May, 2016
Principal W. Clarke & Vice-Principal W. Peeters
519-925-3745, Attendance: Ext. 100
* Press ‘0’ to connect directly with the office
Dear Parents/Guardians,
May is a busy month for us. We are one of the host schools for the Education Week open
house. Both Centre Dufferin District High School and Hyland Heights have been asked to
host an Open House on Monday, May 2, 2016 at 7:00pm. There will be performances from
Mrs. Mesesnel’s and Mrs. Millsap’s classes accompanied by Mr. McIntyre on the piano.
After the speeches and performances, both schools will be open for tours. Our school will
have 3 students available to walk through the school as leaders.
We have track and field starting in May with our standards day happening mid-May, so we
will know who is going to the county track meet in June. As always we hope for great
weather; however, past years have proved that we need to plan for many different dates, as
rain and storms do tend to happen. There will be more information to follow.
This summer Hyland Heights will be closed to staff due to some extensive construction.
There will be upgrades made to all areas of the school. The school is getting new windows,
an upgraded heating and cooling system, a new fire alarm system, the accordion walls are
being removed and replaced by solid walls, upgraded washrooms, new asphalt, new roofing,
painted front entrance, painted stairs and new ceilings and floors in some of the rooms. As
the construction will take place beginning July 1, every classroom will have to have all books
etc packed into boxes. Staff will no longer be able to be in the building after June 30.
It is our hope that the renovation goes smoothly and we are back in the school to ready the
classrooms in August, for the next school year. There will be notices on the front door to let
you know when it is safe for staff to be back in the building.
W. Clarke, W. Peeters
Dates to remember: May
May 2—May 6 Education Week
Book Fair in Library
May 2 Education Week at CDDHS
7:00pm—Open House at HHES
May 3 Primary Arts Day, Pizza Day
May 10 Pizza Day
May 16 Standards Day
May 17 Pizza Day
May 19 Play at the school
May 23 Holiday
Dufferin Arts Youth Festival—April 26, 2016
May 24 Pizza Day
Students in Mrs. Mesesnel, Mrs. Millsap and Mr. McIntyre's class participated on April 26 at
the Dufferin Youth Festival of the Arts. They performed a version of 'Scarborough Fair' using
sopranino, soprano, alto, tenor and bass recorders. They represented their school positively
at the Festival. Well done!
May 25, 26, 27 EQAO grade 6
The girls and the boys’ basketball teams played at CDDHS on Wednesday, April 27, 2016.
Both teams played well, were great sports and had fun.
Dress Code and Proper Footwear
May 27 Jump Rope for Heart 2:00-3:00
May 31, June 1, June 2 EQAO grade 3
May 31 Kindergarten information night
June 3 PA day
The school dress code is outlined on our school website. The reason for the dress code is to
allow for a respectful learning environment. With the warmer weather students want to
wear clothes that they can be comfortable in. Students should have shorts, skirts, pants and
shirts that cover body parts and under garments are required. As well, shirts with positive
messages and images are welcome.
Students need to have proper footwear at school for gym class and DPA. In order to
participate in gym and DPA students need running shoes, as per OPHEA. OPHEA is the
governing body for physical and health education for Ontario. Without the proper footwear
students are not able to participate. If your child is wearing flip flops or sandals as their
outdoor shoes, they still need to have running shoes for safety reasons.
If you would like to receive the
newsletter via email please sign
follow us on Twitter
same time and ideally we’d like our students to have the same
flexibility with their thinking across different subject areas.
Students in grades 3 and 6 will be writing the provincial EQAO test
in the last week of May and the first week of June. Grade 6 will be
writing on May 25, 26 and 27, while grade 3 will be writing May 31st,
June 1st and June 2nd. During the writing of the tests we will be
asking students and staff to log out of the BYOD internet to ensure
that students who need the Google Read and Write program have
access to it.. This access restriction time will be during the first
block and the second block of the 6 days.
Try this activity to promote mathematics, science, engineering and
Using popsicle sticks, glue, tape, and elastics, design and build a
device that will launch 3 marshmallows as far as possible using
elastic bands. The elastic energy may be “loaded” by hand but the
device must get all of its launching power from the stored energy in
the elastic bands.
Have fun and enjoy!
Does your child have an LD, ADD/ADHD or both? Here
Library News
Every year many precious dollars
are wasted when library books
are lost or not returned.
Replacement costs for these
books can be quite high, and may
take away from the money that
could be spent on other new
materials. Parents can assist with the problem of unreturned books
by helping their child choose a special spot at home to keep library
books, and by reminding children of scheduled Library days.
Currently fees for unreturned books are $7.00/softcover book and
$12.00/hardcover book. Rest assured, if the book is returned after a
fee has been paid, the money will be refunded. Our upcoming
Spring Book Fair will run from May 3rd to May 6th. We will have
books for all ages, so stop in and pick up a great read!
Jump Rope for Heart
Hyland Heights Public School is pleased to host a Jump Rope for
Heart on Friday, May 27, 2016 from 2:00 until 3:00pm. We need
your help to reach our school fundraising goal of $5,000.00! If these
funds are raised both Mr. McLaren and Mr. Palmer have agreed to
have a pie in the face and Mr. Peeters will dress like a rock star and
sing to classes.
Fundraise Online: Register your child online at
JumpRopeForHeart.ca OR
Pledge Envelope: Use the pledge envelope provided to
collect cash and cheque donations. Please ensure that
your child’s pledge envelope is returned by May 27, 2016
We understand that it may not be possible for all families to
participate in every fundraiser. Students who are unable to bring in
donations will still enjoy participation in our fun Jump Rope for
Heart event. Learn more at www.heartandstroke.ca
What is STEM and why is it important?
STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics. The idea is to offer students tasks that integrate more
than one subject area such as thinking about all the angles,
measurements and calculations involved in building a structure that
could stand up to the elements of our Canadian winters. STEM
provides opportunity to focus on one assignment while applying
knowledge gained in a number of subjects so knowledge gained in
one area can be applied in another. Check out this link for more
information (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlPJ48simtE)
Think of it like driving a car. We can’t just focus on braking or
steering by themselves. We need to simultaneously think of
acceleration, steering, signaling, braking and road signs all at the
are some great resources to help you:
1. Work with your child to understand how they think and
2. Develop some strategies with your child to help them
advocate for what they need to learn (technology,
accommodations to the environment or learning tasks)
Other great online resources include:
The Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario, which has lots of
good information on LD and ADD/ADHD issues, including topics
about how to understand the IPRC and IEP, how to advocate for
your child and topics related to specific LDs.
The Learning Disabilities Association of Wellington County connects
to the Ontario chapter, but provides links and information about
workshops and activities that are being held in Wellington.
Our school board has also worked hard to address the needs of LD
and ADD/ADHD students by providing SEA equipment, Google Read
and Write training and targeted reading programs to help LD
students access the curriculum and develop key academic skills.
Connect with your child’s teacher to discuss all the supports that
are available to your child!
Me to We
Me to We lead a great week of activities that allowed us to focus on
Being the Best You Can Be. Stickies still hang in different areas of
the school as reminders for us to focus on the positive and positive
The Bag-to-School fundraiser was a great success. On April 26, just
over 1000 kilos of clothing, fabric and shoes were donated. This
raised 226 for a global cause. There were so many bags that we
required more than the Me to We group to load the truck.
Approximately 15 students helped out and each needed to make
many trips from the lobby to the truck. Thank you for cleaning out
closets to help our Me to We group meet their goal.
Next week, the Me to We group will be taking orders for rafiki
chains. The cost is 10.00 each. These chains are made by Mommas
in Kenya and all money raised will go directly to free the children to
continue helping families in other countries.
Mental Health Week
Next week is not only Education Week, it is also Mental Health
week. Our child and youth counselors (CYC)Tara and Neil will be
planning announcements for each day, a bulletin board and a
school wide activity.
Appreciation Tea
We are fortunate to be a part of a caring community. Many local
companies, groups and individuals have contributed time, money
and/or food donations to the breakfast program. On Tuesday, May
3 from 9:00—10:00 we are having a thank you tea and coffee for
you. Please join us on the stage at Hyland Heights if you are
available. If you aren’t available, please know we do appreciate
your generosity.
3 Primary Arts Day
13 Twin Day
Breakfast Program
Appreciation Tea 9:00-10:00
Education Evening 7:00pm
Pizza Day
Pizza Day
Parent Council
Joint Parent Council
Pizza Day
School Play afternoon
School Play evening
Holiday Monday
Pizza Day
EQAO grade 6
EQAO grade 6
EQAO grade 6
Jump Rope for Heart
EQAO grade 3
EQAO grade 3
EQAO grade 3
Pizza Day
PA day—no school for
Monthly Environmental Newsletter Inserts
May Environmental Theme: CLIMATE CHANGE
Climate Change refers to any changes in long-term weather patterns (temperature, precipitation,
wind, storms) that have been caused by humans polluting the atmosphere with too many greenhouse
gases like methane and carbon dioxide. We need to act now, because who can argue with reducing
pollution? Pollution can't possibly be good for us!
The world is tracking climate change. Weather and temperature has been changing too quickly over
the past few decades, which seems to be caused by the industrial revolution here on Earth. We are
sending too much pollution (from cars, trucks, factories, and power plants using coal) into our
atmosphere. Over the past hundred years the temperature of the Earth has risen and this has caused
many changes in nature. For example, species of plants and animals are either migrating or becoming
extinct. Some seaside cities may soon be underwater from rising sea levels. We are having more
severe weather patterns like tornadoes and hurricanes and ice storms. Drinkable water sources are
drying up.
What can you do to help be part of the solution? Well, all of the things we have been talking about
this year can help. It you buy less and reduce, then less energy will be used and less pollution will be
sent into our atmosphere. If you don't waste electricity you help out too. If you walk or bike to school
or carpool you are doing your part. If you buy locally you reduce the greenhouse gases emitted
through shipping and this helps planet Earth too.
You can Google: "Top 10 ways you can stop Climate Change" to get more ideas on how you can
And finally, eat a fresh, local apple - Not only is it good for you, but greenhouse gases were not
created in the processing, canning, freezing, packaging or long distance transportation, so local apples
are good for the planet too!
Slogan of the month: Climate Change is not cool!
Ball Tournament
Calling all volunteers!!!! We are in need of parent volunteers for our BBQ, beer gardens, umpire and score keepers at our baseball tournament! If you can help please contact Rebecca at thehouseofhalls@gmail.com We are also still looking for sponsorship and prize donations! Help us start building our playground in the fall 2016! PIZZA DAY CHANGE
Upcoming pizza days
MAY 3, 10,17,24,31