In Attendance: Denise Heaslip, Kimberly Dempsey-Jones, Julie Bannon, Wendy Wicks, Linda
Cruikshank, Andrea Carson-Pedri, Karen Dopson, Kristen Forbes, Kristen Macdonald, Christine
Janes, Shannon Partridge and Andrea Davis Regrets: Andrea King, Charity Pigeau, Candice
April minutes approved, Andrea Carson-Pedri motioned to approve and Karen Dopson seconded
that motion
Old Business:
Kelly Elderfield has not heard back about the application for playground fund she is going to
follow up with them.
Madagascar 3 was chosen as the feature movie for the May 31st movie night
New Business:
- Pro grant of up to $1000 will again be applied for, council applied for the money last year
trying to get the grant for constant contact but the specifics of what we can use the funds for
are limited and the application was denied. This year council took a vote and it was decided
that we would apply for the grant money to use on welcome packages for new students
coming to HHES.
JK orientation will be June 4th for Glenbrooke and June 13th for Hyland Heights. The
packages will not be ready in that time frame so they will go out in September.
Charity is working on a very large grant proposal that is due shortly with Canada Post, she is
working on meeting the submittal deadline, it is a large amount and can be used towards the
new playground fund.
We are hosting the Joint School Council meeting at Hyland Heights on Monday May 13th,
parents from both schools are encouraged to attend. There will be 6 fundraising vendors
present so we can get a head start on thoughts for fund raising next year.
Discussed Grade 7/8 year end trips, Grade 7’s are going to camp and Grade 8’s to a less
costly fun filled day. It was motioned we provide the same $1500 flat amount that we did
last year. Linda moved, Wendy seconded. Approved.
Hyland heights Children Centre requested $50.00 from Parent Council to help top up the
sand as the JK’s also share their small playground. Wendy motioned, Linda seconded,
Teacher Report:
- Mrs.Bannon thanked parents for the support and those that volunteered with the book fair
- Mrs.Bannon also requested funding for Hyland Height reads next year – the theme to be
New Beginnings. $500 was requested and voted on, and was approved by council present.
- Mrs.Bannon also broke down how some teachers were presenting in letters about year end
trips and activities where the school council donation comes from. Also expressed gratitude
from the teachers for this donation of $5 per student JK-6
Mrs.Dempsey Jones talked about the Poetry Slam and its great success. Winner received a
$10.00 gift certificate for the book fair and journal, 2nd and 3rd place a $5 gift certificate for
book fair and journal
Me to We day was a great success 6/7/8 students participated choosing from 10 speakers to
talk too personally. Very positive feedback from the speakers on how well behaved our
students were. Thanks to parent council for providing the lunch as all the speakers came in
free of charge.
Penny drive was a success they collected 6 bags of pennies for the clean water fund.
With the change of season the staff is experiencing difficulty in dress code compliance from
students and the amount of time that policing this is taking. They are requesting students
shorts be respectable length and tank tops at least 2 fingers in width for straps. Flip flops are
not permitted just due to being a safety hazard when running and on equipment in the yard.
Hyland Heights is due for a technology re-fresh, money allotted will be based on classes
next year. Orders going in Monday and the school is looking at where the best use will be
such as new laptops or desk tops.
Renovation this summer will take place in the kinder pack, a wall will be installed to
separate the 2 rooms, new floors, paint job, sound proof etc.
As of now it looks like the school in its entirety should fit within the building therefore the
portables will be decommissioned next year and the kinder pack will most likely not me
With Linda Cruikshank leaving to the new school next year it was discussed that Cheryl
Hincks was ok with taking over the accounting books for council. We will do a summary in
June of what things look like, and in September will close the account and split the
remaining funds with Glenbrook’s new council.
Final meeting for 2012/13 will take place Thursday June 6 at 6pm in the library.
Thanks to everyone for coming out!