EO 2014-17 An Executive Order for: Appointment of Alonzo Beckham to the Supreme Court Sponsored by: President Gartman First Reading: October 22, 2014 Vote: 20-0-0 Presidential Action:______________________________________________________ Kevin Gartman- President Date RECOGNIZING: That the Northern Iowa Student Government is committed to serving the needs of the student body at the University of Northern Iowa; and FURTHER RECOGNIZING: That the Northern Iowa Student Government Supreme Court settles disputes with regards to the Northern Iowa Student Government Constitution, By-laws, and Election Rules, and the Constitutions of other recognized student organizations; and FURTHER RECOGNIZING: That Alonzo Beckham has a strong work ethic and has pledged to serve the students of the University as an impartial judge of integrity and honor; and BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED: that Alonzo Beckham is appointed to the Northern Iowa Student Government Supreme Court.