2015-2016 US History Syllabus

11th U.S. History Syllabus
Mr. Brennan
Room 101
Tutorials: Tuesday-Thursday 7:40am
Planning: 11:55-12:45
It is my pleasure to be teaching U.S. History Since 1877 this year. In United States History Since 1877 students
study the history of the United States from 1877 to the present. The course content is based on the founding
documents of the U.S. government, which provide a framework for its heritage. Historical content focuses on
the political, economic, and social events and issues related to industrialization and urbanization, major wars,
domestic and foreign policies, and reform movements, including civil rights. Students examine the impact of
geographic factors on major events and eras and analyze their causes and effects. Students examine the
impact of constitutional issues on American society, evaluate the dynamic relationship of the three branches
of the federal government, and analyze efforts to expand the democratic process. Students use criticalthinking skills and a variety of primary and secondary source material to explain and apply different methods
that historians use to understand and interpret the past, including multiple points of view and historical
For a brief overview of what we will be studying in class, please visit my webpage. There you will find a variety
of resources including: Daily Lesson Plans, Course Year at a Glance, Six Weeks Calendars, Supply List and
more. I will also post announcements to my homepage that you may subscribe to via RSS Feeds. My
Webpage may be accessed by scanning the QR code in the top right hand corner, or by going to:
Teaching Procedures:
Most classes will be conducted as follows:
1. Class starts with a warm-up exercise, usually covering a skill for the current unit or TEKS practice.
2. Class will proceed with the lesson for the day: activities will vary from lectures, class discussions, group
work, and projects.
3. Class will usually end with a closure activity: exit ticket, quick-write, or stoplight.
4. Classes can expect about two hours’ worth of out of class work per week. (each student has a 45 minute
study hall every day, if time is utilized properly students will have little to no “homework”)
Classroom Rules:
1. Respect the teacher, yourself, and others.
2. Be in your seat working when the bell rings.
3. Follow direction the first time.
4. Preserve a positive learning environment.
5. Do your best work and turn it in on time.
Possible Consequences Include:
 Verbal/written Warning
 Written Assignment
 Call Home
 Detention
 Office Referral
Grading Policy:
Daily Grades: 50%
Test/Project Grades: 50%
The semester grade will be determined by counting
each 6 weeks grade 25% and the semester exam
What You Need In Class Everyday:
Pen, Paper, Correction Pen
Textbook and other materials as assigned
Daily Expectations:
You will be expected to enter class silently, quickly gather any materials, sit in your desk and get to work on
the daily warm-up. You can expect a warm-up every day but test days.
Students who choose not to follow daily expectations will see consequences until they can master the
Absences and Late Work:
For each daily excused absence, the student will have one extra day to turn in an assignment*. Work that is
late for any reason other than an excused absence will receive a grade no higher than 70%. Any assignment
that is two days late will receive a 0.
* Extracurricular absences DO NOT count under the extra day rule. You should be aware of these absences and make
every effort to turn the work in early when possible, otherwise it is due the day you return.
Students in this class are not assigned a lot of work that is intended to be completed solely outside of class.
Typically they will start an assignment in class and be given plenty of time to work on it. If a student is
bringing home a lot of work they may be struggling or not utilizing class time appropriately. If the class as a
whole is struggling to utilize class time appropriately extra work may be assigned to ensure they grasp the
specific concepts we are trying to master that day.
Tardy Policy
Any student that arrives in the door after the bell has rung will be considered tardy unless that student has a
note from another teacher that is signed and dated with a departure time. Students who check in and then
use the restroom or get a drink during the passing period will be required to use a pass if they come in after
the bell. If no passes remain, they are considered tardy. Tardies will be tracked and acted upon by the Office.
Grades: Grades are entered into my online grade book on a weekly basis. Major papers and projects are the
exception to that rule.
 O- Indicates the student actually scored a zero or did not turn in the assignment after two days.
 MSG- Indicates a missing assignment. The student did not turn the work in at the time it was due.
Missing assignments average as a zero.
 I- Indicates an incomplete. The student was absent and needs to turn in or make up the completed
work within the allotted make-up days (see Absences above).
 Blank- Indicates an assignment that has not been entered, has not been graded, or has not yet been
 With our new grade book program, you and your parents will have access to current grades at all
times. If you have any questions about this, please contact the main office.
Tests/Projects/Essays: Each student will be expected to keep all work that receives a Test/Project grade in a
designated section of their binder. This will be checked each six weeks for a grade. These will be an extremely
helpful resource in studying for the US History EOC Test in the spring.
Student Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: _______________________
Parent Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _______________________