M. Zuk, Principal
519-925-3745, Attendance: Ext. 100
* Press ‘0’ to connect directly with the office
Dear Parents & Guardians,
Spring is here. Just twelve short weeks until summer break!
Hyland Heights Elementary school continues to be a busy place. Students are
busy participating in lots of authentic and interesting learning experiences.
Learning outside the classroom is also an important part of what we do here at
Hyland Heights!
This week will see our Tech Design Team attend the Ontario Skills Competition
under the supervision of Mr. Palmer. Our Junior students participated in a
Sideline Basketball Tourny thanks to the extra-curricular support from Mrs.
Wagner and Ms Batchelor. Mr. McLaren has been busy coaching the
intermediate girls and boys basketball teams. Mrs. Moylen is coaching our
Jump Rope Team. Mrs. Bannon is facilitating our Forest of Reading Clubs for
three different books. All students will be visiting the Theatre in Shelburne
during April.
As we move into the last three months of the 2014-15 school year, school
organization and staffing for the 2015-16 school begins. Over the course of the
next few months we will start to structure our school in terms of number of
classes, staff leaving and arriving, student reviews and placements for the new
year. The organization of the school (number of classes and staff) is provided
to me by the School Board and is based on Ministry parameters. Matters
regarding your child’s placement and support for the 2015-16 school year will
need to be directed to me in writing. It is important that your concern is
expressed in terms of the educational needs that you feel your child would
benefit from rather than selecting one class or teacher over another.
Please be sure to read the School Council’s Flyer for their Family Movie Night
event that they are organizing on Thursday, April 23 from 6:00-8:00 pm. Food
will be available and space is limited, so please return the Ticket Request
Form. A flyer will be distributed to each student next week.
Please be sure to read about the important need for parents to use the Dropoff Area located in the back area of the high school parking lot.
Happy Spring to everyone!
Autism Aawreness
Mitch Zuk, principal
All students and staff will receive an
Autism Awareness Wrist Band and
an Autism Puzzle Piece Collectors
Pin. Wrist bans will be given out
early in the day; however, pins will
be sent home in clear selfcontained bags. To kick off Autism
Awareness Day, one of our grandparent’s, Deanna Avison will be
participating in a morning Hyland
Heights announcement proclaiming
“World Autism Awareness Day” on
Thursday, April 2.
Easter Weekend Holiday
A reminder that there is no school
on Friday and Monday of the long
Easter Weekend
Friday, April 3
& Monday, April 6
Kindergarten Registration
If you have not already registered
your child for Kindergarten for
September 2015, please drop into
the office to pick up the necessary
forms at your earliest
convenience. Eligible students for
the Junior Kindergarten program
must be four years of age on or
before December 31, 2015.
World Autism Awareness Day
is April 2
The eighth annual World Autism
Awareness Day is April 2, 2015.
This year all our students and
staff will be given lapel pins and
wrist bands to acknowledge
World Autism Day. Every year
autism organizations around the
world celebrate the day with
awareness raising events. By
bringing together autism
organizations all around the
world, we will give a voice to the
millions of individuals worldwide
who are undiagnosed,
misunderstood and looking for
help. Please join Hyland Heights
& Upper Grand District School
Board in our effort to inspire
compassion, empowerment and
hope by wearing BLUE on
Thursday April 2 2015.
The library is very pleased to
welcome guest author Marnie
Worry, and guest illustrator Kristen
ZietsmaFranjic to Hyland Heights
on Thursday, April 16th. This local
author/illustrator team
has published the book I’d Rather
Be Me!, and they will be visiting
our school to speak to students in Grades JK3. During
their presentation, they will be introducing students to
the writing & illustration process that is involved in
creating a book. This presentation promises to be both
an interesting and educational experience for our littlest
learners at Hyland Heights!
Talking About Mental Health (by Dr. Woodford)
Helping Your Family Deal with Stress and Anxiety
Everyone experiences stress during their daily lives and
there are times in our lives when we feel anxious. This is
normal. It happens to all of us. However, some of us and
some of our children/youth are anxious more of the time
and to a greater degree and this can be challenging for
the children, youth and their families.
The good news is that there a lot of positive things that
you can do as parents to help reduce the stress and
anxiety that you and your child/youth feel. Here are
some tips!
Listen: Take time to listen to your child/youth’s thoughts
and feelings. Being heard is very important and can
make someone feel less distressed by talking about it.
way. You are the single most important influence in your
child’s life.
Here are a couple of calming techniques that you can
practice with your child/youth:
Calm Breaths. When we are anxious we breathe
faster, which actually makes us more anxious. By
calming our breath we are sending signals to our
brains and bodies that things are going to be OK.
Take slow deep breaths.
Breathe in through the nose and out through the
mouth. For younger children they can blow bubbles
or pretend to. For older children/youth guide, they
can imagine breathing in calm and breathing out
worries or tension.
Keep taking calm breaths until the breath is smooth,
deep and calm.
Have the child/youth notice what it feels like to be
Muscle relaxation. When we are anxious, our
bodies become tense. By relaxing our bodies, we
are sending signals to our bodies and our brains that
it is going to be OK.
Sit or lie down.
Tighten up one part of your body (e.g. your legs).
Hold the tension for 10 seconds.
Relax your body.
Allow the tension and tightness to drain away.
Repeat tightening and releasing different parts of the
Tighten your whole body, hold for 10 seconds then
Lie or sit for a moment allowing your body to be
totally relaxed.
Have your child/youth notice what it feels like when
their body is relaxed.
Talk: Let your child/youth know that they are not alone.
Lots of people feel stressed and anxious. It is normal,
harmless and temporary.
Share: You as a parent experience fear, stress and
anxiety. Model how you cope with stressful situations
with positive coping strategies.
Hope these tips are helpful. The best thing that you can
do is practice relaxation techniques every day with your
family to build coping skills and to have calmer, happier
children, youth and families. Enjoy!
Support: Let your child/youth know that you care and
support them as they struggle with stress and anxiety.
Practice: Practice calming strategies with your
child/youth when they are calm. Practice every day so
calming becomes a habit.
Encourage: When stress arises, encourage your
child/youth to use their calming strategies. Praise your
child/youth for using their calming strategies.
Model: Be a good role model for your child/youth.
Create a positive, predictable environment at home. Use
your own coping strategies. Allow your children to
observe how you face and deal with stress in a positive
For more information:
For children and youth:
KidsHelpPhone.ca 1 800 668 6868
24 hour phone line and website for children and youth.
If you are concerned that your child/youth is
experiencing excessive anxiety, you can talk with your
school or community mental health provider:
CMHA WWD: 1 844 HERE 24 7 (1 844 437 3247) - For
Guelph/Wellington Children and Youth Services and
Guelph/Welllington/Dufferin Adult Services
DCAFS: 519-941-1530 for Dufferin Children and Youth
May 4-8, 2015 is Child and Youth Mental Health
Week. Next time I will share some information and
activities that are coming to your schools and
communities. Dr. Lynn Woodford, Psychologist, is the
Mental Health and Addiction Lead for the Upper Grand
District School Board.
“Show What YOU know on
Tips For Your Child’s Success!
What is EQAO:
EQAO undertakes research for two main purposes:
1) to maintain best-of-class practices and
student improvement
2) ensure high standards of education quality
Standardized tests provide different information. A
standardized test is essentially a snapshot in time
using one method of assessment. Teachers assess
their students using a broad range of tools. A more
holistic and complete picture of a student's
performance can be seen from various types of
assessment that the teacher does throughout the
year. (tvoparents.tvo.org)
● There is no need to study. The EQAO
assessment does not count towards a child's
marks in grades 3 and 6, so there is no need
to increase anxiety by cramming. If you are
curious about the questions your child will
be asked, check out the EQAO site and run
through some practice tests yourself so you
have some understanding of the structure of
the assessment and can better reassure
your child.
● Remember this is practice. Let your child
know that this is a way to show off what he
or she knows and to practice test-writing
skills so your child can be prepared for tests
in later grades.
● Be supportive. It is normal and natural to
get nervous and this is a big deal for your
child. Do not downplay fears or dismiss
them as silly. Instead, encourage your child
to talk about these fears
● Talk to the Teacher. If your child is
experiencing severe anxiety, there are
things the teacher or school can do to help.
● Set the alarm. The best thing you can do for
your child the day of the assessments is to
make sure your child is well rested, fed and
gets to school on time.
● Read more. For more on EQAO assessments
and what they mean for your child, check
out our Parent's Guide to EQAO
● Understand the Test. Don't use your child's
EQAO test scores to measure overall
achievement. You're better off relying on
regular contact with the teacher who can
show you your child's portfolio, which is
being updated all year long. You'll have a
more clear and accurate picture of your
child's progress.
EQAO resources
Hyland Centre Child Care
200 Fourth Ave.
Shelburne, ON L0N 1S1
Located in Hyland Heights Elementary
Extended Day Child Care Program
Hyland Centre Child Care will continue to provide the
Extended Day Program for Hyland Heights Elementary
School! Hyland Centre is located in Hyland Heights
Elementary School and we have offered quality
childcare programs since 1989, in the same location. We
look forward to working closely with Hyland Heights
Elementary School and Upper Grand District School
Board to continue to provide before and after school
programs as well as full day; school holiday, PD Day
and summer care. Call us today for more information or
to determine how we can help with your child care needs
519 925 5690 or email; hylandcentre@gmail.com.
Elementary student drop off is confined to the Kiss &
Ride area at the north end of the (shared with
CDDHS) parking lot, located beside the Kinderpak.
Note: The April Calendar will be emailed out next week….Thanks
Parents needing to walk younger students to their
classroom are asked to use the 5-minute drop off
area along the easterly side of the (shared with
CDDHS) parking lot.
Anyone requiring longer term parking are asked to
only park in the middle parking spaces of the
(shared with CDDHS) parking lot.
Traffic flowing through the (shared with CDDHS)
parking lot “one-way” will reduce congestion and
ensure that all parents, students and busses are
able to safely use this area.
Hyland Heights Parent Council Presents
Family Movie Night
Come enjoy a free movie with the family, wear your P.J.’s, bring a
blanket and cozy up while you enjoy a family favourite!
Thursday April 23rd, 2015
Hyland Heights Gym
6:00pm – 8:00pm (Pizzas will be available at 6pm, movie
to start at 6:30pm)
How to Train Your Dragon 2 (PG)– When Hiccup and
Toothless discover an ice cave that is home to hundreds of
dragons and the mysterious Dragon Rider, the two friends find
themselves at the center of a battle to protect the peace.
Space is limited so tickets will be honored on a first returned basis.
So check yes, write how many will attend and return your ticket ASAP!
Think you might be pressed for time to have dinner?
No problem we
are offering you the option to purchase whole pizza’s that will be ready for you when you
arrive! Just complete the order form attached and return it with payment and your ticket
You will receive a confirmation ticket to be brought and turned-in in exchange for your pizza.
If you do not receive your confirmation ticket by Tues April 21st please contact us at
SC.Hylandhts@ugdsb.on.ca By Wed April 22nd so we can resolve any issues before movie night.
What’s a movie without popcorn and snacks right?
We’ve got that
covered too, Parent Council will be offering popcorn, drinks and snacks for purchase to
raise money for a New Junior Playground!
So gather the family and come help us celebrate
Family Togetherness!
Family Movie Night Ticket Request Form
Please RSVP no later than Friday April 17th
Yes, our family will attend the Free Movie Night April 23rd, 2015
Parent Attending (First & Last name) _____________________________
**Please note a Parent MUST attend with the children, you may NOT drop your children off **
First & Last Name of Youngest student at HHES _________________________________
Teacher: _______________________________________ Grade: _____________________
There will be a total of ___________ people attending.
Pizza Order Form
(8 slices each)
Parent First & Last Name: ________________________________________
□ Pepperoni Pizza Qty ________ @ $14.00ea = $ ___________
□ Cheese Pizza Qty ________ @ $14.00ea = $ ___________
□ Veggie Pizza Qty ________ @ $14.00ea = $ ___________
TOTAL: $ ____________
Please include exact payment with your pizza order, if payment is not
received with your order no pizza will be provided for you.
No refunds will be issued for unclaimed pizzas!
Thank you for all your continued support!