Friday, April 15, 2016, 3pm MDC

Friday, April 15, 2016, 3pm
Members Present: Deanna Herrera-Thomas, Shannon Sullivan, Sean HerreraThomas, Jacqui Cain, James Talavera, Chris Callahan
Call to Order
Introductions/Public Comment: Reminders about the John Powell event
Approval of the Minutes from April 1, 2016, moved by Sean and Jacqui
No Action Items
Discussion items
5.1 –Website Development-The MDC website content is still under senate
control. Sean will follow up with Debbie to see what the status is. Sean
went and checked with Debbie—Evoq rollout has been slower than
anticipated. Subpages will be built over the summer. Debbie does not
have access to the page now, but can get items added. Fall is the best
estimate of when the MDC will have control of our page.
5.2 EEOAC recommendations- MDC recommended Gender neutral restrooms,
using proper pronouns in the classroom and in syllabi, encouraging HR to
have more diversity related items on their site, and ensuring a clean safe
area for nursing. Currently the nursing area might exist, but it is unclear.
Follow up is needed. Follow up in Del Norte is needed with these issues,
including signage. Some barriers at Del Norte include having enough
restrooms to make this a possibility, but the bathrooms are usually
locked for security reasons. Chris will follow up with Rory Johnson about
this issue. The committee still has an opportunity to make more
recommendations that Deanna can channel through the EEOAC. Deanna
will send a list of all of our activities that we’ve executed through MDC to
the president to keep the administration in the loop about our activities.
Dana suggested making the recommendation that the cafeteria have
better signage so folks can better keep their dietary preferences. Deanna
wants to recommend the make the main CR webpage reflect the diversity
on our campus. The faces on our website need to reflect our student body
better. Lastly, the relationship assault handbook prepared by the MDC
will be presented as a resource.
5.3 Planning for 2017-For the record, the Art Department will be hosting a
Veteran Art Exhibition (among other events) From October 10 November 17, 2016. Planning for spring will take place this fall.
5.4 Integrated Planning of SEP and EEOA Plan and the Strategic Equity in
Hiring Plan- We’ve gone down in our numbers, representing the diversity
of our community. Our applicant pools are getting more diverse, but our
hires don’t reflect that. Perhaps the hiring plan itself is working, but our
hiring process isn’t parallel. Is there inconsistent messaging across the
district regarding diversity and hiring? Let’s invite the new HR manager
to our next meeting so we can have this discussion with her. Does CR
have similar data to other CCCs? The chancellor’s office might have the
data-Deanna will ask Angelina if she can access this information. All
members should review the SEP and EEOA plan. We need to engage more
trainings regarding transfer. Dana Suggested: Should we consider
making an AA in Criminal Justice? This could assist in our serving diverse
5.5 SEP Proposal Form- Jacqui, Shannon, and Sean are going to use the new
form for anticipated activities. We’ll meet in 3 weeks to see how the
process works.
6. Reports
6.1 EEOAC meeting report6.2 Training on Stereotype Threat in the Classroom: Deanna Herrera-Thomas
and Philip Mancus. Deanna will send the Power Points to the committee
for review. The on campus training was really well attended, with a
strong contingent of Student Services folks.
7. Announcements-North Coast Rape Crisis is interested in reinvigorating the
“Take Back the Night” project on the CR campus. Jacqui reminded the
committee about the importance of faculty showing up at our events. We
need to be familiar faces for our students in their times of need. Chris
brought up an issue regarding tabling for worlds AIDS day, including giving
out free condoms. The ASCR advisor, Gary Sokolow, did not approve of
students using funding for condoms. Planned Parenthood donated them, but
there was still disapproval. Mark Winter or the Deans are the folks to
approve tabling events. Mark did approve, but the process took almost a
month. Dana is willing to come talk work-shopping and activism. There is a
concern by students and faculty in Del Norte that there is no health center,
and that there needs to be a condom distribution center, at the very least, on
this campus.
8. Adjournment.