Dear Parents & Guardians,
Principal, D. Heaslip
519-925-3745, Attendance: Ext. 100
* Press ‘0’ to connect directly with the office
On October 31 , Hyland Heights held another very successful Disco-themed Boogie-a-thon. Our Intermediate
students played a key role in preparing for our primary fundraiser for the year and supported by teaching our younger
students how to dance (YMCA, Bunny Hop, Electric Slide, and more... These students also demonstrated moves on our
mini-stage so everyone could join in! A decorating team created a true Disco atmosphere, while our set-up, tech, and disc
jockey teams kept the music going throughout. HHES staff offered up dream prizes for students and Parent’s Council
again provided the grand prize of a $100. Visa Certificate. It would be a total understatement to say that our school has
been completely overwhelmed by the generous support and financial donations given to support this event. Student
collections totaled $3405.85 and once again, the Scotiabank in Orangeville volunteered their time to count all the money
on Boogie Day and matched student donations dollar for dollar. Special appreciation goes to Scotiabank and employees
Carri Thorton, Erin Furtado, Lisa Kiser, Cheryl Ryk, Lorna Hashem, and Tawnya Hunt for counting and coordinating this
incredible donation. You are truly amazing!! In addition to these donations, the McKechnie Family, Doug and Debbie,
Darrell, Shelley, and Julie, donated an additional $1500. to the Boogie-a-thon in memory of their daughter and sister, Lisa
McKechnie. Lisa attended Hyland Heights as an elementary student and as a strong athlete, always encouraged others in
sports and fitness. Darrell is our daytime custodian and was inspired by the Boogie-a-thon initiative. Because of this
generous donation, we are able to invest a portion of our Boogie-a-thon funds into replacing some very worn equipment
that will be enjoyed by students for many years to come. We are delighted to share that a grand total of $8311.10 was
raised and look forward to sharing in future newsletters, where these funds have been put to good use to support Hyland
Heights students!
Along with our shrinking student and staff population, Hyland Heights also experienced another staff change
during the month of October. Tami Bye, who has served as an Educational Assistant at Hyland Heights for the past 24
years is now working between Glenbrook and Centennial Hylands. We would like to say thank-you and recognize her for
the many contributions and support that she has provided students and staff over these years and wish her the very best in
her new placement.
During our recent Food Drive, students collected 1129 items of food weighing 918 lbs. Now that’s a lot of food!!
Thank-You for your generous support in helping families who are presently living in more challenging financial situations,
ensure there is sufficient food at home. During the month of December, our Me to We group will be holding a Winter Food
Drive and a mitten/hat tree will be positioned in the front hallway for anyone wishing to donate warm items that will be used
to keep students in our own community warm and dry through the wintery weather.
Please have a close look at the Parent Council news in the back of this newsletter and mark December 5 on your
calendars to attend our Holiday Celebration Night between 6-8pm.Consider this a time to bring community
D. Heaslip
$3400.05 (collected through student pledges) + $3405.85 (generously matched by Orangeville Scotiabank)
+ $1500.00 (from the McKechnie Family in Memory of Lisa McKechnie), for a Grand Total of $8301.70
GRAND PRIZE WINNER of $100. VISA Credit – Congratulation to Isaiah A. for collecting the most pledges, $278.00!
Special mention also to Mason T. for collecting an outstanding $275.00!
Prize Winners
Principal for the Day – Tucker C.
Take a Police Ride – Kalen F.
Pizza Lunch with Mrs Heaslip & 2 friends –Abi B.
Family Game Night Basket – Olivia B.
Pizza Lunch & Craft with Tara & 2 friends – Mason T.
Sideline Basketball with 9 friends at recess – Isaiah A.
Kings Corner Card Game with 2 friends & popcorn – Madeline C.
Ice Cream Sandwiches for your Class – Ryleigh S.
Cineplex Theatre 2 tickets with drinks/popcorn- Liam V.
Scholastic Book Credit – Erika F.
$25.00 Brightside Gift Card – Avery M.
$25.00 E.B. Games Certificate – Jacob .J
$15.00 iTUNES Gift Card – Keenan K.
$20.00 Coles Book Certificate – Sophia B.
$20.00 E.B. Games Card - Celeen B.
$10.00 School Days Certificate – Rylee G-W.
$10.00 School Days Certificate – Alexis B.
Remembrance Day
HHES remembers those that have fought and given
much for our country. On November 11 , Junior/
Intermediate classes will attend an assembly @ 2pm. A
number of classes will present poems, songs, and a
media presentation in honour of our veterans.
Parenting Workshops – Fall 2013
All families have strengths and all
families have challenges. These
workshops are a safe place to learn
and build on existing skills.
All Dufferin Parent Support Network (DPSN) workshops
are free of charge and open to men, women and couples.
Registration is required. For more information, or to
register for a workshop, contact us at info@dpsn.ca or
519-940-8678. www.dpsn.ca ~
Helping Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Build Social Connections
Dec 4 from 6:30 to 8:30 PM — 1 night
Princess Margaret Public School, Orangeville
Social relationships are desired by all people, yet children
and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder often
struggle to develop and maintain friendships. At this
workshop, you will learn how to best help children with
Autism develop social skills and how to encourage
positive relationships.
A Parent’s How-To Guide for
Helping Your Child in Math
By: Gina Betts & Rylan Pranger
(Upper Grand Curriculum Leaders)
Math education looks different than it did even ten years
ago. Employers today cite that the essential 21st century
skills of problem solving, collaboration, logical reasoning
and the ability to think critically are the most important
‘look-fors’ when interviewing candidates. In schools today,
students are asked to solve challenging mathematical
problems that put more importance on conceptual
knowledge instead of procedural knowledge. This leaves
parents sometimes at a loss about their role and how to
best support their child. As a parent, you are an
invaluable partner in your child’s mathematics education;
you are the first educator in your child’s life. Research
shows that when there is a high level of family
involvement, students do better in school. Below are
some tips to support your role as a mathematics parent.
Tips for Parents:(adapted from Doing Mathematics with
Your Child - A Parent’s
Guide http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/literacynumeracy/
• Real-life experiences that encourage and engage
your child to think and talk about mathematics
(shopping, sorting, construction, managing time and
money, understand patterns and trends, make
predictions based on patterns, analyze data)
• encourage and provide manipulatives to explore
mathematical concepts (toothpicks, popsicle sticks,
money, chocolate chips, etc…)
• be mindful of your attitude towards mathematics;
strong, positive attitudes about math increase a
child’s ability to feel successful and to persevere with
challenging math tasks
encourage risk taking
provide a supportive, relaxing environment
build your child’s confidence by engaging them in
math activities that will allow them to feel successful
engage in math activities or math talk in the language
you are most comfortable with
a math problem is not necessarily a word problem;
don’t allow language to be the barrier to the
mathematical concept presented
build on memorization of math facts by ensuring the
understanding of the concept (What does
multiplication/division mean? When would we use it?
Why would we use it? How did you figure out that
fact? How can you use one fact to help you figure out
familiarize yourself with the Ontario Math Curriculum
/math18curr.pdf) in order to understand what your
child is learning and what is expected of him/her
• Homework Help (Gr. 7-10)
Math Activity Sites - there are many more sites in the
Doing Mathematics with Your Child (links)
School Climate Survey
Help us make our school safer and more inclusive for
Parents are encouraged to fill in our voluntary school
climate survey by the end of November. Our students in
grades 4 to 8 will be taking the survey during the month
of November. The information we collect will help us find
out how safe our children feel at school, develop
programs to prevent bullying and promote safe and
inclusive schools, and decide if our current programs are
working. We’ll use the results to make our school better
than ever. All our staff will be asked to take the survey
too. This is easy!
• Go to http://edu-climate-surveys.ca/
• Choose a language by clicking either the “English” or
“Français” button
• Enter our school’s survey code 4-AKS-979-R and
click the “Submit Code” button
• Follow the instructions on the survey
Remember – this is your school. Let’s make it safe and
inclusive for everyone. Please fill in your survey by the
end of November. If you want the survey in another
language, ask us for a copy. If you have any questions,
contact the school. Thanks for your help.
On-line Bully Reporting Tool
Did you know that in
the majority of
cases, bullying
stops within 10
seconds when
peers intervene or
don’t support the
bullying behavior?
The Upper Grand District School Board takes all
incidents of bullying seriously. That’s why we developed
an online bullying reporting tool. Stop a Bully gives
students and parents 24/7 access for reporting bullying.
You don’t have to identify yourself – just your school –
and your message gets sent directly to your school
principal for follow-up. We will follow up on your report.
encourage parents and teachers to communicate helpful
information or concerns, at any point during the school
year, where this supports student learning. February and
June report cards will follow a more traditional format with
marks for all subjects
Winter Like Weather has Arrived!
Please help your child dress
appropriately for the weather by
pulling out those warm hats, mitts,
and snow pants. Students are
outside for two 25 minute blocks each
day and being dressed in warm clothing allows children
to enjoy their break time and be more comfortable while
outside. An extra pair of dry socks is also a good idea!
You’ll find the Stop a Bully button on our school’s website
and the board’s website (www.udsb.opn.ca/stop-a-bully).
If your child is the victim of bullying or sees bullying
behavior at school, please encourage him/her to speak
with someone at school or use the Stop a Bully tool. For
more information, contact the school.
Library News
Once again, our Fall Book Fair, which was
held from October 21-24, was very
successful, thanks in part to our terrific
group of volunteers. Thank you to all
students, teachers and families who
supported the Book Fair. Because of the large number of
books purchased at the book fair, Scholastics has
awarded our school close to $1000.00 in credit to
purchase new books for the Hyland Heights library. Your
support is very much appreciated!
Playground Climbers are Closed
As days grow colder and snowflakes start to
fly a time of change comes to our
playgrounds. Metal playground parts can
become very slippery, particularly against
winter coats. Please note that, for safety
reasons, our playground climbers are now
shut down for the winter season. We look forward to
using them once again sometime in April. We also ask
that you take a moment to discuss this with your child.
Students are not to be using the climbers before or after
school. Thank you for your help with this to keep kids
Student Progress Reports
The focus of progress reports is to share progress related
to learning skills and work habits, and explains how your
child is doing in subjects using the words: “progressing
very well”, “progressing well” or “progressing with
difficulty”. Progress reports will go home with the
students from Gr.1 to 8 on November 14 . Parentst
teacher interviews take place on the evening of Nov 21
and all day on Nov 22nd. This is your opportunity to find
out early in the school year how your child is progressing,
what the school will do to help and what you can do at
home to support his/her learning. Please note that while
these are the only scheduled interviews for the year, we
Winter Weather & Bus Cancellations
Decisions to cancel transportation is made by
6:30 a.m. and this is based on a number of
factors including, weather and road
conditions, checked first-hand by designated bus
operators in each area, weather predictions made by
Environment Canada, and information on road
conditions from the local Road Superintendent.
During times of inclement weather, please check the
transportation website for updates:
You can also listen to: 1460 AM CJOY,106.1 Magic
FM, 99.1 FM CBC, NewsTalk 570 AM, 96.7 FM
CHYM, 98.1 FM CHFI, 680 AM CFTR, 92.5 KISS FM
or watch the A Channel News or CKCO-TV
television news for school transportation
A message will also be left on the school’s Bus
Cancellation/School Closure line as soon as we are
informed. (519-925-3745 Ext. 501.)
If bus students are driven to school on a “no-bus day”,
please ensure they are picked up promptly at 3:15
p.m. allowing our staff to travel home safely during
daylight hours.
No Bus Day Attendance
Hyland Heights remains an open school to all students
when the buses are not running and is only closed when
a rare School Board system closure occurs. Non-bussed
students are expected to attend school unless parents
decide it is unsafe for their child to travel to and from
school. Final decisions about your child’s attendance rest
with each individual family.
If you child will not be coming to school, it is
essential that you call the school as soon as possible.
Please leave a message on Ext. 100, detailing the
date, your child’s name, and the name of their
teacher. Attendance calls are not necessary for bussed
Leaving a message about your child’s absence
provides us with valuable time to ensure that all students
are accounted for and are either safe at school or safe at
home/daycare. We have only three telephone lines so
please keep trying until you are able to leave a message.
Cold & Flu Season
With cold and flu season approaching it’s that time of
year again to get your flu shot. The flu is a respiratory
illness that spreads quickly from person to person.
Common flu symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat,
muscle pain, joint pain, and weakness. The flu is more
serious for the very young and elderly. They can get the
flu from school-aged children who don’t seem sick but
may have a mild case. Get your free flu shot. It protects
everyone. If you don’t like needles, there's an alternative
called FluMist®. FluMist is a nasal spray available for
children and adults ages 2 to 59. FluMist® is not
available at drop-in clinics and should you choose this
option you will have to call to make an appointment. The
Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health Unit offers free
flu shots with no appointment necessary and drop-ins are
welcome. Feel free to call 1-800-265-7293 or visit the
following website at www.wdgpublichealth.ca for more
Holiday Celebration Night
Upcoming Fundraiser
We are thrilled to be working with MacMillians
this year as one of our fundraising efforts for our
playground fund. Order forms will be sent home
this week and are due back before Nov 18 .
MacMillians sells quality food products such as
frozen cookie dough, muffin batter as well as
pies, appetizers and gourmet pizzas perfect for
entertaining this holiday season. Pick-up for
orders will be Dec 5 from 6-8pm during our
Holiday Celebration Night. Please note all
orders MUST be picked up that evening as we
do not have the resources to freeze unclaimed
Our Parent Council is busy planning a Holiday
Celebration Night on December 5 from 6-8pm
so save the date. With the help of parents,
teachers and students we are planning several
activities including a silent auction, crafts and
choir singing. We will also be holding a door
decorating contest for all the classes wishing to
participate so be sure to come and place your
vote for your favorite door! Further details will
follow later this month. If you have any
suggestions for events, would like to donate to
our auction or would like to help organize or run
an event please contact us at:
Call for Volunteers
We are currently in need of several parents to fill volunteer positions. Without the help of our parents
many of our services, events, and fundraising efforts would not run. Following is a list of our current need:
• 2-3 parents to count pizza money one morning a month
• 1 parent to serve on the executive to assist with meeting minutes, council newsletters
and basic written correspondence.
Please note: Parent volunteers must have a valid police check.
You can reach us at: SC.Hylandhts@ugdsb.on.ca if you feel you can help.
Treasurers Report
Last month we made $1182. from our pizza
days. This money will go towards a Parent
Council sponsored Arts Day for all students of
Hyland Heights which will take place later in the
In addition, we raised $515. from our Pita and
Smoothie days which will be added to our
playground fund for a total of $1730.89.
We currently have a fundraising goal of $40,000
to replace our aging Junior playground.
Next Meeting Dates
Our next meetings are scheduled for the first
Monday of the month:
November 4
& December 2nd
Meetings start at 6pm and are located in the
library. These meetings are a great way to
find out what’s happening in the school and
to get involved. All parents are welcome
and as always there is free babysitting.
Did you hear?
The Holiday Celebration
Night is coming up!
Join us on Thursday, December 5th
between 6-8pm for a night of Holiday fun.
There will be free crafts for the kids, Photos
with Santa, a raffle room, cookie decorating,
carol singing plus LOTS more!
**Come vote for the best decorated classroom door.
The winning class receives an ice cream sundae party**
Our Silent Auction will be opening on November 12th for bids.
Come into the school lobby for your chance
to bid on some AMAZING prizes:
A Limited Edition framed David Laird Print,
Dinner for 2 at Mrs. Mitchells,
An iPod touch,
Gift Certificates to Boston Pizza,
there’s too many GREAT prizes to list!
Bids will be accepted up until 8pm on December 5th.
Don’t forget to come and pick-up your
MacMillians order in the gym.
Pita Day
Pizza Day
Progress Reports
Go Home
Pizza Day
Orders due into
the office today
*QSP Magazine
Orders due today
* Picture Orders
due today
*Andy Thibodeau
*MacMillan orders
due today
Dental Screening for
JK/SK/Gr 2’s
School Council
Meeting @ 6pm
(in library –
babysitting provided)
Smoothie Day
Jr/Int Remembrance
Day Assembly @2pm
Junior Volleyball
Tournament at
Red & White Day!
Pita Day
Anti-Bully Awareness
Pizza Day
Me to We
attending ‘We Day’
in Kitchener
Smoothie Day
Pizza Day
Gr 6 DARE program
Gr 6 DARE program
Gr 6 DARE program
School Council @ 6pm
(in library –
babysitting provided)
Hyland Heights
Reads Assembly at
Interview Evening
Backwards Day –
Wear your
EVENT @ 6-8pm
Program with
Officer Kilburn
PA DAY (no
regular classes)
Interview Day for
(It is helpful for
students to attend
with Parents)
*MacMillan Orders
to be Picked Up!
In an attempt to be more environmentally Constant Contact allows us to send a mass email with a copy or link to our monthly
newsletter and other school updates. We are working towards reducing the number of paper copies that are sent each month.
Please help by completing the bottom tear off and send in with your child so we can include you.
Email Address: ______________________________________________
Child/ren’s Name: ___________________________________________
Teacher/s: ___________________________________________________
Please note that a copy of our newsletter is also available on our school website at