Topological and phase structure of an effective double-Higgs model for high-Tc superconductivity and gluodynamics Presenter: Arwed Schiller M.N. Chernodub, E.-M. Ilgenfritz, A. Schiller Abstract: We study the 3D Abelian Higgs model with two scalar fields of charges Q1 and Q2 in their London limits interacting via exchange of a compact gauge field. The model attracts interest because of its relevance for high-Tc superconductors and has been proposed as a toy model for the non-perturbative properies of Yang-Mills theory. The model has a rich phase structure due to three types of topological excitations, ANO vortices related to the two Higgs fields and monopoles. We present the phase diagram in the parameter space of the gauge and two Higgs couplings using thermodynamic and topological expectation values. Cluster properties of the topological excitations are studied. 1