WDV 331 Dreamweaver Applications Find and Replace Dreamweaver CS6 Chapter 20 Find and Replace Basics 1 • To search, press Ctrl + F (⌘-F), or choose Edit → Find and Replace. Find and Replace Basics 2 • The procedure for using the Find and Replace feature is: • Phase 1: Determine the Scope of Your Search – Where to search (within highlighted text on a page, in a file, a folder, or on your entire website). • Phase 2: Specify What to Search For – Next, tell it what to search for (text, HTML, or a particular tag with a specific attribute). • • • • Phase 3: Provide the Replacement Text Phase 4: Choose the Search Settings Phase 5: Take Action Finally, you dictate what the replacement item is. – optional; you can use the Find and Replace window as a way to locate an item on a page or on your site, without changing it to anything. Advanced Text Searches • Limiting the Search by Tag • Limiting a Search by Attribute Regular Expression • To find three numbers in a row, you could search for \d\ d\ d, which would find 555, 747, 007, and so on. There’s even shorthand for this: \d{ 3}. • Here are some of the other symbols you’ll encounter when using regular expressions: – . (period) stands for any character, letter, number, space, and so on. – \w stands for any letter or number (but not spaces, tabs, &nbsp;, or line breaks). – * (asterisk) represents the preceding character, zero or more times (and is always used after another character). – This is best explained with an example: The regular expression colou* r, for instance, matches both “colour” and “color” — the * following the u indicates that the u is optional (it can appear zero times). This would also match “colouuuuur” Adding Alt Text Fast • Figure 20-8. book page 909 kindle 19373 • The numbers shown correspond to the steps in this example, in which you want to add an < alt > tag to every occurrence of the banner logo • Class exercise complete the add alt text fast – Uses regular expression – http://www.adobe.com/devnet/dreamweaver/art icles/regular_expressions_pt1.html Adding Alt Text Fast Figure 20-8. The numbers shown here correspond to the steps in this example, in which you want to add an < alt > tag to every occurrence of the banner Stored Query to Remove CSS Comments • http://foundationphp.com/tools/css_commen ts.php • Uses regular expression