BPCSUMMARYNOTES41713_000.pdf BUDGET PLANNING COMMITTEE Wednesday, April 17, 2013 3:00 p.m. SS 104 Final Summary Notes MEMBERS PRESENT Bob Brown, Solomon DeCamp (phone), Michael Dennis, Tami Engman, Dave Gonsalves (phone), Utpal Goswami, Tami Matsumoto, MaryGrace McGovern, Carla Spalding and Keith Snow-Flamer. ALSO PRESENT Bill Hole CALL TO ORDER ACTION The meeting was called to order by committee co-chair Bob Brown. APPROVAL OF MEETING NOTES The meeting notes from March 20, 2013 approved with revisions. The final versions will be posted on the BPC website. LIST OF FUNDING PRIORITIES Carla Spalding reported that somewhat optimistic news is filtering in from the state regarding enrollment fees and tax revenues being up. She noted that if additional revenue does materialize there will be a need to efficiently categorize these funds. She also noted that cabinet is working on a list which includes building the district fund balance above 5 percent, decreasing reliance on auxiliary funds, paying off COP financing and funding the employee benefit trust at a higher level. She stated that these items all focus on strengthening the district’s financial stability and to help with accreditation. If these things do take place the utilization of the planning that goes into the use of these funds is very important and BPC will be an integral part of that process. OPTIONAL STUDENT TECHNOLOGY FEE The BOT did consider and approve a $10 optional student technology fee. It is designed for additional technology for students to help provide new computer labs, and replace old computers and equipment that is utilized by students. MEASURE Q BUDGET Mrs. Spalding reported that the BOT did have a discussion at the last meeting. The trustees recognize that there is a need to re-balance Measure Q funds which will pull some money away from athletics but will allow for the basic renovations including ADA to PE facilities. There are plans to meet with Moody’s and Standard and Poor’s representatives in San Francisco next month to get bond ratings so that the remaining Measure Q bonds can be sold. PROGRAM REVIEW RESOURCE REQUEST Bob Brown noted that resource requests have been sent out to FPC and TPC. BPC will review and correspond via email and do a ranking. Items will be tagged that are mandatory or have funds available from other sources. SURVEY Mr. Brown reported that results from the Planning Committee’s survey on committee effectiveness were pretty good for BPC. In most areas the committee scored well or even above average. However, there were a couple of areas that needed improvement and those were: providing appropriate information in a timely manner and making the integrated planning process more clear. He noted that there may be some changes coming and it’s very important to ask questions and understand the processes. Bob also reported on the possible consolidation of committees noting that BPC was being considered. He stated the current charge of each committee must be taken into consideration. If consolidation occurs it may be necessary to create task forces or small work groups to breakout and work on special projects or tasks. It was agreed to revisit the charge, mission and calendar of the committee at the beginning of each fiscal year. OTHER UPDATES There was discussion regarding adding the committee’s charge and mission statement to the agenda. Bob also announced that he will be resigning from the committee at the end of this fiscal year. There will also need to be a new student representative appointed as Solomon DeCamp will be graduating. Bob reported that Michael Dennis will be replacing him as co-chair to the committee and another faculty member will also be appointed to the committee for the next fiscal year. ADJOURN SUBMITTED 4:00 p.m. lw