WARWICK IN SCHOOLS (WinS) Subject Mentor Questionnaire 2015 Please circle your response Use the scale 0, 1, 2 to answer questions A-I, where 0=No, not at all; 1=only to a small degree and 2=Yes A. Are there specific ways in which you have been able to engage with the student in developing their understanding of teaching and learning? 0 1 2 B. In your judgement have you personally helped to clarify the student’s awareness of teaching as a career? 0 1 2 C. Have you found that opportunities to articulate your professional practice to the student have contributed to your own professional development? 0 1 2 D. Do you consider that your personal skills in mentoring have been developed through supporting and overseeing the work of the student? 0 1 2 E. Has the experience of working with the student increased your interest in participation in mentoring or teacher training in the future? 0 1 2 F. Has your interaction with the student helped to update or sharpen up your own subject knowledge? 0 1 2 G. Did the availability of the student provide you with any opportunity to focus on particular aspects of your own teaching? 0 1 2 H. Have there been other staff development opportunities arising from the school’s participation in the Warwick in Schools scheme? 0 1 2 I. Overall, in the light of your responses to questions A-H, would you say that your involvement with the WinS has been a professionally beneficial experience? 0 1 2 J. In terms of raising the aspirations of young people in your school for higher education, has this student had: A positive effect No observable effect A negative effect K. In terms of using his or her subject knowledge and skills to help young people in school with their learning, has this student had: A positive effect No observable effect A negative effect Name of student: ………………………………………… Name of subject mentor: ……………………………….Signature of mentor: ……………………………... School:……………………………………………Date:………………