COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ... Curriculum Committee

Curriculum Committee
November 4, 2008
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2008-09 #5
Department of Marketing
Course revision: Page 80, 2008-2009 Undergraduate Catalog
425. SERVICES MARKETING (3). … PRQ: MKTG 310 or UBUS 310, and MKTG 325
or FCNS 468, or consent of department.
Rationale: MKTG 325(Buyer Behavior) is not deemed necessary as a prerequisite. Aspects of buyer
behavior pertinent to services marketing are covered in the course.
Course revision: Page 81, 2008-2009 Undergraduate Catalog
443. MARKETING RESEARCH (3). … PRQ: MKTG 310 or UBUS 310 and UBUS
311, and UBUS 223 or STAT 301 or STAT 350.
Rationale: Concepts covered in UBUS 311 are not essential to taking Marketing Research where the focus
is on primary research. The current prerequisite also affects students’ ability to graduate in time since
UBUS 311 classes are often oversubscribed.
Other catalog change: Page 79, 2008-2009 Undergraduate Catalog
Department Requirements
The Department of Marketing’s retention policy is competitive based on a student’s
overall GPA and satisfactory completion of UBUS 310 as evidenced by a grade of C or
better. To graduate as a marketing major, a student must earn a grade of at least C in each
course required in the major, which includes courses in the business core and any
additional upper-level required courses outside of marketing, required MKTG courses,
and all electives required for the major.
All marketing majors must satisfactorily complete a portfolio of a selected collection of
their marketing assignments to be turned in no later than the last week of classes in the
semester that they graduate. Instructions for portfolio content may be found in the
Department of Marketing.
Marketing prerequisites are met only by obtaining a grade of C or better. (It is necessary
to repeat a MKTG prerequisite in which a grade below C was earned before taking the
next course in the sequence.)
Rationale: Eliminates the scenario where a non-marketing major can receive a D in MKTG 310 and
continue on to take other marketing electives. It ensures minimum competency levels required of students
wishing to take Marketing courses.
Curriculum Committee
November 4, 2008
Page 2 of 2
2008-09 #5
Other catalog change: Page 79, 2008-2009 Undergraduate Catalog
Requirements in Department (21-24)
MKTG 99 – Portfolio (0)
MKTG 325 – Buyer Behavior (3)
MKTG 350 – Principles of Selling (3)
MKTG 443 – Marketing Research (3)
MKTG 495 – Marketing Strategy (3)
Electives in marketing, UBUS 485, or one of the following areas of study (9-12)1
Rationale: Several Marketing majors are increasingly taking UBUS 485 (Business Consulting Project)
where they address topics pertaining to the marketing discipline. UBUS 485 topics are pertinent to the
Marketing major in that they cover strategic marketing issues.