Plant –Like Protists

Plant –Like Protists (Algae)
*Most are multicellular, autotrophic eukaryotes. They lack true tissues – no true
roots, stems or leaves.
*Most have a flagella at some point in their life (reproduction)
*They mostly use photosynthesis, but some eat other protists or absorb nutrients
for food (euglenas).
*Most are aquatic.
*Reproduce asexually in a GREAT variety of ways. Some can sexually reproduce,
but only when under envirionmental stress.
*4 types of Alga body structures:
1. unicellular – aquatic plankton
2. colonial - volvox
3. filamentous - spirogyra
4. multicellular – kelp
*Classified according to:
1. type of chlorophyll
2. pigments (color)
3. form of food storage
4. cell wall composition
*Adaptations & Evolution: Evolve into land plants as evidenced by the fact that
both land plants and algae have chlorophyll a & b, both store starch as food,
both have cell walls made of cellulose, and both go through alternation of
generations in their life cycles.