Cummings, Trish Blair, Lynn Thiesen, Rachel Anderson, Anita Janis-phone, Geisce... Crislyn Parker-notes Student Success Leadership Group

Student Success Leadership Group
Wednesday, February 20, 2013, 8:30am – 10:00am
SS 104 Advising Conference Room
Present: Keith Snow-Flamer, Utpal Goswami, MaryGrace McGovern, Joe Hash, Jeff
Cummings, Trish Blair, Lynn Thiesen, Rachel Anderson, Anita Janis-phone, Geisce Ly-phone,
Crislyn Parker-notes
1. Determining Interests under New Dean Model:
 Language for interests should include the need for an adequate administrative support
structure. There was some discussion that it is difficult to determine needs at this time
until the reorganization structure is complete or more accurately known. Primary to
interests is the area coordinators and/or department chair issues.
 Keith will try to have survey results for the next meeting, and an idea of the direction
cabinet foresees.
2. Commencement Workload, Honor Cord Price Increase, Update:
 Discussion of how to processes the information cards which students must return prior to
receiving their tickets will continue. There was discussion and agreement to move the
purchase and disbursement of honor cords to the book store.
3. Summer Schedule Update:
 Draft schedule was sent out on February19, with 98 sections being offered in summer, ten
of which will be counted next year. Angelina will provide projections based on FTES.
CR has only enough TLUs for 81 calculated sections. It was agreed that by offering 98
sections, with ten slated for next year, and (roughly) an attrition rate of 10%, would keep
the college within the TLU allocation.
4. 2012-13 FTES Target (supporting document):
 BPC recommendation to Cabinet is to use a 1% growth target, not 2%. BPC determined
the 2% increase is not a realistic target based on current enrollments.
 The 2012-13 and 2013-14 high and low estimates are based on the 2.64 and 2.7 FTES per
section, respectively; the high and low depends on efficiency not budget. Spreadsheet is
based on the high – 1004.62 sections, with 4509 resident FTES.
 Agreement there should be discussions on what the “right” size of the institution is and
how it should be determined. Based on many factors.
5. TLU Allocation Framework (supporting document):
 FTES targets to TLU allocation spreadsheet is a recommended (Chancellor’s Office)
preliminary allocation model and not concrete. Allocations do not take into account
potential faculty hires, or the increase of GE classes.
 Budget assumptions will be built on the increase of TLUs and if funding is not available,
we will have to increase efficiencies.
 Other discussion included what a1% growth means in increased efficiency. We should
determine targets and then how to grow to meet demand. Also, discussion on how to
determine the right size for the Eureka service area.
 There is concern that aligning our model closely to the Chancellor’s Office recommended
model doesn’t work for CR, but moving away might be problematic with accreditation.
CR is at 68% efficiency versus larger city schools which are at 99%, and higher. In a
TLU model, a 5% variance should not be cause for concern; we haven’t reached 3%, so
we should be able to offer, for example, 250 FTES to serve the community.
Discussed and agreed that because we are below cap, any time we can break even and go
over, we should take it.
Discussed and agreed that the model is fine. The purpose of the model is to create a
baseline (last year), determine where we want to focus on growth and allocate additional
FTES based on budget. It was suggested to build this as a three-year growth model.
Next steps are to articulate on paper the base allocation, growth and recommendation of
allocations. Internal assumptions will be made, and as the unknown variables become
known, make shifts in allocations.
6. Future Agenda Items:
 Tegrity and how we can expand use in operations;
 Fall schedule allocation revisions
 Technology Update: Move to VOIP, and other issues (invite Steve Stratton)
7. Other:
 Brief discussion about establishing a site visit rotating schedule for the Deans and Vice
Presidents, on a weekly basis. Crislyn will work on a tentative schedule with Mendocino,
Del Norte and KT to begin in March