Mrs. Arro’s Expectations and Grading Policy for Algebra: Grading Scale: Tests, quizzes, and assignments will be graded on a percent basis according to the following scale: Grading Scale Percentages per quarter 90-100% A Tests and Quizzes 60 % 80-91% B Homework 40 % 70-81% C* 60-71% D 59% or below F *In an effort to provide the best possible opportunity to be successful, we expect the student to perform at the 70% level on each test. If this level is not attained the student will have the opportunity to retest. The student may request to take a retest that will be rescheduled at the instructors convenience with extra materials assigned, but the student needs to talk to the instructor to schedule the test. Grade Monitoring: Gradesheets will be given to the student each week or biweekly and at the end of each quarter. If a student is in danger of failing, a phone call will be made to parents at midquarter. Supplies: 1. 2. 3. 4. A pencil must be used on all assignments, quizzes, and tests. Notebook or loose paper for homework. Book Cover. You will be assessed book fines at the end of the year! A calculator. Scientific are required! I will not loan you one for the hour! *If you are going to stay after school or come early you need to sign in the blue folder and put the date otherwise assignments will not be counted. Homework: 1. 2. 3. 4. Assignments need to be labeled; I will not search for your work! Needs to be neat and organized with answers circled or boxed. No late work is accepted. You will lose points for it being 1 or 2 days late only. If you are gone you have the number of days you were absent to make-up your homework. You need to get what you missed before or after school, not during class. 5. Homework is a big part of your grade! Write out the problems and show all work! 6. If you know you are going to be gone on a trip or leaving early for a sporting event or state tournament all homework, quizzes, and tests need to be done BEFORE you leave. Tests: 1. Must use a pencil! – will lose one point per problem if a pen is used. 2. Must have your own calculator – don’t ask a neighbor this is considered cheating and result in a 0 for both students. 3. No talking during or AFTER the test! 4. Tests need to be finished the day they are started, this may mean you have to stay after school to finish. Unexcused absences will result in a 0! Classroom Expectations: 1. 2. 3. 4. Treat everyone how you would want to be treated, with respect! Be on time! – If you receive 3 tardies you will be spending time after school that day! Be flexible and open to change. No swearing. You will spend some time with me after school if this happens, sports or no sports, and your parents will be called. 5. No taking about thinks that are inappropriate. 6. NO CELL PHONES or I-PODS! If you bring it to class just place in it the phone bucket on silent and pick it up at the end of class, but if I see it I will take it and parents will be called to come and get it. Classroom Regulations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Don’t talk when I or others are talking. Seats will be assigned to each student at the beginning of each quarter. You MUST ask to get up during class and you need to use a pass when you leave. You also need a pass from another teacher if you enter my class late! No hats, coats, food, or beverages are allowed in the room at any time! I have read and understood Mrs. Arro’s rules and regulations for Algebra I. Parent/Guardian Signature _____________________________________________________ Student Signature _____________________________________________________________