People and places to live Population What % of the earth’s surface is suitable for humans to live on? 70% water 10% dry 5% mountains 5% cold Answer: 10% So where do they live? Population distribution = describes how people are spread out over the earths surface Topological Maps A topological maps are an simple way to show information and they help us to make easy comparisons between places Adult Literacy Rate (%) London Underground London Underground Adult Literacy Rate (%) How is the world’s population distributed across the surface of the world? Population density • What is it? • How does it vary around the world? • What affects it? Population density • What is it? • How does it vary around the world? What is it? • Population density = the average number of people living in a given area • Population density = Population Per sq km Area (KM) N.B IT IS ONLY AN AVEARGE NOT A TRUE REPRESENTATION DENSELY POPULATED e.g.. 243 sq km China SPARSELY POPULATED e.g. 2 sq km Australia Extension – page 102 Understanding GCSE Geography 1) Describe the distribution pattern for Figures 1, 2 and 4 2) Figure 3 to help you – can you explain why the world population distribution is as it is. Population Clock