Course: Precalculus Instructor: Reggie Walters Room: 2308 Times Available: M-F 7:10-7:25 and 2:25-3:00; 269-377-3025 Course Description: The course is designed to provide a strong hold on the elements of mathematics necessary to succeed in calculus. This means there is a heavy emphasis on Algebra skills that deal with linear, quadratic, cubic, exponential, trigonometric and logarithmic functions. Text: Precalculus (Seventh Edition), By Demana, Waits, Foley and Kennedy, Boston, ISBN: 0-13-227650-X, 2007 Website: there will be tutorial videos on the website. Chapters (italicized is in Precalc A): Chapter P: Prerequisites Chapter 1: Different Functions and Their Graphs Chapter 2: Polynomial, Power and Rational Functions Chapter 3: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Chapter 4: Trigonometry Chapter 5: Trigonometry Chapter 6: Applications of Trigonometry Chapter 7: Systems of Equations and Inequalities and Matrices and partial fractions Chapter 9: 9.4-9.6 Sequences, Series, and Mathematical Inductions Grading Procedures: The grading for the course will be weighted with the emphasis on tests/quizzes. Tests/Quizzes 70% Homework 20% In class work/other 10% NOTE: Possibility of Project worth 10%, if this is the case Tests will be 60% and homework 20% Percentage Grade 100-93.0 A 92.9-90.0 A89.9-87.0 B+ 86.9-83.0 B 82.9-80.0 B79.9-77.0 C+ 76.9-73.0 C 72.9-70.0 C69.9-67.0 D+ 66.9-63.0 D 62.9-60.0 D59.9 and below E Homework: Homework will be assigned daily. However all homework will be collected and checked for completion on Friday. It is worth 20 points each week. Homework Quizzes: A quiz over the homework will be a possibility most days. It is checked for completion. Warm-ups: There will be a warm-up on the board almost every day. They will be checked approximately every other week for completeness. Occasionally I will throw in a warm up quiz to make sure you are completing these warm-ups. Course Expectations: Attendance: Attendance of class is the most essential factor in having success in school. Do not be late and miss as few classes as possible. The student is allowed the number of tardies and absences as outlined in the student handbook. Behavior: Appropriate classroom behavior is expected in order to provide all students the right to a productive learning experience. Failure to comply will result in appropriate consequences. Cheating: No cheating will be allowed. If a student is caught cheating on homework, quiz, test, or exam, then the student will be given a zero and other consequences may follow. Cheating includes both copying of others answers and allowing others to copy your answers. Both will be dealt with the same. I have had problems in this class before. I will deal with this as harshly as possible. Water/Food/Gum: Students are allowed water only in the classroom. No food will be allowed unless approved by me. Gum is allowed provided I do not see it or hear it or find it. My biggest expectation for each of you is that you will give me one hundred percent of your ability and focus for this class. I do not accept learned helplessness. Give me your best and I will give you my best. Always try and work hard! Teacher’s right: I have the right to change any of these procedures if deemed necessary. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… I __________________ have read and gone over this with my parent(s)/guardian. I consent to these terms of this syllabus. ________________________ Student Signature __________ Date Parent's email: _____________________ ______________________ Parent Signature