Ms. Zinner's Class Policies for 2008-2009 La Quinta High School MATERIALS Bring the following daily: your textbook w/a bookcover black and blue ink pens 3-ring binder (with 4 dividers) two #2 pencils notebook paper several colored pencils graph paper (1/4 inch squares) correction fluid compass eraser protractor with a small hole at the center of the base 6" or 12" ruler (measuring both in inches and centimeters) scientific calculator with an owner's manual HOMEWORK POLICIES Homework is assigned almost every day and is generally due at the beginning of the next class. Ten to fifteen assignments are graded each quarter and each one earns up to four points. Thursday is usually homework collection day. MAKE-UP WORK Late homework will not be accepted. Homework and tests may be made up if the student has an excused absence. Quizzes cannot be made up. In the case of a planned absence, such as a school activity or a doctor's appointment, it is the student's responsibility to notify the teacher, turn in homework, get the new assignment, and take any tests or quizzes that would be missed prior to the day of absence. GRADING Tests and Quizzes Homework Notebook Classwork and Participation GRADING SCALE LETTER GRADE A B C PERCENT OF TOTAL POINTS 90-100% 80-89 68-79 75% 10% 10% 5% D F 63-67 0-62 CLASS RULES 1. No food, drinks, or gum, except water in a sealed container. 2. Bring your homework and all materials to class daily. 3. Be seated at your desk when the bell rings. 4. No moving about the classroom without permission. 5. Listen carefully to all instructions before starting an assignment or activity. 6. Raise your hand and wait to be called on before speaking out during class. 7. Do not write on books, desks, or other school property. 8. Textbooks must have bookcovers on at all times. 9. No grooming, showing photos, or other distracting activities are permitted in class. 10. Each student may use no more than two hall passes per quarter. Each hall pass allows for an absence of up to five minutes. 11. Show respect for the safety, feelings, and opinions of others. Use only language and a tone of voice which are appropriate to the classroom setting. 12. You will be dismissed each period by the teacher, not by the bell. TARDY POLICY The La Quinta tardy policy is enforced in this class. Multiple tardies in any quarter may result in detentions, Saturday school, or a referral to the principal with a recommendation for W/F. CHEATING POLICY The La Quinta cheating policy is enforced in this class. One incident of cheating will result in a zero grade for the assignment or test, and suspension pending a parent conference. Any student found cheating on multiple occasions during his or her La Quinta career will be referred to the principal with a recommendation for W/F.