January, 2016
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Happy New Year and welcome back to Hyland Heights after the break. Staff and
students have returned focused and there is learning happening in all the
classrooms. Hyland Heights now has a Twitter account, please follow us
@HylandHawks where we will post learning, messages and gratitude.
Principal, W. Clarke & Vice Principal, W. Peeters
519-925-3745, Attendance: Ext. 100
* Press ‘0’ to connect directly with the office
Jan. 6 Pizza Day
We are pleased to continue with our Character Education Assemblies this year.
Currently, we are focusing on the trait Compassion and our student lead assembly
will be the first week in February. You are welcome to attend the assembly that will
be at 9:00am on Tuesday, Feb. 2 in the gym.
Jan. 11 Parent Council meeting
Jan. 13 Pizza Day
We are bringing back Constant Contact as a way to communicate in a timely
manner with you. We will use Constant Contact to send newsletters, memos,
reminders or urgent news electronically. If you wish to receive information
electronically, please fill out the form included in this newsletter, detach it and send it
to your child’s homeroom teacher.
Jan. 20 Pizza Day
Please check the board website for bus cancellations. www.ugdsb.on.ca
Jan. 22 PA day, no school for students
W. Clarke, W. Peeters
Jan. 25 Dairy presentations all day
Goodbye and Welcome
Jan. 26 Dairy presentations am
Hyland Heights says good bye to Mr. Zuk and Mrs. Wagner. Both are moving on to
new adventures and we wish them well in their new endeavours. Mr. Zuk has moved
into retirement so he can spend his time in the Northern Ontario and with his family.
Mrs. Wagner has transferred to Glenbrook to teach in a grade 3 classroom. We are
pleased that we will continue to see her in our community.
Jan. 27 Dairy presentations am
Please welcome Mr. Cappello and myself, Ms. Clarke to the Hyland Heights
community. Mr. Cappello is not new to the area as he grew up in Shelburne and
attended Hyland Heights. His former accomplishments remain in the halls of the
school. Mr. Cappello is teaching in our primary division in grade 1. I am excited to
be here at Hyland Heights as Principal. I look forward to meeting and working with
the staff, students and parents in the community.
Breakfast With Santa
Jan. 15 Safe social media presentation
Intermediate students
Jan. 28 Winter Activities Day
Feb. 1-5
Kindergarten Registration
Upcoming Opportunities
Teachers are planning and organizing a play,
talent show, and hockey—these are great
experiences for students. Ask your child if
they are getting involved.
A huge thank you to Mairi MacRae, with at Home Realty and her family who gave of
their time to organize, set-up, purchase, cook and clean up for the event, breakfast
with Santa. Those who attended benefited from a delicious breakfast, visit with
Santa, bake sale, vendors and a display from the Feral Cat Society. Glenbrook,
Centennial Hylands and Hyland Heights benefited from breakfast food and snack
donations. The Feral Cat Society received much needed food and kitty litter.
Digital Footprint
Also, thank you to Helen Fleming owner of Pete’s Donuts, for her time and generous
donations of coffee and baked goods for the event; and to our CYC, Tara McCabe
for her time, dedication to our students and community. Thank you to all other
What they write and share will stay with them
forever. We know that employers follow and
check what applicants have on their social
media. Poor choices will have implications for
them. We want our students making great
choices so we are moving forward with more
education on their “digital footprint.”
The breakfast program is important for students because when kids are fed they are
better prepared for their day and learning. This program is open to all students and it
is overseen by our CYC Tara McCabe. Each morning students are greeted by either
Tara or Neil, students from the high school, and/or teachers. We appreciate all who
support our students so they can be successful at school and as a member of our
In this age of social media it is important that
we give our students the message that they
are not anonymous when they are
writing/sharing on any media platform.
The Shelburne Police will be at Hyland
Heights to share their education slideshow
with our intermediate division about internet
safety. The show is approximately 35 minutes
in length and then there will an opportunity for
Shelburne Home Hardware
Thank you to Bill at Shelburne Home Hardward for his Buy a Plate
fundraising event. Bill donated 5,000.00 and our community raised
7, 500.00 to be shared among our 5 northern schools for breakfast
Library News
The Book Fair which was held
from December 2 7, was a huge
success, thanks in part to our
terrific group of volunteers.
Thank you to all students,
teachers and families who
supported the Book Fair. Special congratulations go out to Andrew
in Ms. Hume’s class, who was the winner of the Family Draw.
Andrew and Ms. Hume both won $25.00 worth of books at the
Book Fair.
Yard Safety
The current winter weather conditions have turned the fields to ice.
We are asking students not to slide on the hills because it only takes
a moment for a fall and injury to occur.
Hockey: starting next week on the yard at recess for the juniors and
intermediates. There was an assembly to discuss the rules and
expectations. All students who are playing will be required to have
the paperwork signed before they can play. Mr. Palmer is getting
extra equipment for students that don’t have the equipment at
home. If you need equipment for your child please let us know
because we would like all students to have the opportunity to play.
Dairy Presentations
All classes are going to have a free presentation
either Jan. 25, 26 or 27. Please ask your child what the presentation
was about.
Kindergarten Registration
Registration for Kindergarten for next year starts the first week in
February. You may register at the office during the school day; or if
you wish to register in the evening you may go to Parkinson
Centennial PS in Orangeville to fill out paperwork between 4:40 and
6:30 on January 21, 2016. For more information,
Please drive slowly through the bus loop as the
weather conditions may not allow you to stop in time. Please park
your car in parking spots rather than in the bus loop as we have
busses waiting to pick up students from 3:00—3:30.
January Thaw
With the rain and warmer weather the creeks, rivers and lakes are
not safe. Please remind your child of the dangers of being on ice
that is not thick enough to support their weight.
Continue to have your child dressed for winter conditions: boots,
snow pants, hats, mitts, extra socks and/or change of clothing might
also be an option.
Winter Footware for School
Indoor/Gym Shoes
To reduce floor markings and salt/slush from being
tracked throughout the school, students continue to
require a pair of indoor shoes that can be worn in the gym. Please
make sure your child has not outgrown their indoor shoes and that
the laces/fasteners are still in good shape. Your support to keep the
school clean and student’s safe, is greatly appreciated.
Constant Contact is an electronic communication that we wish to use to communicate quickly with you. We will send
newsletters, memos, urgent messages and reminders. In order to do this we will need you to provide the office with your
email address. Please send it in as soon as possible so you can receive the February newsletter via Constant Contact.
Cut out the following information and have your child bring this to their homeroom teacher. Thank you
Full name of your Children ___________________________________________________________________________
Teacher (s) name _____________________________________________________________________________________
Email address _________________________________________________________________________________________
Please fill in, cut out and return the above form
Pizza day
Pizza day
Pizza day
Winter activity days
Junior and Intermediate
New Years Day
9:45 Intermediate
presentation—safe use of
social media, Constable
Parent Council Meeting
18 Martin Luther King Day
Pizza day
Dairy Presentations all day
Dairy Presentations half day
Dairy Presentations half day
PA day Report Card writing
No Students at school
February 1
Kindergarten registration
2 0 1 6
Parent Council News
Holiday Celebration!!!!
For up to date
information on
parent council events
and news please
check out our
Facebook page and
don’t forget to “like”
us and share with
your friends!
Find us at
“Hyland Heights Parent
You can also contact
us at
A big thank-you to all who participated, donated,
sponsored, volunteered and attended our 3rd Annual
Holiday Celebration. It was a huge success! In
combination with our McMillan’s Fundraiser we raised
over $4500 towards our playground fund, which brings
our playground fund to just over $34,000.00 !! We
couldn’t have done it without the following generous
donations and sponsors:
KTH Shelburne Manufacturing Inc., Holbrook’s Grill & Sports Lounge
Trillium Ford Lincoln, Infinite Play, Dyman Judo Club, Mrs. Mitchell’s
Restaurant,Timmerman, Haskell & Mills Barristers and Solicitors, Bulk
Barn (Orangeville), Giant Tiger,Subway (Primrose location), No Frills
(Shelburne), Zehrs (Orangeville), Metro (Orangeville), Springwall Sleep
Products, Jungle Oasis, Rebecca Hall Photography,Tim Horton’s
(Shelburne), Caravaggio IDA, Leoni Petrasthuk, RMT, Flaunt Salon, Lemon
& Ginger, Oasis Tanning and Esthetics, Chris Reed (IPro Realty),
Shelburne Main Street Café, Mairi MacRae (At Home Realty Inc.),
Shelburne Minor Baseball, Kelsey’s Restaurant, Mattress World, Super
Lube, Sysco Foods, Wal-Mart (Orangeville), Happy Dragon Chinese
Restaurant, Cobweb’s and Caviar, Enchanting Esthetics, Four Seasons
Chinese Restaurant, Sue Foley Jewelry Designs, Turn It Out Dance
Studio, M&M Meats (Orangeville), Hyland Fish and Chips, Town Milk and
Video, Subway (Mac’s Milk location), New Orlean’s Pizza, Spaw-perfect
Grooming, Ravine Winery, The Hardy Family, Laura Giger, Krista CowenBoyle, Marci Fegan, Tammy Keffer, The Partridge Family, The Macdonald
Save the Date!
Pizza Days
January 13
January 20th
January 27th
Shelburrr Fest
Family Day!
On Monday February 15th Hyland
Heights will be participating in a
community event at Fiddle Park. We will
be competing in a snow-fort building
contest! Further details to come!