Everett High School “School of Champions” Applications in Mathematical Reasoning (AMR) Amy Colburn AColburn@everettsd.org (425)385-4590 http://everettsd.schoolwires.net/ehs-acolburn Criteria 1. Senior-level math class with a program of studies aligned with Math 107 (EvCC, GRCC) (Follows EvCC, GRCC, Statewide CC consortium guidelines for Math 107) 2. Eligible for College in High School credit 3. Can be taken by any student who has successfully completed Algebra 2 4. Satisfies Washington Student Achievement Council (HEC Board) requirement of a quantitative class during senior year (This course is student’s 4th high school course, after Alg1, Geo, Alg2). Course Description Preparing seniors for a successful transition to college or career choice after high school is one of the main goals of this 4th year senior-level quantitative course, taken after completion of Algebra 2. The most successful students take math courses all four years of high school, however, not all students are interested in pursuing the traditional calculus track. Applications in Mathematical Reasoning is modeled after Math 107, a statewide community college course, and is eligible for College in the High School credit. This course meets the Washington Student Achievement Council college admission standard of a senior-level math-based quantitative course. Course topics include; statistics and data analysis, probability, personal finance, mathematical modeling, and discrete mathematics. The following topic list , approved by EvCC, reflects statewide Community College consortium guidelines for Math 107 and Washington State College Readiness Standards. Descriptive statistics: measures of spread, std dev, numerical summaries, norm dist Data: sampling/populations, surveys/experiments, inference/confidence Probability: central limit theorem, discrete/continuous, nPr nCr Proportional Reasoning Personal Finance Models (continuous): growth/decay, linear/power/exponential Discrete mathematics: Graph theory; Euler, Hamiltonian Additional topics : o Voting, fair division, apportionment o Vertex/edge o Linear Programming o Geometry; 2-D, 3-D Course Textbook Quantitative Literacy, Thinking Between the Lines by Crauder, Evans, Johnson, Noell 2012 Edition, WH Freeman and Co. ISBN 978-1-4292-2328-7 Classroom Expectations/Management Plan The purpose of the Behavior Management Guidelines is to foster a safe, positive environment for learning by teaching the practice of self-discipline, citizenship skills, and social skills. Behavior expectations o Be prompt, prepared, polite, productive, and safe Cell phones, gaming devices and mp3 players should only be used when appropriate and with teacher permission. Water bottles are allowed in class; other food/drink is not appropriate as the classroom is in the science building. An incident results when a student’s behavior interferes with the learning process; this includes the use of electronic devices. 1. First incident: (any combination of steps below) a. Conference with student b. Parent contact c. 1-2 Detentions 2. Second incident: (any combination of steps below) a. Conference with student b. Parent contact c. 1-3 Detentions 3. Third and any further incidents: (any combination of steps below) a. Conference with student b. Parent contact c. Administrator referral Grading Students and parents can access grades online through the LMS system. Grades should be checked weekly for most current class status. For information or to log in, go to http://www.everettsd.org/lms Grading Scale (%) A 93-100 A90-92 B+ 87-89 B 83-86 B80-82 C+ C CD F 77-79 73-76 70-72 60-69 Below 60 80% Summative Tests, quizzes, and projects 20% Formative Assignments, notebook checks, and minor projects Math support: I am available most days in the morning (7:05-7:30) and after school (2:00-2:30). If additional help is needed or you would like to make sure I am available please see me to schedule a time to meet. Remind I will be using Remind (formerly Remind101 if you’ve used this in the past) to send reminders for important dates and upcoming assignments. I encourage parents/guardians and students to sign up so that we can all be on the same page with announcements. Remind is a web based tool and while I can send messages out to the group no one can see any one elses phone number. If you have a text messaging plan that is not unlimited, please note that regular text messaging rates apply to each message that may be sent. Absence/Make-up Policy If absent, students should check the absent folders in the classroom for handouts they missed. Students will need to check the class website (or meet with the teacher before or after school) to get the in class information and homework assignment. Tardies: Students over 5 minutes late will be marked absent (AUL); district policy will be followed for student absences. Students under 5 minutes late to class (TU) will be assigned consequences based on the frequency of the tardies. Consequences may include detentions and a phone call home to notify parents Academic Honesty At Everett High School we value honesty and integrity of work. Cheating on tests and homework by copying other people's work is not acceptable. Making copies of someone's computer disk is also considered cheating. When you cheat, you will receive a failing grade for that learning activity. Cheating also includes the aiding and abetting of cheating by others. Plagiarism, the act of borrowing another author’s work without crediting that author and thereby implying that it is one’s own, is academically dishonest and a form of cheating. Students found cheating or plagiarizing will be referred to school administration. Course Schedule Due to the detail of our math classes you can find more detailed information as the year progresses on the class website: http://everettsd.schoolwires.net/ehs-acolburn Everett High School “School of Champions” Applications in Mathematical Reasoning (AMR) Amy Colburn AColburn@everettsd.org 425-385-4590 http://everettsd.schoolwires.net/ehs-acolburn Signature Page Parent/Guardian, we look forward to partnering with you in the education of your child. The above information is being provided to you in an effort to increase our communication with you about what is happening in school. It is important to us, that you are well informed and therefore an active participant in the educational experience of your son or daughter. Our mission is to graduate all of our students ready for citizenship, college and/or career, but we cannot do this work alone. Thank you for reading this course syllabus. After reading the syllabus, please sign below (showing that you understand and support your student in following the policies and procedures) and return this page to the teacher. Parent Name(s): _________________________ Parent Signature: _______________________________________________________________ Date: ______________ Parent Email: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: ___________________________________ Parent Name(s): ________________________________ Parent Signature: _______________________________________________________________ Date: ______________ Parent Email: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: ___________________________________ Student, We look forward to working with you this year! Please sign below showing you read, understand, and agree to follow the policies and procedures in the syllabus. If you, at any time, have concerns or need help, please talk to me right away. The syllabus is yours to keep. Student Name (please print): ______________________________________________________________________ Student Signature: ______________________________________________________________ Date: ______________ (Please return this page only!)