Classified Professionals Staffing Request Form

Classified Professionals
Staffing Request Form
Office Use Only
Rec. Date: ___________
Fiscal Year: __________
Program Review: _____
Please fill out one form for each classified staff position that you are requesting for your division/unit. This form
is to be submitted as an appendix in your program review each fiscal year and a copy should be forwarded to
the classified prioritization chair. For positions requested outside the program review cycle (e.g., retirements,
resignations, grant/categorical funded positions), this form should be submitted to the classified prioritization
chair and will be used for information/tracking purposes. (Please see the program review website for more
Division/Unit: Counseling/Career & Transfer Center
Position Title Requested: Counseling Assistant II
Request Number (i.e., 1 + # of times position requested, but not granted, in past five program reviews):
Please indicate if this is a request for/to:
☐ Fill a currently vacant position (Must attach District job description; see Classified Prioritization Chair for assistance.)
hours per week
months per year
☐ Increase of an existing position (Must attach District job description; see Classified Prioritization Chair for assistance.)
from: ☐ 9, ☐ 10, ☐ 11 month
to: ☐ 10, ☐ 11, ☐ 12 month
from: 50
to: 100
☐ New position (Must attach proposed job description; see Classified Prioritization Chair for assistance.)
hours per week
months per year
Estimate Increase / Proposed Annual Salary Cost:
(assume step 1 for vacant position)
Note: total cost of position will include salary + benefits.
Funding Source:
☐ General
☐ Categorical
☐ Grant
Grant name:
Why is this position necessary?
Incumbent is providing support for the Transfer Center and we are seeking to increase the current
assignment due to the increased duties and needs of Transfer Services.
What educational programs or institutional purposes does this position support? How does the request
relate specifically to your Program Review, the College’s Strategic Plan, and/or Accreditation Recommendations?
This position supports the Transfer Services side of the Career & Transfer Center.
Where will the individual work? To whom will the person report? Are there any special equipment/facilities needs
to be considered?
The individual will work in Building 700 in the Career & Transfer Center. The individual will report to the
Dean of Counseling and work closely with the Career/Transfer/Employment Services Coordinator as
well as the Counselor/Instructor - Transfer.
What is the consequence of not funding this position?
The support provided by this individual makes it more feasible to provide transfer services such as
university representative visits, Transfer Day, and Transfer Ceremony. Not funding the position will
result in maintenance of services at current levels.
What alternative approaches have been considered in meeting the programmatic demands of this request?
How will the campus community (students, staff, faculty, and community) be positively impacted by filling this
This individual is a key member of a team dedicated to the provision of transfer services through the
Career & Transfer Center. Incumbent will be in a position to:
*Provide initial source of information and assistance to students and campus community regarding
CTC resources and services.
*Make referrals as appropriate.
*Help provide scheduling support for university representatives when they visit the CTC
*Organize materials for workshops, tabling days, maintain displays.
to of
for provide
needs for
as students?
duplicating resource materials so
students can readily access and use materials for transfer exploration and planning.
Incumbent is currently a half-time Counseling Assistant II.
*Assist planning committee with annual events such as Gladiator Days, Transfer Day, Transfer
We have a .43 FTE Counselor/Instructor for Transfer.
Ceremony, etc..
Requested by:
Frances Fon
Area Manager Notes/Response:
Area Manager:
ValJean Dale