Class Syllabus - Everett Public Schools

Everett High School
Algebra 2/Trig (MTH351/MTH 352)- 1 credit
Allie Shaw
Prep time : 1:14 – 2:05
Course Description
Algebra 2/Trig will extend topics from Algebra 1 and deepen their understanding. Topics are extended to
include methods of solving equations, solutions of systems of equations, inequalities, work with polynomials,
exponents and rational functions, graphing, radicals, logarithms, complex numbers and trigonometry.
Course Materials
 Textbook (required): Algebra 2 Common Core
Digital Pathway: Website:
 Graphing Calculator: I recommend students purchase a TI-83 or TI-84 if possible, some calculators
will be available for check out from the library.
 Composition or Spiral Notebook that is used ONLY for Algebra 2
 Additonal notebook for homework
 Notebook paper, Pencils, Colored Pencils, Highlighters
Course Objectives
This course is based on the National Common Core Standards for Algebra 2
Course Topics
Semester 1
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Modeling and Reasoning
Quadratic Functions
Radical Functions & Expressions
Semester 2
Unit 5
Unit 6
Unit 7
Unit 8
Unit 9
Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Rational Functions
Sequences and Series
Statistics and Probability
Classroom Expectations/Management Plan
The purpose of the Behavior Management Guidelines is to foster a safe, positive environment for
learning by teaching the practice of self-discipline, citizenship skills, and social skills.
 Come to class with your homework completed. And the necessary supplies to work
 Work cooperatively with your partner or in small groups.
 Listen to directions or to whomever is speaking to the class.
 Technology: All cell phones should be turned off and put away in class unless instructed by the
teacher. Cell phones used in class are disruptive to the environment and distract everyone around
from participating. Cell phones may not be used as calculators
 Be present, be kind, and be productive.
An incident results when a student’s behavior interferes with the learning process.
First incident:
a. Conference with student,
b. Parent contact, and/or
c. 1-2 Detentions
*Any combination of the above
3. Third and any further incidents:
a. Conference with student,
b. Parent contact, and
c. Administrator referral
Second incident:
a. Conference with student,
b. Parent contact, and/or
c. 2-3 Detentions
*Any combination of the above
Students and parents can access grades online through the LMS system. Grades should be checked
weekly for most current class status. For information or to log in, go to
Purpose of grading
End of Course Grades (Semester/End of Year):
To communicate information about student proficiency on content standards to students,
parents, educators and other stakeholders.
Formative Grades:
• To provide information to students for self-evaluation
To provide information to classroom/program to inform the next steps of the instruction
Summative Grades:
• To provide evidence of student achievement for the purpose of making a judgment about student
competence or program effectiveness against a standard or benchmark
Grading Scale (%)
Below 60
90% Summative Work: Tests, and projects
 Retakes will be allowed for all tests/quizzes and need to be taken prior to the end of the next unit
test. (example: Unit 1 retake before the Unit 2 testis given in class) The score earned on the retake
will be the grade recorded.
 To retake a test, a student must have 75% of their homework completed prior to the retake and
come in after school to do test corrections and get help on the concepts they did not understand.
 Semester Finals cannot be retaken.
5% Formative Work:
Formative assessments over concepts taught in class will be used to assess student’s current
understanding and mastery level. They will occur at least once a week. Revisions can be made on
formative work. They allow for the teacher and student to know what concepts the student needs more
help with or have mastered.
5% Tasks (graded on completion) :
Assignments are used to practice and learn the necessary skills, and knowledge, so both the student and
the teacher know where they are and what gaps they need to close to show success on the summative
assessments. They are crucial for students to complete and ultimately correlate to the success the
students have in the class.
 Students will be graded on the completion of the work;
 Students will be given the answers to the exercises so they will need to show work to get credit.
 Students will correct their own homework. The teacher will provide feedback for those problems
students were unable to get correct in order that they may understand the concepts being
 As an incentive to do your assignments, you will receive an extra 3% on your summative
assessment scores for completing all your class and homework at least 2 days prior to the
summative assessment.
 It will be easier if all homework is done in a spiral notebook dedicated just to math homework.
 Additional help is available after and before school if you are having difficulty completing the
problems assigned (Office hours posted on my website and outside my classroom door)
Late work policy: I do not take off points for late assignments but encourage you to complete your work
on time so that you get feedback prior to any assessment.
Math support: I am available most days in the morning (7:05-7:30) and after school (2:05-3:00).
 Hours available will be posted outside the classroom door
 Hours will be posted on the whiteboard in the classroom.
Absence/Make-up Policy
School rules regarding tardiness, absences and excessive absences will be enforced. Please refer to the
student handbook.
 Students should check my website for handouts/homework/notes they missed while they were
absent. I also will have printed handouts in my classroom for when they return.
 Use the text book website to review material that was taught that day:
 Contact other students for notes or borrow classroom notebook
 Make an appointment to get help from the teacher
 Students over 5 minutes late will be marked absent (AUL); district policy will be followed for student
 Students under 5 minutes late to class (TU) will be assigned consequences based on the frequency of the
tardies. Consequences may include detentions and a phone call home to notify parents
Academic Honesty
At Everett High School we value honesty and integrity of work. Cheating on tests and homework by copying other
people's work is not acceptable. Making copies of someone's computer disk is also considered cheating. When
you cheat, you will receive a failing grade for that learning activity. Cheating also includes the aiding and abetting
of cheating by others. Plagiarism, the act of borrowing another author’s work without crediting that author and
thereby implying that it is one’s own, is academically dishonest and a form of cheating. Students found cheating or
plagiarizing will be referred to school administration.
Contact Information:
 Email: The fastest way to contact me is through email. I check my email at least
3 times and day and can usually respond the same day. I also use email to communicate about the class by
emailing home newsletters and study information about upcoming tests throughout the year.
 Phone: 425-385-4561 I check phone messages in the morning and end of the day only. It may take me
until the next day to get back to you. I do have my prep time from 1:14-2:05 if you would like to talk to me
directly during that time.
 Class website:
My class website lists homework assignments by period, and is updated daily, so if your child is absent or
you would like to see what was assigned you can check after 4:00 p.m. It also has links to websites for math
help and other resources.
 Remind 101: I will be using Remind 101 to notify parents and students about upcoming tests and
important dates/deadlines.
For text message notifications:
Phone Number: 81010 Message: @a40a9 OR
For Email notifications:
Send an Email to: with the message: @a40a9
 Online grades: Click on the A: Grades & More icon, then once you are on the LMS
page click on the circle on the right with the A+ symbol. I update grades every 1-2 days. If you do not have
access to the internet at home or work, your child can print you off a progress report in class to bring home.
Digital Pathway:
Textbook, PowerPoints, assignments, practice, assessments online.
During Algebra your student will have access to a digital version of the textbook and resources on line include
video tutorials, diagnostic tests, practice problems and assignments. If a student is absent one way that they can
learn material that they have missed is by accessing the appropriate sections in the online program.
Please have your student practice logging on at home or where they have computer access using the
information below.
If you have access to an IPad and would like an electronic version of the textbook on the IPad go to the
App store and download the app named Pearson eText for Schools. When this is done please come and see
me as it requires additional registering that I must do on my end.
User Name: First Initial + Last Initial + Student Number
Example: AB123456 (case sensitive)
Password: MathIsGreat! (case sensitive)
RETURN This page only
Algebra 2/Trig: Allie Shaw
Semester 1: 2015-2016
Parent/Guardian, we look forward to partnering with you in the education of your child. The above
information is being provided to you in an effort to increase our communication with you about what is
happening in school. It is important to us that you be well informed and therefore an active participant in
the educational experience of your son or daughter. Our mission is to graduate all of our students ready
for college, career and citizenship, but we cannot do this work alone. Thank you for reading this course
syllabus. After reading the syllabus, please sign below and return this page to the teacher.
Student Name (please print):________________________________________________________________________
Student Signature:_______________________________________________________________ Date:______________
Parent Name and Signature:________________________________________________________________ Date:______________
Phone Number(s):___________________________________________________________________________________
Parent(s) Email(s):______________________________________________________________________________________
Would you like to be contacted by email? Yes
I use this only for class communication by me about your child’s progress and or what is going on
in the class. I send home reminders for tests, and a newsletter every couple of weeks by email. It would
be helpful if you would send me an email listing your child’s name and math period in the subject line so I
can add your correct address to a contact list.
****Please add any notes below that you feel would be helpful for me to know about your child