COLLEGE OF BUSINESS Curriculum Committee October 31, 2006 2:00 p.m.

Curriculum Committee
October 31, 2006
2:00 p.m.
2006-07 #4
D. Wunsch (chair), W. Cummings, R. Miller, L. Neeley, K. Judson, G. Aase,
D. Haas, K. Miller, L. Marcellus, M. Salmon
Action on Minutes
The minutes of the Third Meeting, dated October 17, 2006, were approved
earlier to meet the Undergraduate Catalog deadline.
Cross Functional Review
Project Team
D. Wunsch gave a report on the activities of the Cross Functional Review
Project Team which is reviewing UBUS 310 and UBUS 311.
C in UBUS 311
The committee discussed each department’s requirements relating to the grade
earned in UBUS 311, whether a grade of C is required for continuing in the
major or required for graduation.
PeopleSoft Student
Information System
L. Marcellus updated the committee on the progress of the PeopleSoft student
information system.
ACCY Items
The Department of Accountancy presented changes to departmental
requirements for its B.S. degree and also revisions to its graduate programs and
courses. Further discussion will take place at the next meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 2:43 p.m.
Next Meeting
The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 14, at 2:00 p.m.
Minutes approved: November 14, 2006
Kimberly M. Judson, Assistant Faculty Chair/Secretary
Copies to: Vice Provost; Committee on the Undergraduate Curriculum; Director of Admissions; Graduate
Council Curriculum Committee; University Publications; Career Services; Student Affairs; University
Archives; College Curriculum Committees; Student Association; Registration/Scheduling; College of
Business Faculty