Biology 1060 Chapter 5 The Structure and Function of Macromolecules Life’s Molecules Define macromolecule, polymer, monomer List the four main classes of biological molecules Discribe the unity among these Building Macromolecules Name and describe the reaction that builds macromolecules Name and describe the reaction that destroys macromolecules Discuss the ways each reaction is used in an organism Sugars Differentiate between monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides – Give examples of each Discuss the various ways sugars are distinguished from one another Describe the uses of monosaccharides and disaccharides – Give examples of each Polysaccharides Describe the uses of polysaccharides – Give examples of each Describe the differences between digestible and indigestible polysaccharides Discuss the role of enzymes in digestion of polysaccharides Scientific Inquiry, p. 91 Lipids Discuss how lipid structure differentiates them from macromolecules – Name the defining characteristics of lipids Describe the structure of fats and how it impacts their functions Science, Technology, and Society, p.91 Lipids continued Differentiate between – cis and trans fats – Saturated and unsaturated fats Describe their relationships to health Describe the functions of fats, their formation and digestion Phospholipids Compare and contrast triglycerides and phospholipids Discuss how phospholipid structure is related to their functions in cells Steroids Describe the structure of steroids Describe the important functions of steroids Proteins Table 5.1: overview of protein function Describe the structure and components of proteins Discuss the functions of proteins and their importance Describe how protein sequences were first discovered Protein Structure and Function Describe the levels of protein structure – Describe the interactions at each level List denaturing agents and discuss their effects on proteins Relate protein folding to protein function Evolution Connection, p. 91 Nucleic Acids Name the types of nucleic acids – State their importance Explain how nucleic acids control and coordinate cell functions Distinguish between the structures of – Polynucleotides – Nucleotides – Nucleosides Nucleotides Distinguish between the classes of nucleotides – List the members of each class Discuss how information is coded in DNA Describe the structure of the DNA molecule – Describe complementary bases – Discuss how they contribute to replication and cellular reproduction DNA and Proteins Discuss how related organisms exhibit similarity Describe the evidences of evolutionary relatedness Discuss reductionism and emergent properties – Relate them to understanding of biological phenomena