Psychology Study Guide 2015 What are the four goals of psychology

Psychology Study Guide
1. What are the four goals of psychology?
2. Define motivation:
3. What is the main idea behind Evolutionary Theory:
4. Contrast drive and incentive theories of motivation:
5. In incentive theory, contrast extrinsic and intrinsic motivators:
6. Contrast Fixed and Variable Interval Schedules of reinforcement:
7. Contrast Fixed and Variable Ration Schedules of reinforcement:
8. Explain Maslow’s Theory in terms of motivation:
9. What are the basic levels of Maslow’s Theory:
10. How do psychologists define thinking:
11. What is the role of images and symbols in thinking?
12. Contrast convergent and divergent thinking:
13. What is metacognition?
14. Contrast two types of problem solving:
15. List several obstacles to effective problem solving:
16. Define language:
17. Contrast phonemes and morphemes:
18. What is the first stage of language acquisition?
19. As babies experiment with language, what do they learn?
20. What is grammar?
21. What’s the difference between syntax and semantics?
22. Explain how a three year old acquired her language skills:
23. Why are other primates different?
24. How do behaviorists think we learn language?
25. How do social psychologists think we learn language?
26. What is perception?
27. Explain habituation:
28. Relate thresholds and Weber’s Law:
29. Law of Proximity:
30. Law of Similarity:
31. Law of Closure:
32. Law of Continuation:
33. Contrast neurons and synapses:
34. Contrast axons and dendrites:
35. What part controls speaking, vision, and hearing?
36. How does the endocrine system impact the brain (3)?
37. What is believed to be the cause of MS? Alzheimer’s? Schizophrenia?
38. What function does the central nervous system provide?
39. What holds memory and controls aggression?
40. What part controls pleasure and reward?
41. Contrast Type A and Type B personalities:
42. Which conflict situation has two attractive goals?
43. Which conflict situation has two undesirable goals?
44. Name three emotional responses to stress
45. Name three behavioral responses to stress
46. Explain the General Adaptation Syndrome:
47. What is “abnormal” according to psychologists:
48. Define anxiety and its symptoms
49. Contrast conversion and hypochondriacal disorders:
50. Define schizophrenia
51. Describe characteristics of a sociopathic personality:
52. Contrast classical and operant conditioning:
53. For behaviorists, what is the cause of behavior and personality?
54. Contrast Positive and Negative Reinforcement
55. Contrast Positive and Negative Punishment
56. Contrast short and long term memory:
57. Contrast ways memory can be forgotten:
58. Contrast avoidance and escape conditioning
59. Explain what is meant by “Tabula Rasa:”
60. What motor reflexes to newborns display (3)?
61. What cognitive skills did the class video describe for preschoolers?
62. According to Freud, what is the cause of behavior and personality?
63. Keyword: what is an inferiority complex?
64. Relate archetypes and the collective unconscious:
65. For Adler, name the three shapers of personality:
66. How long to Erikson’s stages take?
67. Contrast trust v. mistrust and identity v. role confusion:
68. For what “big idea” is Piaget most known?
69. Relate equilibrium, association, and accommodation:
70. Explain the differences of Piagets four stages:
71. Contrast Kohlbeg’s three main stages of moral development:
72. For Kubler- Ross, what are the five stages of grief?
73. Explain the Hierarchy of Needs (Five Stage Model):
74. What are the parts of Rogers’ Theory of Self:
75. Contrast conditional and unconditional positive regard:
76. Explain the three principles of Client Centered Therapy?
77. Contrast Allport’s three categories of individual traits:
78. As his work developed, what did Cattell develop to identify traits?
79. What are Eysenck’s Three Dimensions of Personality?
80. What are The Big 5 personality traits?