
Scholars and Parents,

Welcome to English III. My goal is to provide everyone with the opportunity to succeed in a challenging and engaging environment. To do so, I ask a lot from the students, and need your support to make this year a great one! Here you will find a basic run down of our year, as well as the classroom rules and expectations. I ask that you sign and return the acknowledgement form and return by Monday, August 29 th for the first grade of the year.

Class Overview

In English III, the main emphasis is on reading and writing skills. Students will develop their critical reading skills through practical application. Writing will be heavily addressed, both in building up students’ skill, comfort, and competency.

Class Rules

A core value that I considered when making my rules is RESPECT. If you think about it, all rules stem from the idea of maintaining respect; whether it’s respecting others, property, time, themselves, etc. As long as students are respectful, they are following the rules. With that said, I do have specific rules:


Listen to and follow directions the first time they are given.


Your brain is on task for English from bell to bell, with your phone in your pocket the whole time.


Be in your seat with materials ready when the bell rings.


Be aware of body language and tone.


Always be prepared.

Consequences for infractions consist of (in order):


Verbal warning


Teacher conference


Call home and teacher detention




I ask students to bring the following items:

A notebook, pencil, and pen (blue or black ink)

1 box of tissues


Students will be asked to participate in classroom activities, because learning often comes from sharing; a classmate may come up with an idea that others did not thing of or consider that broadens discussion or understanding. As a student, this means that you will be actively involved in learning, which is the ultimate goal.


Student grades are calculated in the following manner: 50% major grades, 50% daily grades.

It is the student’s responsibility to obtain and complete make up work. Students will need to attend tutorials (Mondays and Wednesdays) and speak to me about what they missed.


Scheduled tutorials for the English department will be Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Students are more than welcome to stop by any morning for help as well beginning at 7. I am always available and more than willing to help with assignments over e-mail or by appointment.

Odds and Ends

Some things to consider going into this year:

Tardies are a non-negotiable. Once the tardy bell rings, the door will be shut and locked, per HHS building initiative. Even if you are right there, I can not let you into the room without a tardy pass.

Students will not be able to leave the classroom during the first and last 10 minutes of class.

Students may use the restroom at the discretion of the teacher.

In my room, there is no “arguing with the ref”; if a student is asked to do something, there is no questioning or arguing back (this is part of rule #1). Arguing with the ref will be considered a second offense of rule #1, deserving a second consequence. If you have an issue with what’s being asked, you are more than welcome to discuss this with me afterwards.

Now with an understanding of the expectations within the class, I ask that you sign and return the acknowledgement form with signatures for your students’ first grade. I look forward to working with you throughout the year; it will be challenging, but I believe that every person in this room can do this. Students success is my #1 goal. Parents, I would also ask that you provide me with a phone number you can be reached, as well as an e-mail address for communication between us.

Matt Walsh

A127 – Extension 6286


I ___________________________________ (please print full name) have read and understand the rules and requirements of this class. I know what is expected of me, and what the consequences are. I commit myself fully to doing my best throughout the year on all assignments.

Signature ________________________________________________ ___ Date _______________________

E-mail ______________________________________________________________


I, _______________________________ (please print full name) have read and understand the rules and requirements my child is to live up to in their class. I am willing to do what I can to help my student succeed.

Signature____________________________________________________ Date _______________________

Daytime Phone#: ________________________________________________________

Nighttime Phone#: ________________________________________________________

E-mail Address: ______________________________________________________________________

Do you need your Skyward login information? (please circle)


Please indicate the preferred method of communication. E-mail is usually returned within a few hours.
