COLLEGE OF BUSINESS Curriculum Committee October 2, 2012 2:00 p.m.

Curriculum Committee
October 2, 2012
2:00 p.m.
2012-13 #2
L. Matuszewski, J. Johnson, J. Burton (Acting Chair), V. Krishnan, C. Petersen, J.
Bruce, L. Williams, A. Buhrow, L. Marcellus, M. Salmon
B. Towell
E. Cronauer, G. Gordon, C. Mooney, D. Zahay Blatz
Action on Minutes
The minutes from the First Meeting, September 4, 2012, were approved as presented.
Assessment Update –
This agenda item was postponed to a future meeting--after action on curricular items to
meet catalog deadline has taken place.
UBUS 223 Prerequisite
The committee approved a revision to the prerequisite for UBUS 223, requiring a C or
better in MATH 210, MATH 211, or MATH 229 prior to enrollment in UBUS 223.
(See page 1 of 3)
OM&IS Certificates of
Study, OMIS 352
The Department of Operations Management and Information Systems presented
proposals for new Certificates of Undergraduate and Graduate Study in Business
Analytics Using SAP Software. The certificates will provide students with skills to
analyze enterprise data using SAP software. A revision to OMIS 352 was also
introduced. Discussion will continue at the next meeting.
MGMT Items
The Department of Management presented a proposal for a Minor in Social
Entrepreneurship along with three new courses related to social entrepreneurship. C.
Mooney was present to give input on the proposals. Further discussion will take place at
the next meeting.
Also introduced by Management was a new course, MGMT 460, Management
Consulting, as well as several revisions to undergraduate courses, and a change to the
requirements for the B.S. in management. The course revisions were approved by the
committee. (See pages 1-3 of 3) The remaining items will be discussed further at the
next meeting.
MKTG Items
The Department of Marketing proposed a new Certificate of Graduate Study in Strategic
Marketing, changes to the Interactive Marketing area of study, revision to MKTG 525,
and the reactivation of the Minor in Marketing. G. Gordon, E. Cronauer, and D. Zahay
Blatz were present to answer questions from the committee. After discussion, the
committee approved reinstating the Minor in Marketing as courses required for the
minor have become more available to students. (See page 3 of 3) The remaining items
will be discussed further at the next meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 3:06 p.m.
Minutes approved: October 16, 2012
James Burton, Assistant Faculty Chair/Secretary