Dear Parents/Guardians,
It’s that time of the year when we get ready for
the summer holiday and take time to
acknowledge the past school year and many
accomplishments that all students achieve.
There is always much to celebrate with your
children and it is my wish that all students feel
successful about their school year. Of course,
there will be areas to improve and more goals
to set, but please ensure you acknowledge your
child’s efforts to improve, take-risks, grow
socially, become resilient and problem solve in
a collaborative manner.
This time last year, you learned that I was to
become the principal of your Hyland Heights.
Well, a year has passed and I have thoroughly
enjoyed being your principal and serving the
Hyland Heights community. I am very proud of
our students, their teachers, our school staff
and our hard-working, dedicated School
Council. Students attending Hyland Heights are
cared for in many different ways by many
different people. They are all our students!
Our students have been involved in anti-bullying
programs, extended arts education, extracurricular activities, equity and inclusiveness
education, peer helpers, theme days, outdoor
education, reading programs, rural education
initiatives…just to mention a few! Thanks to our
wonderful staff for personalizing all activities
and making certain that our students learn in an
climate that values individual expression and
celebrates uniqueness, compassion and
respect. Remember:
At Hyland Heights, We take care of:
- Ourselves,
- This place
- Each other
On behalf of the Hyland Heights staff, have a
wonderful and safe summer. Your feedback is
always welcomed, valued and appreciated.
M. Zuk, principal
Principal, M. Zuk
519-925-3745, Attendance: Ext. 100
* Press ‘0’ to connect directly with the office
Class Placements & First Day of School Procedures
In keeping with privacy legislation and student safety,
schools in Upper Grand D.S.B. will not be posting class
lists. Students are asked to arrive by 8:45 a.m. on the
first day, and when the bell rings, all Gr. 1 – 8 students
are to report to either the Primary yard or the Junior
yard, depending on the grade they will be entering this
September. When the bell rings students are to line up
beside the person holding a sign with their grade
number listed on it. All kindergarten students are to
report to the fenced-in yard. Your child’s teacher will
collect their students from those locations. If it is
inclement weather, all students are to report to the gym
and are asked to go to the sign indicating their grade
number. Students who are new to HHES will gather in
the Library on the first day and be taken to classrooms
as soon as possible.
Class organizations will not be final until the end of the
third week in September. Given the anticipated growth
in our school population due to the subdivision nearby,
and the requirement for schools to comply with class
cap sizes, there is a good possibility that we will be
required to re-organize some classes. This would
involve a change of teachers from the first day of
school. We appreciate your support and patience as we
work through this process. Please prepare your child for
the possibility of a class placement change in
Report Cards
Reports will be given out on June 23. Please keep in mind
that they will contain marks only.
1 Day of School – Tues. Sept. 8th
1 School Council Meeting – Monday. Sept. 14 @ 6pm
School Begins @ 8:45
School Ends @ 3:15
Students should be arriving at school &
supervision is provided on the yard
120 minute learning block
1 Nutritional Break
Outdoor Break
100 minute learning block
2 Nutritional Break
Outdoor Break
80 minute learning block
Fruit Freezie Pops to support Diabetes
Jack H and Lillian D would like to thank everyone for
their support on Fundraiser Fridays. The last day for
frozen pureed fruit bars will be Friday, June
12 . Thank you for donating to find a cure for
Goodbyes & Best Wishes to Staff/ Welcome
Each year we say goodbye to
a few staff members who
are leaving HHES for a
variety of reasons and to a
number of new locations. While we
are sad to see them leave, we wish them
the very best in their new adventures at a new
location. Best wishes to Ms Koch who will be
working at a school closer to home. Joining us in
September will be Mr. Wayne Peeters. Mr. Peeters
will be our Vice-principal as well as teaching our
grade 8 class. I would also like to welcome Mrs.
Gwen Bell, who will share some of the teaching for
our grade 8 class as well as covering planning time
for some staff. Mrs. Bell is currently on a parenting
Leave and will join us in December, 2015.
Attendance during the first weeks in September?
If you any have plans that would involve
your child being away during the first
week of school, please call to let us
know. We cannot count your child as
attending unless they are present or we
hear from you. This is critical information for us to
have and may help reduce the number of class
changes required.
Student Agenda’s & Student Supplies
In an effort to maintain excellent
communication between school
and home, agendas have again
been ordered for all students in
Grades 1 to 8. On the first day of
school, each student is asked to bring in $7.00 to
cover part of the cost for school agendas. A list of
‘suggested’ materials will be sent home with during
the last week of school.
Track and Field Update
The county track and field meet will be held this
week and we are again incredibly proud of the hard
work that Hyland Heights students and staff have
done to prepare for this special event. Thank you to
Ms. Batchelor, Ms. Millsap, Ms. Niedzwiecki, and
Mrs. Davidson for organizing, practicing,
encouraging, and helping students to demonstrate
their best at the meet!
Appreciation to School
Council & Parent
A very special thank-you to
this year’s School Council
chair, Charity Pigeau and Treasurer, Lisa Ward, as
well as the following parents who regularly gave of
their time to coordinate pizza days, smoothie days,
and pita days: Sue Fowley, Kristin Forbes,
Rebecca Hall & Lisa Ward. We would also like to
extend a big thank-you to Onita Kovacs who has
done a tremendous job with our milk token
program this year. In addition to this food team of
parents, we are truly grateful for all the additional
support that has come from a large number of
parents who contribute when they are available
and where there is a need. Short term calls for help
always seem to get a response and this is why
goals set at the beginning of this year have been
achieved and exceeded. We appreciate the time
and efforts from all of you and enjoyed your new
ideas to encourage and maintain a positive
learning environment for all kids. Special
appreciation also goes to all HHES parents for
supporting school-wide events and for
communicating and working closely with your
child’s teacher, so we can best meet their needs!
Notes of Appreciation
Thank-You Nancy Nancekivell and Onita
Kovacs for brainstorming and problemsolving with students each day during
lunch and recess. You always take the
time to listen to students and have a
special sensor for anticipating where
problems may arise. Thank-You also to Ms. Jenkins,
Mrs. Bacon and Mr. Pate, for filling in as lunch/yard
supervisor when we were short of support. Your
flexibility for short notice requests is always greatly
appreciated. Mrs. Stewart has also made such a
positive significant impact as a Primary and Junior
reading tutor and your enthusiasm on Spirit Days
tops all! We are grateful for your generosity in giving
to Hyland Heights all year long. Thanks also to Doug
Galloway, Allen Dodson, and Sherri Harris, our hard
working custodians, for always being available and
present when custodial or other needs arise. We
benefit greatly by the pride you take in your work
each and every day!
The Forest of Reading Book Clubs have
now come to an end, with the Primary
grades celebrating the winner of the
Blue Spruce Book Club during their
library times in May. The Silver Birch
and Red Maple Book Clubs will hold their own
special celebration during the month of June.
Once again, we had a very successful Spring Book
Fair, which included events like our “Fictional
Character Day” and even a visit from Clifford the Big
Red Dog. Thank you to all the students, parents and
staff who visited the Book Fair. Special thanks go
out to all the wonderful volunteers who helped make
the Book Fair such a great success.
Please Return all library and school books!
During the month of June, all library books need to
be returned so we can have a fresh start in
September. If your child brings home an overdue
notice, please help him/her locate and return the
book(s) in question. Your help is appreciated.
If You are Moving… Please let us know!
Please note that the first day of
school for elementary students is
Tuesday, September 8th, 2015.
Please contact the school office
at 519-925-3745 by June 25,
2015 if you know that you are
moving and that your child(ren)
will not be attending Hyland Heights in September.
Please register at your child's new school as soon as
possible. Also, if new families with school-aged
children move into your neighbourhood, please
encourage them to phone the school or visit us to
register their children. This information will be helpful
in our planning for the 2014-15 school year. The
office will be closed @ 4:00p.m. on June 26 and
will re-open on Aug 25th.
Transportation Information Letters
The Transportation Consortium will
produce a personal letter with pick-up
and drop-off times, ONLY for students
who are new registrants to the school
system. Additional transportation information can be
found on the transportation website during the third
week of August. You will need to enter your child’s
OEN (Ontario Education Number listed on your
child’s report card) on the following website to see
pick-up and drop-off times. http://www.stwdsts.ca
Annual JK & Kindergarten Ride
The Upper Grand School Bus
Operator’s Association is hosting
a Free Bus Ride for all JK &
Kindergarten students and their
families. We recommend all JK &
Kindergarten students participate
in this valuable program. More information will be
posted shortly on the following
link: www.stwdsts.ca
Lost & Found
Please drop by the school or have
your child double check our Lost &
Found for any lost or missing items.
After the last day of school, unclaimed
items will be donated to a local
charity. If you find any school books or equipment
at home over the summer holiday, please have
your child return them to the school. We are always
happy to have items returned; even late!
Important Note re: Police Checks for September
We would like to remind all parents
wanting to volunteer at the school or attend a class
trip/event with your child, that there are two
1. Volunteer Form: A volunteer form needs to be
filled out that outlines expectations around
interactions with students and protecting the privacy
of students or information about students. Please
look for this form coming home during the first week
of school.
2. Police Checks:
***Starting this August, all vulnerable sector police
checks will require finger printing. It takes
approximately 4-6 weeks to have this form of police
check completed. Volunteers are encouraged to
complete this prior to September in order to avoid
missing a trip or volunteer opportunity.***
All adults/parents who would like to volunteer at the
school or attend a school trip must have an up to
date police check that includes a vulnerable sector
screening. For school purposes, police checks are
valid for one year and with July/August approaching,
it’s time to start thinking about having yours
* Please note that even if you are not travelling on a
bus with students, but plan to meet/join students at
the trip destination, a police check is still required.
Just as we would not allow an individual to follow
along or join our school group, parents may not ‘join’
the group without having a police check. Only
students attending Hyland Heights may be part of a
school trip. Younger siblings are not allowed to
attend with parents.
Life-Threatening Management Plans
If your child has a life-threatening illness, please
ensure that you communicate the details with Mrs.
Hincks at the office. A life-threatening management
and prevention plan must be completed by your
child’s doctor and provided to the HHES office.
Medication Drop-Off in September, 2015
Please ensure that all medication is brought to the
office. Please do not send medication
with your child on the first day of
school. A “consent for Administration
of Oral Medication” must be
completed and signed by a parent
when the medication is dropped off. The
office is open beginning Tuesday, August 26 , so it
can be dropped off in the office any time before
4:00pm during the week before school starts.
Please make arrangements to have
your child’s medication picked up on
the last day of school. Mediation is
not allowed to be transported by
students or kept on site during the
summer months. Any medication not picked up by
Friday, June 26 , 2015, will be disposed of at a local
24/7! Help your child keep their reading skills strong
this summer with eBooks and audiobooks from
Overdrive accessible through UG2GO.
Students can login to Overdrive using their Windows
network login. Digital books can be enjoyed on a
computer, tablet, smartphone or eReader device.
Read right in the internet browser or download using
the free OverDrive app. At the end of the lending
period, titles automatically expire so there are never
any late fees. Our digital collection can be accessed
anywhere in the world, as long as there is an internet
Visit our digital collection
at https://www.ugdsb.on.ca/ug2go and make sure
your student starts summer vacation off right! Look
for the Overdrive button under the Read section of
School Council Meeting- September 14 @ 6pm
As you think about your commitments for the fall,
we encourage you to consider attending our monthly
council meetings or even a role on the Executive for
2015/2016! Our first meeting on Monday, September
14 will include elections for next year’s council
members. Please mark it on your calendar and join
Summer Reading
Summer is quickly approaching and while your
school library might not be open during summer
break, your student can access our digital collection
Pita Day
Follow-up for Flouride
Intermediates at Camp
Kandalore (Mon.-Wed)
Smoothie Day
Rain Date for Track &
Field Meet
Pizza Day
Kindergarten to
Mansfield Outdoor
Grade 3’s to Dufferin
Pizza Day
County Track & Field Meet
at Orangeville DHS
Hands-on Catering
K-4 Arts Day
Gr 4 Habitat program at
Island Lake Conservation
Pita Day
Grade 1/2, 2/3 class to
Nordic Highlands
Hands-on Catering
Reports go home
Gr 3, 3/4 , 4/5, 5/6, at
Grade 8 Graduation
Pizza Day
2:00 pm Kindergarten
Promotion event
3, 3/4 , 4/5, 5/6, at
Year End Awards
Assembly @ 10:00a.m.
PA Day