COLLEGE OF BUSINESS Curriculum Committee April 10, 2012

Curriculum Committee
April 10, 2012
2:00 p.m.
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2011-12 #12
E. Towell (chair), L. Matuszewski, J. Johnson, J. Burton, V. Krishnan, J. Marchewka, J.
Bruce, E. Schewe, A. Buhrow, L. Marcellus, M. Salmon
T. Aurand, C. Gowen, J. Petros
Action on Minutes
The minutes of the Eleventh Meeting, dated March 27, 2012, were approved as
University Committee
The following university committees vacancies have been filled:
Assessment Report –
CBK Technology, Oral
& Written Business
Committee on the Undergraduate Academic Environment – Vijaykumar
Krishnan ( Marketing)
Educational Services and Programs Faculty Advisory Committee – Mark Riley
General Education Committee – Len Lundstrum (Finance)
Amy Buhrow reported on students' progress toward four of the fourteen college learning
1. College of Business graduates will be able to create common business documents.
2. College of Business graduates will be able to deliver a business presentation using the
appropriate technology. (oral)
3. College of Business graduates will be able to analyze business situations and respond
with the appropriate channel, form, content, and format. (written)
4. College of Business graduates will be able to identify the role and impact of
information technology on organizations to support competitive advantage. (technology)
Overall, and for each Business Communication primary trait, students are meeting the
target performance levels. The Assurance of Learning Team will continue to monitor
student performance in this area with a special focus on the following areas due to
slightly lower performance (although they were still above target performance levels):
1) presenting points in a clear and logical manner (oral), 2) writing strategy (written),
and 3) logic and organization (written).
Overall, students are meeting the target performance levels for the technology learning
objective. OMIS 351 students had the most difficulty with Enterprise Resource Planning
embedded questions. The professor has planned new material for Fall 2012 to remedy
Discussion of UBUS
310 and UBUS 311
C. Gowen, T. Aurand, and J. Petros met with the committee to continue discussion of
possible redesign of content and delivery of UBUS 310 and UBUS 311. Curriculum
members reported on discussion by their respective departmental curriculum committees
related to these two core courses. A summary of the suggestions will be drafted and
once finalized will be shared with the College Senate.
ACCY Items
Accountancy submitted several items for consideration including a new graduate course,
new certificate of graduate study in accountancy, and revisions to graduate courses.
Discussion will continue at the next meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 3:06 p.m.
Minutes approved: April 24, 2012
James Burton, Assistant Faculty Chair/Secretary
Curriculum Committee
April 10, 2012
2:00 p.m.
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2011-12 #12
Copies to: Vice Provost; Committee on the Undergraduate Curriculum; Director of Admissions; Graduate Council
Curriculum Committee; University Publications; Career Services; Student Affairs; University Archives; College
Curriculum Committees; Student Association; Registration/Scheduling; College of Business Faculty