted that if there is a printed schedule it needs to be sent out to the academic departments for proofing. Next Steps: Discussion will be carried to the next meeting so that information can be gathered from the counselors and advisors. Ask Paul DeMark to attend the next meeting to address concerns related to the printed schedule VIRTUAL CAMPUS TLU & FTES COUNTING Bruce reported that the two-year scheduling task force has met 3 times and has compiled all requests received for courses. He noted that everyone was asked to put in course requests that would promote student success and completion. He stated that with the requests that have come in we are 760 TLUs over what was offered last year and we must get back to last year’s number. He also stated that it has been a very difficult task so far to determine what adjustments must be made. 101 TLU ALLOCATION The committee reviewed two recommendations regarding the 101 Corridor TLU allocations and scheduling procedures for Virtual Campus courses. Bruce read the recommendations aloud because committee members participating by phone did not receive the emailed version. Maggie stated that she has questions about what data will be used to make decisions regarding the TLU allocations and is also concerned with restrictions to campus offerings. Committee members agreed that changes should be made to the language used in both recommendations and there were several suggestions made. Bruce will make the changes to the recommendations and send them out to committee members. Keith noted that until the changes have been made we are conceptually endorsing the recommendations. FURTHER GUIDANCE OF SCHEDULING There was discussion regarding how the Task Force should proceed with development of the two-year schedule. Bruce noted that the Task Force has identified roughly 400 TLUs that can be cut. It may be necessary to look at revitalization, discontinuance, or moving programs to Community Education. There was also discussion regarding faculty reassign time and overload. It was noted that it would be helpful to have direction that the district endeavors to not pay overload, however there will be times when this is not possible. It was suggested that Dr. Goswami be included in a conversation relating to the TLU allocations and overload. Keith asked Maggie and Alan to work on draft language for a recommendation regarding an overload policy. He also noted that he and Bruce have been invited to attend the next Budget Planning Committee meeting so that EMC and BPC can coordinate work that is being done to reduce the budget. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Printed Schedule continued from last meeting ADJOURNED The meeting adjourned at 2:40 p.m. SUBMITTED lw