Plant Quiz Review Sheet

Plant Quiz Review Sheet
1) Non-Vascular Plants - lack _________________. Do not have true roots, stems or leaves. Nonvascular plants rely on the processes of ___________ and _____________ to get needed
Grow in ___________ environments
____________ to the ground
Examples: _______________________
2) Vascular Plants - use _________ __________. Vascular plants
have __________ and __________. These tube like structures
are used to _______________________________________.
Examples: ___________________________________.
Two kinds of Vascular Tissue:
_________ - transports water and minerals from the _______ to the ________
_________ - transports sugar molecules from the ________ to the _________
*Plants usually have a waxy, protective layer called a ____________ that holds in moisture. Gas
exchange can occur through small openings in the leaves called ___________.
There are three types of Vascular Plants
1) __________________ - Have stems, but no seeds.
Reproduce with _____________ as seen on the backs
of ferns. Examples: _______________________
2) _________________ - Usually produce seeds in cones
Rely on wind and water to transport pollen from male cone to female
Examples: _______________________________
3) Angiosperms - produce __________ and ___________.
Most successful group of plants because __________ carry
their pollen from flower to flower.
Seeds are enclosed in a ______________ that can be carried
from place to place.
Includes most plants that we see.
Examples: _______________________________
Plant Processes:
1) ____________ - a change in the growth of a plant in response to a stimuli. Plants growth in
response to light is called ____________. Plant growth in response to gravity is called
2) Photosynthesis – takes place in the ______________ using sunlight energy captured by the
green pigment called ____________. Reactants: _________, __________, ___________.
Products: _____________ and ___________.
3) Cellular Respiration: ___________ and ____________ are broken down in the ____________
to release stored energy in the form of ___________. ___________ and __________ are
waste products.
Classify These Plants:
(Very small)