Geography & Civics - Warren County Schools

Welcome to Civics & Geography!
Hannah Dickey, Social Studies Teacher
Course Description & Goals:
During this course, the student will study geography and civics. The introductory unit
emphasizes the use of maps and globes, latitude and longitude in locating places, and the
interpretation of geographical data and how it relates to local peoples. Students will then develop
an understanding of the ever-changing physical characteristics of the Earth and how we humans
interact with, adapt to, and/or exploit our physical environments. Other physical geographic
concepts include climate and vegetation patterns, as well as the differing physical regions of the
globe. Human geographic concepts will focus on educating the student on today’s various
cultures and how they function, or don’t function, in the modern globalized/interconnected
world. With that, the student will learn about differing political and economic systems, religions
and their histories, human migration and urbanization patterns, population growth, and the everpresent globalization trend. Ultimately, this class will not only provide the student with the
ability to recognize and appreciate the various peoples and cultures of the world, but it will also
help him/her gain an understanding of the modern global community in which we live. The
civics portion of this class will focus mainly on the United States’ Government. Specifically,
how it functions on a local, state, and federal level. We will also take a close look at other forms
of world governments. Overall, this class will provide a broader and deeper understanding of the
world we live in.
What You Need To Bring To Class Daily:
1 three-ring binder (FOR THIS CLASS ONLY)
Loose-leaf, lined notebook paper (or notebook) inside binder
Something to write with
All handouts, activities, and homework
A positive attitude and willingness to learn!
How Can I Follow The Class?
Remind101 – I will periodically send reminders about the course via text message. Parents and
students are encouraged to subscribe for updates. [Text @civgeohd to (270) 859-1072]
Class Webpage – I will regularly upload news, links, and assignments to my webpage. To
access, visit the WEHS website, click “Teacher Websites,” and select “Dickey, Hannah”
Infinite Campus – I will update grades on Infinite Campus at least once per week.
Grading will be based on a total point system. Points will be earned by completing daily work,
homework, quizzes, tests, and projects. Letter grades will be determined by the following
numerical scale:
Grade Percentages:
(A) 90-100%
(B) 80-89%
60% Tests
(C) 70-79%
40% Other Grades
(D) 60-69%
(F) < 60%
*“Other Grades” include, but are not limited to, daily work,
homework, quizzes, and projects.
Any questions concerning grades may be discussed with me by making an appointment before or
after school, BUT NOT DURING CLASS TIME. Furthermore, students and parents should
check grades through Infinite Campus. Feel free to contact me anytime with any questions and/or
concerns about grades or grading policies.
Comprehensive Midterm & Final – will be given at the end of each nine week period. This will
not be counted as a specific percentage of the student’s grade, but will be weighted more heavily
by point value than general unit tests.
Extra Credit Policy – I will periodically provide extra credit opportunities. Students should take
advantage of these to increase their grade and learn more about the content area. Also, students
are encouraged to share ideas for extra credit opportunities. Ultimately, extra credit opportunities
and the grade values assigned are left to teacher discretion.
Class Rules & Policies:
Follow all school rules as stated in the handbook
RESPECT other students, the classroom, and yourself
Technology must be put away unless otherwise directed
Be prepared for class
Have a positive attitude!
Technology – we will frequently be using technology in the classroom for educational purposes
only. Students are encouraged to bring smartphones, tablets and (small) laptops to class. Please
keep in mind that student use of these devices is only allowed when teacher specified. I reserve
the right to confiscate any device being used in a non-educational manner. Students will be given
a warning to put the device away before I confiscate it. If confiscated, I will return the device at
the end of class. If having technology in the classroom continues to be a problem for any student
after I have confiscated the device, parent contact will occur and the student could be written up
for defiance. I want to be able to use technology in the classroom to enhance the learning
experience and provide a more engaging classroom environment, but if it becomes a problem I
reserve the right to ban student technology use all together.
Tardy – students are expected to be in their seats and ready to work when the bell rings. If a
student is tardy, they are required to get a tardy slip before being admitted to class. Refer to the
school rules for further disciplinary action when a student has multiple instances of tardiness.
Absences – when students are absent, they miss out on valuable educational time and can easily
fall behind in any class. It’s the student’s responsibility to find out what they missed upon their
return. Please meet with me before or after class with any questions about missed work.
Late Work - late work resulting from unexcused absences or failure to complete on time will
result in the reduction of 10% of the possible points for every day late. No late work will be
accepted in the last week of the grading period. Students with excused absences will have five
(5) school days upon their return to complete missed assignments without penalty.
How Can I Succeed In This Class?
I am here to help you succeed, so PLEASE feel free to ask me for help! I am available
before and after school in my room.
Pay attention and participate in class. You can’t succeed if you aren’t mentally and
physically present!
Activities and homework are designed to reinforce significant ideas from the text. Do all
graded work and turn it in on time. Zeros are not acceptable!
Start studying for tests early. Review materials every night to make studying easier.
This document should be read and signed by you and your
parents/guardians. These signatures are a homework grade. Keep
this in the front of your binder for reference.
___________________________ (Student Signature)
___________________________ (Parent/Guardian Signature)