Chapter 13 Study Guide


World History Test The Middle Ages

What started the Middle Ages?

 The fall of Rome

Why did learning decline during this time period?

 German invaders couldn’t read and write

What is the Feudal system based on?

 Mutual obligations – a give and take

Who were the Northmen?

 Vikings

What is a synonym for Serf?

 Peasant

What is a Fief?

 The estate – land given or granted

What is a tithe? How much of your income should it be? Who do you give your tithe too?

 A church tax

 10%

 The church

Who was the Feudal contract usually between?

Higher person – lower person

A greater lord – a lesser lord or vassal

How would you define/ Describe a Medieval Serf?

 Poor

 Bound to the land but not a slave

 Worked for the lord

 Produced food and other jobs for the lord

Define the Medieval Manor.

 The lord’s estate and the surrounding lands

 A self-sufficient community

Describe the tournament.

 Dangerous

 People could bleed and/or die

 Practice for battle

 Spectator sport

What would knights exchange military service for?

 land

What is a Troubadour?

 Poet - musician

Who were the lowest ranking members of the clergy?

 The priests

What is a sacrament?

 A religious or Christian ceremony

 Baptism, weddings, excommunication

Define Canon Law.

 Church law

Define Lay Investiture

 The king picks or appoints church officials

 Against the law


Explain the steps that lead to the development of Feudalism


Describe how feudalism works


Why it is important in Medieval society.

Feudalism is the social or political structure that developed in the Middle Ages. Feudalism develops starting with the fall of the Roman Empire.

After Rome fell there was no government structure and cities fell apart.

Constant invasion and no political leaders led people to leave the cities

People leave the cities looking for a safe place to live in the rural areas

They still need land, a home, and safety (a government structure) in a new location

They turn to wealthy landowners for help why – they have extra land, extra money, need workers and have the knights to protect serfs in exchange for their labor

This give and take relationship – the making of agreements to work in exchange for protection and land- is what feudalism is all about and it led to the development of the

Manor System
