What categories might these fit into? Think of as many as you can? oak tree daisy cat dog lion rose horse You can use each item more than once. What categories might these fit into? Think of as many as you can? skipping rope pencil ruler hoop rubber football pen What categories might these fit into? Think of as many as you can? pasta milk apple coke chocolate water chips A category helps to label things so they are organised and can be found easily. Can you think of any times we see categories in real life? A category helps to label things so they are organised and can be found easily. Can you think of any times we see categories in real life? shops sports centre library When do we use categories in school? When do we use categories in school? website books trays We are going to try to use this to tag things in our school and our learning 42 + 41 We are going to try to use this to tag things in our school and our learning maths 42 + 41 mental addition literacy holiday recount How could we tag these?