MAY NEWS, 2014
Principal, D. Heaslip
519-925-3745, Attendance: Ext. 100
* Press ‘0’ to connect directly with the office
Dear Parents & Guardians,
May and June are months that are always filled with a flurry of
activities and events that continue to keep students engaged and learning new
things. In addition to the school newsletter, it’s helpful to keep an eye on dates
included in classroom or grade newsletters to ensure what’s up and coming
doesn’t get missed. In this newsletter, I would encourage you to read through
some of the technology tips for parents, compiled by the Upper Grand
program department. Technology can be a key learning tool or resource for
your child and it’s essential that children know how to maximize these
benefits. It’s also equally essential that they understand how to minimize or
address potential challenges that can arise while on this learning curve. The
more aware adults are about how children are using technology, the better
position we can be in to support them.
Also included in this newsletter are some great math websites to
reinforce math skills and concepts at a variety of grades and levels. Learning
math through games and problem solving reminds students that math can and
should be fun. You might try playing a math game with your child as a partner.
Encouraging math games also reinforces that math does exist beyond the
classroom, is connected to the real world, and is a necessity for everyone.
Once again, a note of appreciation to HHES families and School
Council for supporting students through scientists in the school for each
classroom, technology apps, the purchase of microscopes for science, games
to support our games club, rainbow loom materials to supplement the club,
and art supplies to supplement our recess art activities that have been
enjoyed by many. What an amazing community you are and our students
educational experience is much richer because of it!
With sincere appreciation,
EQAO Provincial Testing
Grade 6’s will complete the provincial EQAO assessment on May 26 27
and 28 and Grade 3’s will complete the assessment on June 2 , 3 , and 4 .
Student attendance and punctuality is especially important on these dates. To
ensure that students are able to show their best on these days, a hearty
breakfast and lunch are extremely important. EQAO is a test of Reading,
Writing, and Mathematics curriculum expectations. The test is completed each
Spring and results are used to identify specific areas of need to inform our
teaching practices and set a direction for our School Improvement Plans.
Results are reported in terms of how many students are achieving level 3 (B
achievement range indicating a consistent knowledge of expectations) or a
level 4 (A achievement range indicating a more thorough, complex knowledge
of expectations.) Results reflect the accumulation of knowledge and skills at
the end of primary grades and at the end of junior grades.
Hyland Heights has continued this year to focus on teaching math through
problem-solving and has added an additional focus to our school improvement
plans, targeting students ability to express themselves in writing, through a
variety of text forms and genres.
Monday, May 19th - Victoria Day
Just a reminder that there will be a Board
Holiday on Monday, May 19th, 2014.
There will be no classes for students.
Friday, June 6th - P.A. Afternoon
The afternoon of June 6 is a P.A. day.
Students attend in the morning and the
day ends at noon for students.
Monday, MAY 12 &
Monday, June 9 @ 6pm
(babysitting available)
How can you help with our local Me to
We commitment? It’s easy. Beginning
May 12 to 16 , Me to We is asking
students to bring in non-perishable food
items. All items will go to the Shelburne
Shepherd’s Cupboard where our
community may go if their cupboards are
bare and it is financially difficult to shop.
We are proud to be able to support our
Shepherd’s Cupboard for the third time
this school year. Me to We thanks you for
your help. Together, we are making a
difference in Shelburne!
Shelburne Community Garden
What’s new in Shelburne? The
First Annual Shelburne
Community Garden. All levels of
interest and experience are
welcomed to get their hands dirty
this year, as we explore the
beauty of growing our own plants and vegetables.
Membership is free, and kid sized plots will be available
for the little gardeners in your family. Basic lessons in
companion planting, biodiversity and our ecosystem will
be a part of our project.
Contact Maille Martin for more information.
LET IT GROW! 519 925 2013
Dress Code Expectations
With the warmer weather soon on its way, students will
soon be able to wear fewer layers of clothing. Students
are reminded of dress code expectations that include:
Wearing shoes at all times
No undergarments being visible
Modest clothing that fits appropriately
No spaghetti straps, halter tops, muscle shirts,
revealing necklines or midriffs
Skirts and shorts need to be of a length that
reaches mid-thigh or finger tips
Appropriate dress is at the discretion of staff and
students are expected to be respectful when direction
related to this is given. Students may be asked to
change into alternate clothing or to cover up. The
expectation is that students are not to wear the same
article of clothing again to school. Time and attention
given to this takes away from valuable learning time
and we appreciate support from parents to ensure
Online Math Games
Check out this blog for more practical math ideas and
activities for you to use at home with your children.
Information on Learning Disabilities
For helpful information or further explanations about
different Learning Disabilities, please go
to: http://www.ldawc.ca/
Library News
This year the library has
remained open every day
during first recess. Grade
1-8 students have the
opportunity to read a book,
make a craft, complete
homework, or play a board
game. Our supply of board games has recently
increased, due to a donation from our School
Council. “Perfection”, “Find-It”, “UNO”, “Barrel of
Monkeys” and “Ker Plunk” are just some of the new
games that our students are
now enjoying. Many thanks to
our generous School Council for
their donation and for helping
promote co-operation and fair
play between our students.
Don’t forget that Friday, May
2nd is “Fictional Character Day” at Hyland
Heights. Staff and students who dress up as a
character from a book, will be eligible to win a book from
our Book Fair, which runs from May 6th-9th. Hope to
see you there!
Technology Tips for Parents
surrounds us
and there is little
doubt that is has
the way we work,
shop, travel,
learn, and play.
Like many other things in parenting, thinking ahead of
time about how you’ll approach technology use with
your children can go a long way in setting up good
routines and conversations at home.
Here are some tips you might consider when your family
uses technology:
1. While our children seem to be very comfortable and
agile in their use of technology, they need our help
to learn skills in digital literacy. Understanding the
validity of information they see on the internet,
becoming good digital citizens who respect and
protect themselves in online spaces, and learning
when and how to communicate using a variety of
digital tools is best done with the help of parents
and teachers. For more information about Media
Literacy, parents and teachers can find many
resources at http://mediasmarts.ca
2. Technology is no longer only about being a passive
watcher or listener to content created by others.
Seeking out creative software, games, apps and
websites that allow your child to be creative and
play with images, music and video can be a great
way to make learning fun and engaging. A good
place to start for ideas is our Board’s website and
UG2GO where students can login and access many
wonderful digital learning resources.
3. Don’t be afraid to learn along with your children as
new technologies come into your lives. This is a
great opportunity for your children to see you
learning something new and taking risks, modeling
that open learning stance that they will need in order
to manage a future of rapid change.
4. It has always been a good idea to have the family
computer in a common area of the house so that
parents can monitor their children’s use, and this
has become a bit trickier since mobile devices have
come on the scene. Consider creating a ‘parking
space’ for mobile devices like ipods, ipads, phones
and DS handhelds, and defining boundaries around
where and when they can be used. Check in
frequently with children to see the kinds of activities
in which they are taking part. Setting up a routine of
‘powering off’ before bedtime is a good way to
ensure that children aren’t up until all hours on their
5. Parents can model a healthy balance by working out
acceptable limits for technology use including
phones, television, video games and screen time.
Remember that your children are watching you, and
you can begin to have conversations with them at
an early age about how you and your family balance
your technology time with other fun and engaging
activities like hobbies, playtime and exercise, all of
which are extremely important to your child’s
Student Class Placements for September
Many variables are considered in deciding class
placements for students. Programming needs are
always a priority, as well as balancing students who can
work independently with students who require additional
supports. We attempt to balance the number of boys
and girls in classes, while also considering the social &
emotional needs of students. Given the number of
considerations, it can be very challenging to meet
parental requests. Teachers spend a significant amount
of time placing students based on all students’ needs.
Given this, we ask that parents requesting a particular
placement for their child please provide a note with an
explanation of your request to Ms. Heaslip prior to the
end of May. Requests should not be directed to your
child’s teacher. Notes should be about your child’s
specific needs and not about a requesting a particular
While we do our best to accommodate requests, there is
no guarantee that all can be met and we ask for your
understanding in advance. Given the possibility of
reorganization of classes should our student numbers
change, students will learn who their new classroom
teacher is on the first day of school in September.
Student placements will again be considered tentative,
until the third week of school in September. HHES staff
will continue to do our very best to support a smooth
transition for students, if and where changes are
Out of Area Requests
Each year, parents requesting for their child to attend a
school out of their designated school area are required
to complete an Out of Area form. The policy outlines
clearly that students are to register and attend the
school designated to their area or address, with very
few exceptions, which may be granted for one year only.
For these exceptions, Out of Area Request forms must
be completed and returned as soon as possible.
Students who are living out of the school area that are
not approved, will not be placed on a class list and
should enroll at their home school. If you have not
received your request form, please contact the school
office a.s.a.p.
Proper Footware for School
Students need shoes or sandals that allow
them to run and play safely. Flip-flops pose a
considerable tripping danger to students. At
no time should students be wearing socks only or bare
Indoor/Gym Shoes
To reduce floor markings and mud/dirt from being
tracked throughout the school, students continue to
require a pair of indoor shoes that can be worn in the
gym. Please make sure your child has not outgrown
their indoor shoes and that the laces/fasteners are still
in good shape. Your support to keep the school clean
and student’s safe, is greatly appreciated.
Playground Safety
With the warm weather that has arrived,
students are reminded of the expectations
for appropriate play that keep these
structures fun and safe places to play.
A reminder for students and parents
that supervision, maintenance, and
inspections of the climber structures are not provided
outside of regular school hours. Many children enjoy
using the play structures, which provides an opportunity
for alternate kinds of play. We are glad Spring weather
has arrived and encourage safe play at all times by
following these expectations.
When using the climbers:
Take turns—no pushing
No running around the play structure
No food of drinks anywhere on the yard
Do not throw sticks, stones, or other objects
To ensure safety, the following are not allowed:
• skipping ropes / ropes
• additional toys or play equipment
• scarves or loose drawstrings on clothing
More Children Can Get Free Dental Care
More children will qualify for free dental care as of April
1, 2014 due to changes to the Healthy Smiles Ontario
Program. The income thresholds have changed and
now include the number of children in the family. This
affects children and youth up to the age of 18 who are
residents of Ontario and have no access to any form of
dental coverage. If you think a child may qualify for
Healthy Smiles Ontario, contact Public Health at 1800-265-7293 ext. 2661. We will help you with the
application process and answer any questions.
Grade 8 Graduation
The Grade 8 Graduation ceremony for
Hyland Heights will be held
on Wednesday, June 25 @ 7pm.
More information in preparation for this
special occasion will follow shortly.
Hyland Centre Child Care
200 Fourth Ave.
Shelburne, ON L0N 1S1
Located in Hyland Heights Elementary School
Extended Day Child Care Program
Hyland Centre Child Care will continue to provide the
Extended Day Program for Hyland Heights Elementary
School! Hyland Centre is located in Hyland Heights
Elementary School and we have offered quality
childcare programs since 1989, in the same location.
We look forward to working closely with Hyland Heights
Elementary School and Upper Grand District School
Board to continue to provide before and after school
programs as well as full days on school holidays, PD
Days and summer care. Call us today for more
information or to determine how we can help with your
child care needs 519 925 5690 or
email: hylandcentre@gmail.com. Working together with
a common interest - your child.
Life Threatening Allergies at Hyland Heights of
which to be Aware
Please be aware we have the following allergies in our
Pita Day
Smoothie Day
Int Career Day Trip in
Gr 5 Earthkeepers @ Island
Tree Nuts
Help us reduce the risk of life-threatening allergic
reactions by not sending the food items listed above to
school. If your child has a life-threatening condition that
has not been communicated to the office as yet, please
contact us as soon as possible.
FTP Program – Gr 4, 5, 6, &
FTP Program – Gr 4, 5, 6, &
Library Book Fair
FDK Rawn/Mason & Gr 2’s
– Scientists in the School
Glenbrook E.S. School
Opening @ 7pm
Dress as your Favorite
Fictional Character Today!
Pizza Day
Library Book Fair
Library Book Fair
Gr 7 & 8 Scientists in the
Support Staff
Appreciation Day
Library Book Fair Ends
Pizza Day
Gr 5 Earthkeepers
@ Island Lake
Gr 5 Earthkeepers
@ Island Lake
Non-perishable items
collected for the Shepherd’s
Cupboard this week
Pita Day
Grade 6 DARE Graduation @
food drive continues..
food drive continues..
food drive continues..
Lock-Down Emergency Drill
will be conducted today
Pizza Day
Sports Attire Spirit Day!
FTP Program Gr 4, 5, 6, & 7
Gr 1’s have Scientists in the
Gr 7 Hep B (2 of 2)
& Gr 8 vaccination for
girls (3 of 3) today
Victoria Day
– No School Today
Smoothie Day
Last day of FTP Program for
Gr 4, 5, 6, & 7
Grade 7 & 8 Trip to Ottawa
*leaving at 7am
Pizza Day
Grade 7 & 8 Trip to
Grade 7 & 8 Trip to Ottawa
–returning at 7pm
EQAO for Grade 6’s
Pita Day
EQAO for Grade 6’s
EQAO for Grade 6’s
Pizza Day
Scientists in the School
for Gr 6’s
EQAO for Grade 3’s
Smoothie Day
EQAO for Grade 3’s
EQAO for Grade 3’s
Pizza Day
JK Orientation Night
PA Day in afternoon – No
school for students in pm
Twin Spirit Day
Food Drive Ends