College Council 4/29/2015 ATTACHMENT

College Council
Planning, Review, and Budget Council
Program Review Synthesis Statement on Resource Allocation
March 4th, 2015
Based upon the trends seen in Program Review documents and discussions with college
constituencies and committees, the PRBC recommends that the college consider a radical new
direction from its historical pattern. Traditionally, we obtain our FTES goal, translate that to
FTEF, and put it on schedule while adding new faculty based on retirements and program need.
From reading and synthesizing over fifty Program Reviews, we see a critical need for classified
and administrative personnel to support our existing and projected FTES goals as well as retain
existing students to meet these FTES goals. Critical gaps in infrastructure prevent us from
maintaining programs and meeting student needs.
Positions that support the strategic plan goal
 Moving through the institution and processes, starting with A&R and financial aid and
bolstering learning support to fulfill the college strategic goal plan
 Supporting student success, persistence and retention, including SSSP requirements
Below maintenance of the college’s primary services
Classified are in position to say what is needed in relation to largest holes in our primary
Gaps in supporting student success, persistence and retention
Customer service, reducing wait time issues
Support of lab areas, including learning labs
Marketing and outreach to meet ongoing FTES goals
 Maximizing the flexibility and efficiency of college processes
 Infrastructure that maintains and improves functionality of services and administrative