Sports Psychology Syllabus and Classroom Rules Coach Essick 1) Students are to be in their seats when the tardy bell rings. 2) Students are to bring pencils, pens, paper, and books to every class period. 3) The following are not allowed in the classroom: Hats Cell phones I Pods and MP3 players Videogames or cards Combing hair Makeup and nail polish Food or drink 4) Students are expected to act in the appropriate manner for a classroom setting at all times. 5) Students are to treat each other and the teacher with respect at all times. 6) Students are responsible for obtaining all work that is missed while absent. The student has one week before the semester ends to make up work. 7) Grades will be figured based on the point students earn on quizzes, tests, and special projects. 8) Absolutely, No Sleeping. Class Format for Sports Psychology will vary. This course will use lecture, cooperative learning, group discussions, individual assignments, and video activities. Grades will be determined by the total points earned by the student on tests, assignments, classroom participation, and video activities. The total points earned will be divided by the total points possible to establish the student’s percentage. All grades are based on the following percentage. A= 90%-100% B= 80%-89% C= 70%-79% D= 60%-69% F= 0%-59% There is no extra credit!!