Spanish II (H) Policies

*Students will receive grades each quarter for class participation, class activities or
assignments, tests, quizzes, projects, compositions, oral presentations, and various other
assessments. Tests and quizzes are posted on the chalkboard well in advance. I grade using
a total point system. Point examples, subject to change, include: participation, listening, or
reading, 10-20; quiz, 50 (NSE quizzes are 20); test, 100; project, 50 to 100. I reserve the
right to drop any grades deemed appropriate at the end of the quarter.
*The following items will be needed: three-ring binder, college-ruled paper (preferred),
composition notebook for bell work, manila folder, pen/pencil, red pencil/pen (not for use on
HW/tests), book/workbook/dictionary daily, and designated supply for each class period.
No spiral paper will be accepted. Do not complete any work in red ink.
* When I take points for class participation and class activities or assignments, all students
are expected to participate and give their best effort. If a student refuses to participate,
there will be consequences.
*All II(H) students are required to take the National Spanish Exam in the spring. The cost
is typically $5.
*Board work/bell work is posted daily on the chalkboard and is to be completed each day at
the first of class. I will take it up randomly for completion or correctness; these activities
are not optional. When absent, please get bell work from a classmate.
* Students will frequently be provided with daily practice. Students are responsible for
choosing to complete the daily practice and should choose to do so in order to master the
material and be successful on quizzes and tests. The daily practice will reinforce the
grammar and vocabulary being studied in class. Students must take responsibility for and
ownership of their own learning. The daily practice, when provided, will be checked,
stamped/initialed, then reviewed in class the following day. Students who complete the
practice will be allowed to correct their work; students who choose not to will not be
allowed to fill in or copy down the answers. Daily practice must be completed before
students enter the classroom.
*Academic honesty is expected on all assignments, including daily practice. Translation
services are strictly prohibited and are considered academic dishonesty on all
assignments. Both parties involved in copying daily practice will receive a zero.
*It is the student’s responsibility to get his/her makeup work after an absence. A zero will
be recorded if the work is not made up according to my guidelines.
After an EXCUSED absence, the following guidelines apply:
*If a student misses a test or a quiz, he or she has 3 days to make up the test or quiz,
including the first day he or she returns to school. I reserve the right to make make-up
tests or quizzes different than the original test or quiz. Students are responsible for
checking the assignment sheet for missed work.
*Students have the number of days they were absent to submit daily practice.
*Make-up tests or quizzes may not be taken during the student’s class time. Students must
schedule a make-up with me.
*If a project is due on the day a student is absent, provided the absence IS excused, the
project must be turned in the day he or she returns to school.
*If class participation points were taken on the day of an excused absence, the points will
neither count for nor against the student.
After an UNEXCUSED absence, the following guidelines apply:
*No tests or quizzes may be made up that were given, and no projects that were due may be
turned in.
*If class participation points were taken, the student will receive a zero.
*Please sign and fill out the acknowledgement statement form and return it.