April, 2016
Principal W. Clarke & Vice-Principal W. Peeters
519-925-3745, Attendance: Ext. 100
* Press ‘0’ to connect directly with the office
Dear Parents/Guardians,
The saying, March came in like a lamb and went out like a lion was true this year.
The Easter weekend ice storm found most families without power for some time.
And the tree lined streets are still being cleaned up after the fallen branches. In
fact, many landscapes have changed considerably after many of the mature trees
had to be removed. I know, some staff and families had the additional problem of
flooding, which can be draining, both emotionally and financially. In time, the
warm weather will arrive, and the results from the ice storm will be a distant
Dates to remember: April
April 1 Spirit Day- inside out and backwards
April 4 Support Autism- wear your blue
April 6 Pizza Day, Autism Presentations
April 7 Autism Presentations
This month, we are welcoming a Syrian family to our community. Our staff and
students have been compassionate and empathetic as they help these children
adjust to a completely different way of life. The family spent time in a refugee
camp, made their way to Jordan and found a soft place to land in Shelburne.
Fortunately they have a supportive English speaking family living in Brampton who
has helped with their transition. To assist in communicating with the students, we
are using Google Translate with some success. As the translator is not as accurate
as we hoped it would be, we could use some help. If you or someone you know can
speak Arabic and would like to assist, please let us know.
W. Clarke, W. Peeters
April 11 Assembly Perseverance (9 a.m)
April 13 Pizza Day- International Pink Day
April 11-15 Be the Best You Can Be WeekMe to We
April 18 Jump Rope for Heart Kick off
April 20 Pizza Day
April 22 Earth Day
Do you know an Everyday Hero?
Please nominate someone in your school community – an individual or a group - whose
actions and efforts foster the development of a positive learning and working environment.
Deadline for nominations is Thursday April 14, 2016. For more information, visit the board
website: http://www.ugdsb.on.ca/community/article.aspx?id=3546
School/Community Safety-morning drop off, afternoon pick up
April 25 No school for students- PA day
April 26 Dufferin Arts Youth Festival
April 27 Pizza Day, Basketball for the boys
and girls teams. Girls from 8:30—
11:30, Boys from 12:00—3:00—all
games at CDDHS
Please try to avoid stopping and parking in the bus lane during morning drop off, from 8:25
to 8:50. The busses need to be able to get to the curb lane in order to safely allow students
to exit the bus.
May 2—6 Education Week, Hyland Heights
and CDDHS are this year’s host
schools. Kick off evening Monday,
May 2, 2016 more information to
At dismissal time, please remind your child/children to check for cars as they walk to your
car. Often cars are passing on the far side of the busses that are already parked in the bus
Book Fair Coming Soon!
As our hallways can be very congested at the end of the day, we would like to thanks all the
parents who sign in and wait at the front foyer when picking up their child at the end of the
day. Your understanding is most appreciated.
Drivers please remember to drive slowly through the bus lane as there are many students
that are walking to and from cars, as well as exiting the busses.
Library News
Lions Club International marks its
centennial in 2017. To celebrate
the occasion, the Shelburne Lions
Club partnered with Scholastic
Canada, and donated new books
to the four Shelburne area
elementary schools. These primary level books have been sent to be
catalogued, and will soon be available for students to checkout.
Hyland Heights would like to thank the Shelburne Lions Club for
their very generous support of our school library. We are sure that
our students will enjoy reading these books for many years to
Me to We
Our Hyland Heights “Me to We” group have
been busy raising funds for our student, Musa in
Kenya. For the past three years we have raised money in order to
send Musa to high school and this year he has started University
taking finance. We are proud of him, his good grades and desire to
achieve a higher education. We are in constant contact with his
mom and we communicate with Musa when he is home from
University. Thank you to all families who contributed to “Change
for Change” initiative which helped send Musa to University to
write his exams. We will continue to fund raise in order to help
Musa achieve his goal.
“Me to We” continues to fund raise to support projects that Free
the Children are working on in villages such as Kenya, India, Haiti,
Ecuador, as well as others. In April, we have two big fundraisers
coming up.
BAG TO SCHOOL We are asking that during
your spring cleaning of recycling old clothing,
purses, shoes, stuffed toys, bedding, and
drapes that you donate them to Hyland Heights
by April 21st. They will be weighed and picked
up on April 22nd, we will get paid per pound and the money
collected will go to one of our global causes with Free the Children.
You can help us and help others just with your spring cleaning
Rafiki Chains will be pre ordered again this year. The
money from these chains will go directly to “Free the
Children” to support education. Rafiki chains are made
by Mommas in Kenya and can be pre-ordered for $10
during first lunch on April 25, 26, 27, and 28 and will
arrive at Hyland Heights just before Mother’s Day. What a great gift
We are proud of our Me to We Group at Hyland Heights and the
dedication they have shown in making a difference here at home
and globally.
Concussions can have a serious effect on a young,
developing brain. Proper recognition and response to concussion
can prevent further injury and help with recovery. Children and
adolescents are among those at greater risk for concussions due to
body trauma at any time.
Although falls and motor vehicle accidents are the leading causes of
concussion, physical activity and sports can also cause a concussion.
To address the risk of concussion and to assist parents and students
to identify the signs and symptoms of concussion, the Board is
presenting free workshops to increase awareness.
Wednesday April 20th
Alder St, Orangeville
7-830 pm Westside SS, Library, 300
Tuesday May 10th
7- 830pm Norwell DSS, Library, corner
of Main and Cumberland St, Palmerston
Wednesday May 11th
7-830 pm Centennial CVI, Lecture
Room, 289 College Ave W, Guelph
Jump Rope for Heart
HHES is hosting a Jump Rope for Heart event on
Friday, May 27, 2016. The kick off assembly for
this event will be held on April 18, 2016. Mrs. Moylan has started a
skipping club and students are being taught how to turn on the
school yard by Ms Nancy. Our fundraising goal is 5,000. Look for
your child’s information package coming home on April 18.
Feedback welcome on draft policies
The Upper Grand District School Board is
welcoming public input on draft policies.
Currently under review are:
Accommodation Review #305
School Boundary Review #319
Community Planning and Partnerships #320
Equity and Inclusive Education #504
Alcohol and Drugs #513
Smoke-Free Environment #208
Asthma Friendly Schools #516
You are invited to review the draft documents and submit online
feedback at www.ugdsb.on.ca/policy. The deadline for public input
for policies 504 and 513 is April 13, 2016. Input on policies 208, 305,
319, 320 and 516 will be accepted until May 11, 2016. Persons
without internet access may call 1-800-321-4025 ext. 723 to request
a printed copy of the draft documents.
Autism presentations—
primary classes
Blue for Austism
Autism presentations—
primary classes
Parent Council
Time to Read 6:00
Grade 1 sugar bush
Empowerment Day
International Pink Day
Time to Read 6:00
Jump Rope for Heart—kick off
assembly in the gym—11:30
Earth Day
Time to Read 6:00
25 PA day—no school for
Time to Read 6:00
Basketball—girls 8:30—
11:30, boys—12:00-3:00
Dufferin Centre for Continuing Education
Babysitting Bootcamp
The Kidproof Babysitter’s Training Course is packed full of advice, guides, tips, and information based on real life experiences.
This course has tons of activities and hands-on practice to increase student confidence and provide skills needed to be the best
babysitter possible. Each student receives a Babysitter’s Handbook and wallet card upon successful completion. Please bring a
nut free lunch, pen/paper, and doll or stuffed animal.
Glenbrook ES – Library
Kim McClelland
Mon & Tue April 18 & 19
4:30-8 pm
2 classes
Dufferin Centre for Con-Ed
Desarai Rivard
Fri June 3
8:30 am – 4pm
1 class
Home Alone
This Canada Safety Council program is designed to provide skills and knowledge to be safe and responsible when home alone
for short periods of time. They will learn how to prevent problems, handle real-life situations, and keep them safe and
constructively occupied. Small group discussion, problem solving, role-playing, and instructor-led demonstration with a student
reference book will allow participants to actively participate in class assignments. The child will receive a certificate upon
successfully completing the program. Fee includes student reference book.
Glenbrook – Library
Kim McClelland
Tue May 17
1 class
Princess Elizabeth – Library Mon May 16
Kim McClelland
1 class
Island Lake – Library
Kim McClelland
1 class
Wed May 18
April 2016
Hyland Heights Parent Council will be starting
a spirit wear fundraiser over the next few
weeks. There will be a selection of clothing
available in a variety of colours sporting the
school logo. An information flyer along with
order forms will be coming home in April so
watch for further details.
April 6, 13, 20, 27
Please remember to look for the forms in
your child's agenda or backpack.
Resilience is the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or even
significant sources of stress — such as family and relationship problems, serious health problems, or
workplace and financial stressors. It means “bouncing back” from difficult experiences.
~ Bonnie Bernard
According to The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) RESILIENCE is,
being in good health means more than feeling physically well; it also means feeling mentally well. Today,
we are more aware of how our mental and physical health affect each other. Setting aside time to focus on
mental health is important – to you and those who care about you. Life is full of change, risks and
challenges. Good mental or emotional health helps us find our balance and stay in control, even during
turbulent time
With the ability to communicate across the world in an instant, and electronic entertainment coming from
every direction, life in today’s world is fast-paced and full-on. Anything seems possible, and with so
many options and devices at our disposal, parents can be tempted to make their kids’ lives very
easy. Want that $2 toy? Okay, you got it. (Better to avoid a meltdown, right?) However if we want
our children to stand up to the inevitable challenges they will face in the future and keep going despite
disappointment or frustration, we need to help our children develop resilience. This means they need to
practice coping skills, and therefore need some challenges to practice these skills with. After all, life
is not about figuring out how to turn off a thunderstorm or switch on the sun – no matter how much we
would like this to be possible. Our children will learn to be much happier, more resilient people, when
they can enjoy the sunshine when it is around and dance in the rain when there is no other choice.
The list below is not your typical “do and don’t” list but rather a set of prompts to begin reflecting on
ways we can teach children resilience through simple interactions every day.
Give your child independence to try new things they initiate, such as climbing at the playground
or opening a container, even if you think it is “too hard” for them.
Encourage your child to serve others or let others go first when sharing food.
Give your child the opportunity to wait patiently when it is required (such as in a restaurant or
during a car ride); do not always provide entertainment
Show your child that it is worth making a good decision for the long run even if it’s not the
easiest, such as choosing healthy foods over junk foods even if they take longer to prepare
Teach your child the difference between needs and wants
Teach your child that they do not need every single material thing they desire (toys, food,
designer clothes, technology devices, etc) even if “everyone else has it.”
Enable your child to give toys and clothes away regularly to charity, and teach them that material
possessions are simply tools and not answers to happiness.
Give your child opportunities to help others younger than them, starting with simple ways such as
showing the other child pictures in a book.
When we foster resiliency in our children we promote the development of positive mental health
because we enable them to develop coping strategies to get through the toughest parts of life,
regardless of their social and economic environment they are living in.
Light it up BLUE!- World Autism Awareness Day
The eighth annual World Autism Awareness Day is April 2, 2016. Every year
autism organizations around the world celebrate the day with unique
fundraising and awareness raising events. This year, global landmarks will light
up blue to raise awareness. In Canada the CN Tower will participate by shining
blue to shine a light on autism and turn awareness into action. Please join
Upper Grand District School Board in our effort to inspire compassion,
empowerment and hope by wearing BLUE on Saturday April 2nd 2016. Use
#LIUB to share your experience across social media and help light the world up
blue this April!
Autism Ontario
Kerry's Place Autism Services