Money Mentor Application Name School Class Year (If a Junior, will you be studying abroad?) Intended Major E-mail Phone Extra Curricular Activities Please tell us about your previous experience with mentoring and/or financial literacy Please answer the following three questions in a separate document with your name at the top of each page. Each answer should be 250 words or less. 1. Why are you interested in becoming a Money Mentor and what do you hope to gain from being a Money Mentor? 2. What traits or abilities make you well-suited for this experience? 3. What would you do if you suddenly received one million dollars? Please return completed application to Marsia Hill in Student Services, Lyons Hall, or send your application and attachment(s) electronically to Money Mentors is a program run by $uccessful Start and sponsored by the Office of Student Services. For more information please visit our website at or email us at Applications are due Wednesday, September 23rd! You will be contacted after this date if selected for an interview. 1. 2.