EO 2014-20 Sponsored by:

EO 2014-20
An Executive Order for: Appointment of Zachary Doyle as Clerk of Court
Sponsored by:
President Gartman
First Reading:
December 10, 2014
Presidential Action:______________________________________________________
Kevin Gartman - President
RECOGNIZING: That the Northern Iowa Student Government is committed to serving
the needs of the student body at the University of Northern Iowa; and
FURTHER RECOGNIZING: That the Northern Iowa Student Government Supreme
Court settles disputes with regards to the Northern Iowa Student Government
Constitution, By-laws, and Election Rules, and the Constitutions of other recognized
student organizations; and
FURTHER RECOGNIZING: That Zachary Doyle has been actively involved on
campus by being leader in several student organizations and has shown responsibility in
those roles; and
BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED: that Zachary Doyle is appointed as Clerk of Court to
the Northern Iowa Student Government Supreme Court.