Life Functions in Protists Your Father was a protist ANIMAL LIKE PROTISTS (19.1) • Also known as “protozoans” • Heterotrophic • Classified into four groups based on how they move – Zooflagellates – Sarcodines – Ciliates – sporozoans Zooflagellates • Use a flagella to move: – A long projection that looks much like a “whip” • Same things that a sperm cell use to move • Some reproduce asexually (mitosis) and some reproduce sexually (meiosis) Sarcodines • Move using something called a pseudopod – this same pseudopod (pseudopodia) is used to help the amoeba capture and take in food particles • Amoeba is a cell that is a sarcodine (***) – Amoebas also called the “SHAPELESS PROTIST” Ciliates • These use “cilia” for movement and feeding – Cilia move in a sweeping motion to help cell move – Cilia also sweep food particles toward the “oral groove” of the cell • Paramecium is a cell that is a ciliate (***) • Removes excess water using a “contractile vacuole” • Contain 2 nuclei: – Macronucleus: stores genetic information (DNA) – Micronucleus: backup copy of cells genes for reproduction Paramecium Ciliates • Some reproduce asexually (binary fission) • Some reproduce sexually (conjugation) – No new individuals are really formed here, they are just exchanging genetic information through the PILUS connecting them Sporozoans • Parasites that live in hosts such as fish, birds, and humans – That means they get their food from their hosts • Reproduce by means of spores – A tiny cell that can grow into an organism PLANT LIKE PROTISTS (19.2) • Commonly described as algae – Contain chlorophyll and conduct photosynthesis • Usually live near the edges of water – And a vast amount in the oceans • Produce a MAJORITY of the earth’s oxygen • Six groups: – Diatoms, dinoflagellates, euglenoids, red algae, brown algae, green algae Cells Diatoms Dinoflag Euglenoi Red ellates ds Algae Brown Algae Green Algae Uni- Multi- Multi- UniMulti- Auto Auto Auto Uni- Nutritio n Auto- (50%) Auto HeteroDecomp. (50%) Moveme nt 2 Flagella (Spinning Algae) Flagella Asexually (binary fission) Binary fission Reprodu ction Sexually Asexually *Alternatio n of Generation s Alternation of Generations • In this pattern of reproduction, organisms alternate between haploid (n) and diploid (2n) • Gametophyte: – Haploid (n) form of organism – Produces “gametes” (duh!) • Sporophyte: – Diploid (2n) form of organism – Undergoes meiosis to form haploid spores (n) that can develop into a new gametophyte • Look at Figure 19.14 on page 516 FUNGUS LIKE PROTISTS (19.3) • • • • Heterotrophs (decomposers) Have cell walls Use spores to reproduce ARE DIFFERENT FROM FUNGI because they “lack chitin in their cell wall” • Include 2 groups: – Slime molds – Water molds Slime Molds • Resemble colorful blobs that live in damp environments • Living mass oozes across a surface – Feeds on bacteria, bits of decaying organic matter, and microorganisms • Are like animals because they move about and engulf food Water Molds • • • • Small, unicellular Live in water/moist soil Grow as tiny threads that look like “fuzz” Some are decomposers, others are parasites that live on a host • THE END!!!