TO: ... FROM: ... DATE: ...

The Enrollment Management Committee
September 20, 2012
Recommendations for Spring Semester
After review and discussion of the summer 2012 and Fall 2012 FTES enrollments, budget scenarios,
initial review of the TLU allocation framework, and projected FTES numbers, the EMC recommends
that the college make every effort to build the spring schedule to reach the FTES capacity of 4,465.
The EMC further recommends that the appropriate administrators ensure that:
1. We schedule high FTES generating courses based on the Keppner/Cummings/Anderson course
prioritization model developed last spring;
2. We explore alternative course scheduling opportunities such as a package of high priority
courses, cohort based, Fri/Sat course package, or accelerated 8X8 models;
3. We take a more aggressive position to strategically cancel low enrolled classes;
4. We move TLUs from low efficient courses/areas to areas that can generate FTES;
5. We continue to prioritize GE course scheduling that aligns with student needs as shown in
Appendix B of the TLU framework;
6. We aggressively market the schedule;
7. We offer additional large class sections if appropriate;
8. We work with Institutional Research to examine all courses with less than 80 percent fill rate to
determine ways to increase efficiency without sacrificing strategic course schedule planning;
9. We implement a weekly DREG process.