Classified Professionals Staffing Request Form

Classified Professionals
Staffing Request Form
Office Use Only
Rec. Date: ___________
Fiscal Year: __________
Program Review: _____
Please fill out one form for each classified staff position that you are requesting for your division/unit. This form
is to be submitted as an appendix in your program review each fiscal year and a copy should be forwarded to
the classified prioritization chair. For positions requested outside the program review cycle (e.g., retirements,
resignations, grant/categorical funded positions), this form should be submitted to the classified prioritization
chair and will be used for information/tracking purposes. (Please see the program review website for more
Division/Unit: Student Services / Financial Aid
Position Title Requested: Financial Aid Outreach & Communications
Request Number (i.e., 1 + # of times position requested, but not granted, in past five program reviews):
Please indicate if this is a request for/to:
☐ Fill a currently vacant position (Must attach District job description; see Classified Prioritization Chair for assistance.)
hours per week
months per year
☐ Increase of an existing position (Must attach District job description; see Classified Prioritization Chair for assistance.)
from: ☐ 9, ☐ 10, ☐ 11 month
to: ☐ 10, ☐ 11, ☐ 12 month
☐ New position (Must attach proposed job description; see Classified Prioritization Chair for assistance.)
hours per week
months per year
Estimate Increase / Proposed Annual Salary Cost:
(assume step 1 for vacant position)
$ 48,366
Note: total cost of position will include salary + benefits.
Funding Source:
✔ General
☐ Grant
Grant name:
Why is this position necessary?
FSA requires: Schools must provide adequate financial aid counseling to all enrolled and prospective
students and their families. Creating a Financial Aid Outreach & Communications position is a priority
for our office, as a key and strategic position to address and coordinate front end advisement,
information, & application assistance to campus and community. It will be the primary source of
communication (print, web, electronic, social media, emails in and out of office). This position is
needed to dedicate time to targeted messages and communication to campus, community and existing
students to best aid them and our office with necessary financial aid information.
What educational programs or institutional purposes does this position support? How does the request
relate specifically to your Program Review, the College’s Strategic Plan, and/or Accreditation Recommendations?
Staffing request directly relates to our overall program goals of improving student success by providing
students with advisement and aid to complete their program of study.
Where will the individual work? To whom will the person report? Are there any special equipment/facilities needs
to be considered?
Financial Aid Office
Financial Aid Director
What is the consequence of not funding this position?
We have noticed a significant decline in numbers of students completing their FAFSAs accurately and
on time, or following up with verification documents in a timely manner since losing dedicated staff to
outreach and communication.
What alternative approaches have been considered in meeting the programmatic demands of this request?
We have not been able to spend the time addressing this issue, as staff are already spread too thin,
and current demands make them rush when they need to be accurate. Without direct support to the
Director and office, we will never be able to get beyond putting out fires and reacting, rather than
strategically planning and being out in front of required new programs, regulations and best practices.
How will the campus community (students, staff, faculty, and community) be positively impacted by filling this
The requested positions will absolutely help the FAO to bring information and services more directly to
the students, in concert with other services and efforts on campus. The suggested “message of the
month” is an example of what our requested Outreach/Communications position would perform in
collaboration w/ overall marketing and messaging initiatives on campus.
What other personnel currently provide support to this program and these students?
- Basic required communication emails for missing documents, awards and SAP are being performed
by one FAA2, which reduces the time she is able to put into file review.
- Website is nominally updated by Director
- Minimal outreach workshops coordinated by Director, and campus and community outreach shared
by staff, reducing the time they are able to put into file review
Requested by:
Kathryn Linzmeyer
Area Manager Notes/Response:
Area Manager: