Introduction to Economics 4th BLOCK FALL 2012 Mr. Boland OBJECTIVE: Intro to Economics is an elective course open to all juniors and seniors. It is a ½ credit in social studies and helps to meet the required three social studies credits to graduate from Iowa-Grant. It is a 9 week course and will include such topics as Economic theory, concepts, systems, basic microeconomic and macroeconomic theory and concepts, understanding economic proposals and key terms, and understanding its significance in our world. GRADING SCALE: 12 point scale A+ (98 – 100) C+ (78-79) A (92 – 97) C (72-77) A – (90 – 91) C- (70 – 71) B+ (88 – 89) D+ (68-69) B (82-87) D (62-67) B- (80 – 81) D- (60-61) All assignments are awarded points and totaled at the end of the grading period. Tests and quizzes typically weigh more than assignments! All assignments, quizzes, and tests, as well as projects, will be announced in class and written on the board! MAKE-UP WORK: Homework is always due the following day unless stated otherwise by Mr. Boland. Projects and papers will be given more time with deadlines at the discretion of Mr. Boland. If absent, the student has the opportunity to make up late work and turn it in with an extra day to complete it. The absence must be excused (health, death, etc.) I would strongly recommend 0 absences. If a student has not completed their homework when it is due and collected, they will receive credit for what is completed! (SOME CREDIT IS BETTER THAN NO CREDIT!!!) Tests and quizzes must be made up within 2 days after the absence. Tests and quizzes will be made up during resource time, before or after school, or other arrangements if necessary. HOMEWORK POLICY: DUE DATE: Full Credit for Finished work 1 day late: Half Credit 2 days late: NO Credit! CHEATING POLICY: Students caught copying homework, comparing answers, or using any type of cheat sheet or other forms for the purpose of cheating, will receive a 0% on that particular assignment, quiz, or test. A phone call, e-mail, or letter will also be sent home to address the issue with parents/guardians regarding the incident. Students will be reminded of the cheating policy before each quiz and test and will have the quiz/test thrown away and receive a 0%. They will also be reminded to keep their eyes on their own paper and to clear desks for all quizzes and tests. If a student is foolish enough to try cheating multiple times (2 or more), they will receive a failing grade for the quarter. This would be a poor decision since this class is required for many of you for graduation purposes. The student will forfeit any opportunity for extra credit points in the quarter. TEXT: Economics: Principles and Practices. Gary Clayton, Ph. D. 2003.