Meeting of the Multicultural and Diversity Committee Friday May 15, 2015, 3:00 PM Minutes Members Present: Deanna Herrera-Thomas, Kristy Carlsen, Jacqui Cain, Sean Herrera-Thomas Members Absent: Dana Maher, David Bazard, 1. Call to Order: Deanna Herrera Thomas called the meeting to order at 3:10 PM 2. Introductions and Public Comment: There were none 3. Approve May, 1 2015 Minutes: On a motion by Sean Herrera-Thomas and seconded by Kristy Carlsen, the minutes were approved as written. 4. Action Items: There were none 5. Discussion Items: Deanna Herrera-Thomas 5.1Fall planning discussion began with events that dovetail with the Multicultural Heritage Calendar. Jacqui Caen stated that the planning for events should begin at the beginning of fall semester for Black History Month. This was agreed upon by all present however, there were other events to be planned that required attention as well according to Kristy Carlsen and supported by Sean Herrera-Thomas. The events included screening the Hunting Ground to raise awareness of sexual assault against college women which Sean Herrera-Thomas looked into. This event would cost the college 400.00 to show the film. Kristy Carlsen furthered that she was interested in working on a community event for Latino Heritage Month based upon a film depicting the experiences of migrant workers. It was determined that these events will be discussed at the first Sept. 4th meeting of the MDC. In addition Deanna Herrera-Thomas revisited the notion of hosting a reception for Multicultural and Diversity Award recipients and their nominators. It was agreed by all to revisit this immediately upon reconvening in the Fall. Jacqui Caen strongly supported the notion of including nominators to reward them for furthering the names of those deserving of the award. Kristy Carlsen stated that choosing an awardee was very difficult this year but that it was very positive to receive so many nominations. 5.2Deanna Herrera-Thomas summarized the activities of the MDC over the past year and provided materials that described this work. This document was provided to the EEOCAC and the senate co-presidents so they were aware of what was being provided to the EEOCAC. All committee members agreed that this document should be provided to the full Academic Senate to make the work of the MDC more visible. Sean Herrera-Thomas noted that the MDC work is often viewed as secondary to other committees that focus less on broad issues and more on specific documents, policies and procedures. Deanna Herrera-Thomas agreed and Kristy Carlsen and Jacqui Caen wholeheartedly agreed. Deanna Herrera-Thomas stated that the MDC has been intimately involved in developing policy and plans that support underrepresented students, but the nature of the committee work is often disregarded or dismissed as being peripheral to the work of the Academic Senate. TLU’s were once provided to the Chair of the MDC and were eliminated (Deanna Herrera-Thomas) while expectations of the committee have grown. Deanna Herrera-Thomas noted that Philip Mancus worked diligently to make the committee’s work more visible. 5.3Deanna Herrera-Thomas reported that the MDC would be receiving a call to write the Area E description after the ASPC completed their first draft which was assigned early in the academic year. This was not forthcoming. It is unknown what the status is of the definition. Sean Herrera-Thomas reported on the Curriculum Committee’s approval of the reactivation of English 353 and English 153, courses designed to support multi-lingual students, and his understanding of the reasons for retaining the credit-bearing courses in ESL (there was an initial suggestion to inactivate the ESL courses upon approving ENGL 353/153. Deanna Herrera-Thomas stated that the prefix of ESOL vs. English was important because different pedagogies are used and to provide an ESOL course cloaked as an English course did not make much sense. Kristy Carlsen also provided her expertise by explaining the differences between ESOL, English and Foreign Languages. The resolution at Curriculum Committee was to retain the English course as an English course designed to support multi-lingual students while leaving the ESOL specific courses intact. Reports 6.1 Dave Bazard was not present to provide his report of the Dean’s Council report. 7. Announcements and Open Forum 8. Meeting Ad course designed to support multi-lingual students while leaving the ESOL specific courses intact Adjourned 5:00 PM