Plants Unit 13 Worksheet

Plants Unit 13 Worksheet
1. Plant cells contain a nucleus and therefore are known as ______________________ cells.
2. The cell wall of a plant cell is composed of ________________________.
3. Plants can produce their own food therefore they are called _______________________.
4. The two main types of plants are __________________ and ______________________.
5. Vascular plants contain ___________________ to move the water up from the roots and ________________ to
carry the sugar down from the leaves.
6. ____________________ is the most common non-vascular plant.
7. Gymnosperms stored their seeds in _______________.
8. ____________________ flower and produce fruits.
9. Non-vascular plants use the processes of __________________ and ________________ to transports water and
material from cell to cell.
10. Vascular plants use xylem and phloem to transport materials throughout the plant. Xylem and phloem are similar
the humans ________________ and _________________.
11. Plants perform photosynthesis to make sugar then perform cellular ______________ to break down this sugar to
make ___________.
12. Cellular respiration takes place in what cellular organelle? _____________________
13. The small holes in leaves that plants use to take in the gas _____________________ are called
14. When plants open their stomata during the day they sometimes lose water. The loss of water from plant leaves is
called ___________________________.
15. Plants regulate their growth and life functions by producing ______________________.
16. A tropism is a plant’s response to a stimulus.
a. a plant’s response to light is called ______________________
b. a plant’s response to gravity is called ______________________
c. a plant’s response to touch is called _______________________
17. Plants can reproduce both _____________________ and ________________________.
18. ________________________ reproduction in plants creates greater variation and therefore is better for the
evolution of plants.
19. Angiosperms produce _____________________ for reproduction.
20. Most flower contain both _____________ and _______________ parts.
21. The ___________________ is the male part of the flower and produces ____________ the male gamete.
22. Gametes are sex cells and are produced from this type of cell division? _______________.
23. The _________________ is the female part of the flower is the ______________. It contains the
_______________ which produces the eggs.
24. Once a flower becomes pollinated, the sperm fertilizes the egg and the fertilized egg develops into a
25. In angiosperms the seeds are protected and enclosed within a _______________.
26. What is the evolutionary significance of fruit? (Why are they important to plants?)
27. Seeds can be dispersed by ________________, ___________________ or _______________.
28. Germination is:
29. Plant leaves have a waxy cuticle to prevent _________________ loss.
30. Use the following word to complete the chart.
stomata, spongy mesophyll, cuticle, upper epidermis, chloroplasts, palisade mesophyll,
1. vascular bundle
6. lower epidermis
8. air space
9. guard cells
11. xylem
12. phloem
13. cross section of a leaf
31. List 3 plant adaptations
32. ______________ _____________ on roots help increase surface area for better water absorption.
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